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I was sad to see Rachel go. She had introduced me to a whole new life, one I knew I was going to embrace.
Well…not out in the open. God, if my parents ever found out what I was, they’d probably disown me! Hard-core conservatives. If only they knew that their only daughter now found women incredibly sexy. HA!
Well, they came home late from my aunt’s wedding, but neither looked like it was any fun. As they walked in my dad just kept going up the stairs, and my mom just looked stunned and appalled at the same time.
"So um…how was it?" I asked, meekly.
My mom just looked over at me. "I am so glad you are normal," was the first thing she said. "I am SO glad I didn’t let you come, your aunt could’ve- OOH!" She sat down in a huff on the couch, wiping her nose and looking just all pissed off. "You know what my sister did? Do you? Seems this-this Alex-" and she just drew that name out, like a disease, "-that she was so full of gusto over…is, is a woman! My sister married a woman! She’s this, this, this dyke! Oh, she looked like she was in love, oh did she put on an act. I tell you, she’s just lazy! Never tried to go for a real man, had to settle for something less." She sniffed in the air, like loving a woman was up there with having AIDS or something. This only further convinced me to keep my choices private.
My dad stomped his way down the stairs, taking off his tie and opening his jacket.
"Hey, Dad, is it true Aunt Sheila mar-"
"I don’t want to talk about it. You don’t talk about your aunt in this house, is that understood?" He eyeballed me, digging in his disgust over the whole incident.
"Um…sure, yeah," I quickly agreed, as if I hadn’t changed over the last week and a half. "I already ate dinner, so I’ll head on to bed, okay?" Both parents just waved me away, both seeming to want to continue to rave about my aunt without my presence interrupting. I half ran to my room, shut the door, and just fell the floor. My breathing was fast, and I was half-scared/half-overjoyed. Their reaction to a lesbian in the family was more then what I had expected; gay bashing was like drinking coffee for them, it sounded like. I knew that, if I wanted to be loved by them, I couldn’t let them ever know. Ever. But at the same time, I was just jumping inside. Aunt Sheila was like me (or I was like her). I wasn’t completely alone!
The news of the wedding was kept very terse; either we never spoke of it, or whenever the topic was even brushed somebody got the evil eye. And we never, ever, dared say anything to anyone we knew. I kept to myself, continuing on with life. With a few minor changes
The first thing I did was toss-out (well, burn really) the Playgirl magazine I had hidden. I knew I wouldn’t have use of it anymore. Second, I dumped Nick like a brick (which he seemed all broken up over for about point-two seconds before hitting on the girl at the McDonald’s drivethrough). I knew being boyfriend-less couldn’t last, but I knew what I had to do.
My parents would worry if I didn’t have a boyfriend; they thought that despite never allowing me a real social life, I could, and should, pick up boys like picking flowers. Not to brag, but while it wasn’t easy, I didn’t struggle too much. I planned on just going through the guys at school; never really staying with one and just letting them think I was over-selective.
School continued on, and my plan went off without a hitch. Within a month I had "dated" two guys and just as efficiently broke up, acting like they hadn’t tried to woo me at all (they hadn’t, they’d only tried to get in my pants). I lived day by day; trying to find a girl who I thought would understand where I was coming from. This wasn’t easy, as most girls, I’ve found, are excellent actresses when they want to be. The very few I thought could handle it I took out on a "girl’s night out" type deal, to see how they did. Both Becky and Celia were either hid their feeling really well, or they never caught any of my subtle hints of desire.
For a time I just gave up, staying with one boy, Dustin, for a while. I was bored, and wasn’t enjoying it. My body was slowly starting to mature; my breasts were now the size of grapefruits, and I could fill out a bra with the best of them in the locker room (and I made sure of how well I measured up). I was getting harder for me to have hope; finding a woman like Rachel could take me ‘til I got into COLLEGE. And I refused to hold my lust back that long, I honestly didn’t think I had the will power.
The soccer season ended (and we sucked, winning only two games, and one of those was against another school’s C-squad), and I was left to only school, home, and Dustin. None of those options were appealing, and I was starting to get desperate. School was nothing to giggle over, my friends not having my same "special interest", and having to move into a higher English class only added to my workload. Dustin kept dropping open hints he wanted more then a cheek kiss at night. And at home my parents, still fresh from the wedding fiasco, made sure whatever I saw didn’t have a hint of women liking each other and hung around me when I was at home like ghosts; the only place I could have any privacy was in my room or in the bathroom.
I did manage to sneak a few delicate items past their notice, however. I replaced my Playgirl with a Penthouse special featuring all lesbians, added a long, thick vibrator to the collection, and dumped my old teal thong and bra at the dumpster at the mall, while buying myself a new, sexier, set. I was all set with no woman to go to.
Things changed come that December. My advanced English teacher, Mr. Steinreld, asked me to stay after class. Knowing that I had to meet Dustin after the bell, and that he ‘really’ wanted to see me, I was more then happy to stay after. Steinreld explained that, as I was really getting a grasp of what we were going over (Shakespeare…ugh, don’t get me started) and as I was a class higher then I should’ve been, I might be willing to help out a slipping student. I was unsure; I knew the kids in school, and while I wasn’t an outsider, I wasn’t always invited to big parties on the weekends. Helping out someone may just be that seventh plate at Thanksgiving I didn’t need.
Mr. Steinreld said I’d be tutoring Amanda Grace. And at that, I brought a complete blank. Who the hell was Amanda Grace?
Seeing this balding teacher’s eyes practically begging me to help this girl, I sighed and said I’d do it.
Great, he said, and I could meet her tomorrow. Giving a false cheery face, I walked away. Outside the school, I saw Dustin looking pissed over by his car. As soon as I was within sufficient distance, he went off, yelling about loving me, thinking I loved him, and waiting for a fucking half-hour, that he was through with this shit, and blah blah blah blah BLAH!
He got in his Chevy piece of shit, slammed the door, and spins his ass out of the parking lot. I grinned as I watched, glad I was rid of the asshole, but then groaned out loud. He had been my ride home. Disgusted I hadn’t broken up with him until AFTER getting home, I prepared for a long walk. I then saw this girl getting into a beater of a car just a few spaces away. I think she lived up past my street, up in the private estates on the hill. She was dressed in heavy Goth clothing, and would’ve been quickly overlooked by anyone who thought they were better then her. She had pale makeup on, and I could see she dyed her hair that jet black; the blond roots were easily seen on top. Taking a breath, I walked over and put a smile on my face.
"Hi!" I greeted, trying to sound warm, "um, you probably saw, but my boyfriend just…" I pointed the way out and giggled, like I saw my friends do. I was puking inside, not believing I was actually using their tactics for free stuff.
The girl just looked up at me. Her nose was piece, and she easily had three or four pieces up along her ear. She just gave me this real ugly look, like I was breathing smoke into her face, revved up her beater and pulled away. I was leaning against the door, so I nearly fell when she did this.
"Bitch!" I yelled as she pulled out the lot. Brushing snow off my jacket, I trudged home, and didn’t make it back before it started to get dark at four o’clock. My day was shot to hell, but I knew that whoever this Amanda Grace I had to deal with tomorrow couldn’t be as bad as the bitch I just met.
The next day, Friday, passed and I was once again in the English room with Steinreld. He said that Amanda was in his second period class, and she’d be just a minute. I nodded, took a seat far from the front desk and opened a book in front of me. (Steinreld had a small rep of seating the big chested girls closest to him in, and as I was the only female in there, I wasn’t about to be ogled)
The door opened, after what seemed like too long, and I looked up to see this Amanda Grace.
AHH! It was the Goth chick from yesterday! (Yeah, I know, you saw that coming, but life is stranger than fiction)
She recognized me too, judging by her look of disgust. "I’m outta here," and she turned to go, "I don’t need this."
"Actually, you do, Ms. Grace," Steinreld spoke up. "Your grades aren’t good enough to continue my class, at the level I expect of my juniors, and at this rate you WILL fail." For a short ass, he commanded attention. "Ms. Socreet here said she help you get by, and I will force this if I have to."
"You can’t make me take some tutor," she sneered, looking me over. "Especially not some stuck up sophomore."
Okay, I was with her up to that point, but the stuck up part was cold!
"A sophomore who’s pulling higher grades then you are," I retorted sweetly. I nearly jumped back; she looked ready to beat me down.
"Girls!" Mr. Steinreld got our attention back. We went silent, but still glaring at each other. "Girls," he tried again, softer, "Ms. Grace, you will be tutored by Ms. Socreet or you will fail. Period. You’re parents will be notified, as will the principal, and you WILL be held back. This is not some simple elective you can drop, the state requires you to finish the standard you are at, and this class is it."
She seemed to back down, and looked at the floor, barely nodding her agreement.
"Christina, you will come in after school to help Amanda. I’ll give you my room to work, or you can go to the library if you want." "Library," Amanda quickly said, looking like she wouldn’t spend any more time then she had too in here.
"Fine." Steinreld had had enough, and even with two developing girls alone in his room, he was tired of us both. "Meet in the library after school. Christina will be given what she needs to help you, and you will be judged over your next few tests. Any slack and you are gone, do you understand me? Now get." With that he opened his door and we both left. He shut the door behind us, and we were suddenly alone in the long hallways. Amanda looked a bit worried, those threats of failure really got to her, and I suddenly felt guilty for giving her a hard time.
"Listen, I’m sor-"
"Stuff it. I don’t care what you have to say. You just get me to understand the dead asshole we’re learning about, we’re spend our two ‘happy’ hours together in the same room, and then we will leave. Got that?" With that, she swung her bag around and stormed off. Sighing, not a little undisgusted, I went home.
The next day was long, the knowledge that I’d be spending two hours with this girl made the time drag. I made my way to the library after the final bell, carrying the notes Mr. Steinreld wanted me to help Amanda with, took a seat and waited.
Fifteen minutes went by. I wondered if the girl had just blown the whole thing off, not caring if she failed. I was ready to leave when she finally came in. As she walked to me, I took the time to see her, for real this time. What I had taken to be white makeup was actually her skin; it was so pale, she must never have had seen the sun! Her hair was done in a tight braid, pulled back on her scalp and covered with a black bandana. Her eyes were this real dark shade of blue, but I found them piercing. She wore a black dress top, with ruffled sleeves and collar, and black and blood red striped tights. Tall, pointed toe, lace up boots covered her feet, and she wore one black glove with the fingers cut off on her left hand.
"So I’m here," she said, dropping her bookbag on the table. "Teach."
Taking a breath, now finding it strangely difficult to work in there, I started in on the papers I had been given. Barely ten minutes went by when Amanda just stood up. "Look," she started, her voice softer then I’d heard it directed at me all day, "I know Steinreld is just making you do this, and I’m grateful on some level, but who are we kidding? You don’t want to be here anymore then I do. Let’s call it quits and just leave."
"Okay," I said, "but we’ll be back tomorrow."
She was on her way to the door when she paused and looked back at me. "What? What part of ‘let’s call it quits’ did you not get? What, you want to be here?"
"No," I snorted, "No way. But…" oh how was I going to explain this, "I think we should keep working. You’re getting it, you just don’t understand it."
The room was silent. I didn’t know what I was doing, why was I sticking up for this little snot who only yesterday said I was stuck up? Amanda seemed to be digesting what I had said, and looked up. "You think so?"
I then realized she had no friends. Nobody stuck up for her in school; hell, even I over looked her. I barely remembered her in the parking lot, and she lived fairly close to me. I suddenly felt sorry. "Yeah, I do."
She sighed, thinking. "Well, if you think it will help -and you know it won’t- I’ll see you tomorrow." Without another glance, she left. And I felt a spark of something in my chest that I hadn’t felt before.
Things continued like that for two weeks. We had our spats, but Amanda very slowly opened up to me. I got to know her between trying to shove Shakespeare and his babbling down her throat. Turns out her dad was this lawyer who worked on cross-country cases, and her mom had died of breast cancer last year. I was sorry, but glad I was learning all this. In the middle of the second week, we moved our studying from the large, silent library to my room.
We became friends. Neither of us expected this, certainly not me, but we both realized it when she started calling me to just talk; not about homework or Steinreld, but just as girls. I loved it too; I had never had this connection with another girl before. I was a loner in my own way, but now had Amanda to tell it all too. Granted she never spent the night, but she came over almost every day. She got to know my parents, and expressed sympathy to me for having to live with them.
My parents, strangely, didn’t object to all my time with Amanda. They knew I had broken up with Dustin, and hadn’t replaced him yet, but didn’t push me into finding someone else. They also didn’t press on me about spending so much time with her; I had feared that after Amanda’s forth visit, my parents would worry I’d become another Aunt Sheila, and forbid me from seeing her. No, they were somewhat cool about it (and I think my dad kinda liked the way she looked…perv).
Christmas break came, and I thought that would be the end of my time alone with Amanda. Fuck no, she came over almost every other day. We talked, went to the movies, even had dinner after one. She openly laughed with me. She was friendly. She was beautiful.
Whoa. That’s a thought I hadn’t had in some time. I knew I was still attracted to my own sex, I never forgot it. But the thought had never come together with Amanda in mind. And now, I wasn’t sure I could do that do our friendship; I almost wanted a friend more then a girlfriend.
I broke off our connection for a few days, trying to figure out my feelings. My heart started to pound hard at the mention of Amanda, and my stomach fluttered whenever I thought of her face, her body.
I was in love, and couldn’t figure that out.
Back with Rachel it had been so much easier! I didn’t have to work at it, I wasn’t the one who made the move, and after our first night we knew we fit together. With Amanda, I couldn’t fit anything together right. Pieces went missing in my mind, and these horrible nightmarish thoughts of what would happen if I confessed and she turned me away kept me awake. I was near crying by Christmas.
The eve of the holy night came, and I put on a show for Mom and Dad. I opened my gifts and feigned joy over books, clothes and such (though I was surprised with a full computer they had gotten me) and made it through the morning without incident. As soon as the gift giving was done, my dad went to drink another pot of coffee, and my mom went to fuss over some new dinner party she was hosting that night. I was left alone, alone to jump out of my nightgown when the phone rang.
Cursing myself, I picked up the line.
"Chris?" I knew immediately Amanda thought something was wrong. I cursed myself again for doing this to her, but I couldn’t figure out what to do. "Um…you never called me back…did something happen?" I knew she was worried; she thought she was going to lose her only real friend.
"Um, n-no, nothing happened," I started to lie through my teeth, "Just…you know, out buying presents and all that."
"But we did that together last week; I helped you find that Martha Stewart pot set your mom wanted, remember?"
Shit, I did remember. This was not going good. "Yeah well…this wasn’t a present I could buy with you around, you know?" Crap! I was going too far! She wasn’t supposed to know about that!
"Really?" She sounded surprised. "Um…wow. Hey, yeah, I got you something too. You want me to come over and we can swap?"
NO! No, no, no, no, NO! This was going too fast! How the fucking hell did I get this far!? Fuck!
"Um, no, sorry." I could almost her disappointment over the phone. "We’re going to a friend of my dad’s for dinner, and they live a ways away." As soon as I fed that lie over the phone, I knew I was in trouble.
"Chris…do you not want to see me?"
Long pause. I knew I did want to see her, but didn’t trust myself. "Of course I do, you’re my best friend."
"Then why are you doing this?"
"I…I…," was so confused. "Look, there’s just a lot of shit happening right now. I do want to see you; but right now isn’t a good time.
"Is it your parents?" THANK YOU! Amanda had just offered the lure to the starving fish, and I hooked on like a leech.
"Yeah." I forced disgust and loathing into my voice. "They’re just being themselves and…I’m just not taking it well." I was saved…sorta. I couldn’t use dictatorious parents forever. "But we do need to get together, you know I want to."
"Yeah, we do," she retorted, starting to sound more like her knife-sharp self. "Tell you what; you need to spend the night. My dad just finished a big case in Florida, and he’ll be home on New Year’s…why don’t you come over then? We can watch the fireworks the county sets off at midnight, call in a pizza, prank call Steinreld…what do you think?" Honestly, I couldn’t wait.
"Yeah, that’s cool. I’ll convince my parents to let me go, I'll make something up. See ya, then?"
"Yeah, sure." I almost hung up the phone when I heard her again. "But I’m calling you tomorrow."
I had a five-day reprieve until I saw her again. I was shaking in my slippers after I hung up the phone, excited at the prospect of going to her house, having her alone in her room. I’d never been to her house before, she avoided it like a plague it seemed. Strange that she offered to have the sleepover there, we could see the fireworks fine from my place. But I didn’t care.
Now I had to control myself. With a set plan of action, I tried to figure out what to do with myself. I couldn’t just jump the girl as soon as we were in the same room (Lord, help us if her dad saw that), and I still didn’t know how she felt towards the whole gay thing.
Amanda and I talked over the phone over the course of the week, catching up over the time I had been too scared to talk to her. We matched presents, complained about parents, and became friends again. I loved those last few days.
Finally, the Eve came. My parents had allowed me to go to Amanda’s for the night (granted I gave them a proper phone number and my promise to leave if she got "wild" and tried to get me to drink) while they went to a party. I spent the afternoon packing a bag to take. Change of clothes, toiletries, underwear; I questioned bringing a swimsuit (Amanda had mentioned them having a pool or something) but decided against it. The last thing I packed was a foil box, silver with a black ribbon. Kind of a foreboding color, yeah, but I knew she’d get a kick out of it. I hadn’t lied when I said I had gotten her something for Christmas. Trying to get Amanda out of my head, I found myself in front of a fetish shop. I knew one of the cashiers from my dildo purchase, a guy who had graduated around the time Rachel had. He was cool, didn’t question what I purchased, or even card me. I looked around, attempting to lose myself in the store, when I found it; just hanging on the rack, a black, spider-web bra with matching panties. The design was very delicate, the webs on the bra doing nothing to cover what was important. Small, beaded spiders where sewn over where the nipples would be. The panties were even better; instead of just one strap on either side, a second one stretched a little higher, with thin, sparse webbing sewn to keep the pieces together. And the material wasn't cloth; it as more like thinly braided silk, like a spider’s. The lace work was like fish net, and I just pictured pulling those onto Amanda. I felt myself getting wet thinking of her in the material, and quickly bought it.
Now I was going to give it to her, and I didn’t know how’d she react; how do friends react to the exchange of lingerie? But I put the package in the bag and waved my parents a good bye. I didn’t need a ride; Amanda lived only four or five blocks away.
After three blocks, I came to a guardhouse. Oh crap, I forgot she lived in the gated estates. You needed permission to visit, and I was suddenly unsure I could make it. I was barely off the curb when the guard asked, "You Christina Socreet?"
"Um, yeah?"
The guard, a short, slightly heavy woman, smiled. "You can go on up. Miss. Grace said you’d be coming by. Go up this street, turn left, and it’s three houses down." I thanked her, and walked past the roadblock. Up this street was right; the damn thing road took a dive upward and the nearest house was a block up the hill! My legs were killing me by the time I even made it to the street I needed, and the road on the left continued upward. Groaning, promising painful infliction on Amanda for letting me think I could walk this, I kept going. A half-hour after entering the estates (Blue Sky Ridge, the fucking masochists) I finally knocked on Amanda’s front door. It was getting cold, and the sun had already started to go down; I wanted inside!
She opened the door and just looked at me; something was up, she wasn’t happy.
"Um…wrong house?" I tried to joke.
"Hey," she deadpanned, and moved out of the way to let me in. Her house, contrast to her mood, was warm; not to mention big. Her dad was some big-shot corporate lawyer.
"What’s up?"
She got this look of hate over her features. "My dad took off last night, after we hung up. Had to fly out to some stupid conference, to spending a FUCKING MONTH in New York, starting on New Year’s Eve, when he said he’d be home for the holidays!" She was pissed, and crushed at the same time, letting a few tears run down her pale cheek. I didn’t know what to say, what could I do?
But then something clicked in my head. Her dad wasn’t home. It was just us! AHH! This wasn’t supposed to happen! I contemplated running out right then, but couldn’t let Amanda be by herself. I cared for her too much to sink that low.
"Hey, great, now we can trash the house!" She mustered a sad laugh, but agreed. Shutting the door, she gave me a tour of the house. Four bedrooms, two and a half bath, kitchen, den, living room…the house was a like a mansion! She had it all; pool table, entertainment system, spotless white and metal kitchen, her own bathroom. The house even had a soft, fur rug in front of a huge propane fireplace!
"Wow." What else could I say?
We spent the evening talking, ordering a pizza, shooting pool; simple, little things to take our minds off her dad. We tested how loud the stereo could go (she explained that the house, all the houses, were sound proof), and even having a snowball fight out front. Amanda seemed to be relaxing; I, on the other hand, kept a bit tense. I kept seeing her image framed in powdered snow, her white skin shinning above the snow, her chest heaving with the effort to smack me with a snowball. I wasn’t relaxing at all... she was turning me on!
Finally it was 11:30. We were doing nothing, just drinking a little champagne we had stolen from the closet sized wine room. Drinking lightly, we were quiet in the den; no music was on, the TV was shut off, the house was silent.
"Hey, Chris," Amanda said, making me jump at the break of silence, "want to exchange gifts? Since we couldn’t on Christmas?"
"Yeah, sure, let me go get mine." We separated, I went to the guestroom to get my gift, and I guess she went to retrieve hers. We came back to the den and just held our presents behind our backs.
She seemed shy, like she’d never gotten someone who wasn’t family a gift. "I found this in town…and I just thought, you know, you might be able to use it." She held out a thin box, gift-wrapped in gold foil with a red bow. I giggled at the color, and passed my silver and black present. She caught the contrast too, and we both giggled, relieving a bit of the tension.
I let her open hers first. "Oh, whoa…where did you…how…" She held the lingerie up in the air, turning it over to see it all around. She laughed at the double strapped panties, but she seemed to really like it. Her toned mocked annoyance when she said, "Now you ruined the surprise I got you."
Confused I opened the gold foil. It was a clothing box, like the ones you get at Sears, but too small to hold anything big. And thin; the thing couldn’t have been more then an inch thick. Slowly, I pulled the top off.
Great minds think alike or something like that. Slowly I pulled up a pearl white, absolutely gorgeous, bra and thong. Expensive stuff too; Amanda had spent a pretty penny at Victoria’s for this. A mix of silk and lacework, the bra was beautiful. Stars were sewn into the lace, the bare white contrasting to the pearl of the silk. It didn’t have shoulder straps, but instead was meant to fit snug on the upper torso. And the thong…somebody must’ve mixed the measurements up, because the straps were thicker then the crotch width. It’d be lucky to cover my lips, let alone any hair (if I had any). There were small lace frills along the outside edge of the straps, but disappeared as it went lower. I was stunned. It was beautiful.
"Wow…Amanda…you shouldn’t’ve done this, I mean…wow…" I loved it. And the irony of it struck me as a tad odd; a black girl receiving white lingerie, while the white girl got black lingerie. We admired each other’s gift, making small talk over how we came about getting them and whatnot.
"Think we should try them on?" Amanda giggled, toying with her new breast support. I eyed her over my thong, and grinning wickedly, stood up and pulled my pants down. She stopped laughing, just watching as I pulled my cotton panties off, revealing my hair-barren pussy to her. I think I caught her off guard with my brazenness, but she giggled again, a little nervous, and stood to do the same. While I pulled the new thong up my tone legs, I was given an unknowing treat.
Amanda started to strip with her black turtleneck, pulling the sweater over her head. I was given this amazing view of her small tipped nipples and perky boobs, which were the same size as mine, bounce in the air with her effort to get the sweater over her head. I laughed at her antics, having my own skirt simply unbutton off, which I did as I watched. Undoing my plain, ugly bra my mom had gotten me, and letting it fall to the floor, I finally took pity on her and helped her pull the garment off.
I took hold of the turtleneck, and gave a sharp tug. Her head popped, and our arms went high above us. I was so close our nipples were brushing against each other; I had never realized we were the same height. We stayed like that, just looking into each other’s eyes, oblivious to her being topless and me just in a thong.
"Um, Chris?" she said softly.
"You can back away now." Looking down, and acting embarrassed, I hopped away and laughed. She laughed too, but hers was strained and half-hearted. I think I freaked her out by staying so close; but I couldn’t help it, she just smelled so good! Sighing to myself, I bent down and put on the bra. Amanda had judged wrong and had gone one size too small, making the material pull tight across my torso, and really mashing my boobs to my chest. Looking down, I could see that my breasts were just barely staying in the cups and looked ready to jump out. I had a breathing problem, but after a few deep breaths, I had it under control.
Amanda was a little quicker to put her things on. Her bra was snug around her tits, the cool air making her nipples press those small spiders out a bit further. The panties fit her like a glove, sliding up her smooth legs like water. She, too, was shaven smooth down there; actually, now that I could see her more…fully, I saw she was hairless. Save her eyebrows and back-length hair, the girl was literally baby-butt smooth. What, did she not like hair?
She finished putting her lingerie on, and we looked at each other. Good lord, did she look sexy! The black really stuck out on her, and it just heightened her slim, pale features. I almost moved forward to her again, then remembered what had just happened.
"Wow." She had checked me out. "You look great. Oh, shit, did I pick something too small?"
"No, no," I assured her, hefting the bra up, "it’s prefect." Across the room, a standing grandfather clock gonged, announcing a quarter ‘til.
"Guess we better get outside for the fireworks," she commented. "Want to sit in the hot tub and watch? Better then sitting in the cold snow."
"Sure," I was quick to agree, then winced. "Oh, shit, no. I didn’t bring a suit. Sorry."
She seemed sad. "Crap. I only have one."
We stood there, almost completely naked, before I meekly offered, "We could skinny dip?"
Amanda’s eyes widened, like I had offered to kill someone. "Um, no, not really, no." Damn, so close. She looked down, then brightened. "Hey, let’s wear these!" She posed, throwing her arms out and giving me a sultry, super-model look. "Our new fashion." I giggled, enjoying her lighter mood.
"Yes," I said, copying her accent. "Let us." Laughing, we ran outside. The snow was a lot colder then I remembered, or maybe it was just the knowledge I was not exactly clothed for the occasion. We both hopped in the snow to the tub, which was covered. Moving as fast as she could Amanda lifted the cover and we both jumped in.
The hot water on our cold skin made us both shriek. It took some time, but we settled down and enjoyed the warm, bubbling water. I had only been in a hot tub a few times, so I really enjoyed this. Amanda leaned back on the edge and closed her eyes.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked, kind of dizzy from the heat.
"Hmm, yeah," she mumbled. "I just always liked this thing. Makes problems go away." I watched her. I was on side of the tub, while she was on the other. I just stared, caught by her pale, goddess looks. Feelings were starting to stir inside, and I fought to control myself. To gain that control, I stood up and pulled her with me, and we jumped out and rolled in the snow.
Shit, that had to be one of my stupidest ideas ever! The snow on our skin brought instant goosebumps and not to mention what it did to my nipples. They poked hard at the tight bra and they almost started to hurt. Once we had had a good roll, with our hair sporting white flakes and all, we jumped back in for another temperature shock.
I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder when I reentered. Fuck, the sudden change had caused my shoulder muscle to seize up. I reached behind, and tried to massage it. My arm was awkward and not helping.
"You okay over there?" Amanda asked, relaxing against the edge again. "You hurt something?"
"Yeah, my shoulder," I said, still trying to get the damn muscle to relax. "I think I pulled it or something, it hurts."
She nodded, but smiled. "Move over here. My mom taught me some massage stuff before…and I haven’t been able to see how they worked. Wanna be my guinea pig?" she wriggled her fingers at me, teasing me. I looked over at her, not knowing if she was playing with me or if this was legit, but slowly moved across the tub. She had me sit between her legs, my back to her, with her legs on either side of me. I dropped my arms, splashing water a bit, and just allowed her to try whatever.
Her warm hands instantly made my shoulder quiver. Everything above the top rim of my breast line was exposed to the cool air, and her hands just felt like magic. Amanda knew what she was doing, using both hands to focus on the pained area first, then moving a hand to the far shoulder. I relaxed visibly, and had to resist just falling back. I enjoyed the massage, letting the muscle be kneaded and rubbed.
I never noticed my hand start to run itself up and down her leg. I looked down, not that she could tell, and saw fingers tracing a line back and forth, back and forth. She didn’t seem to mind, or at least didn’t say anything. I kept it up, liking how her leg felt. There was an explosion, and in the distance we saw the fireworks had started. The rockets shot up, and filled the sky with color. Feeling like she needed to see this too, I moved beside her. My hand rested on her leg, and while she looked at me, she quickly looked back at the sky.
Lust was starting to build in me. I felt desire starting to fill my body, and my hand, with a mind of it’s own, gave her leg a slight squeeze. She jumped, and looked shocked.
"What the hell are you doing?" She pushed my hand away and moved back a bit. Fear covered desire, but it was fading. I had to know, I had to find out if she felt anything for me.
"I…I…" stuttering, I could only run my hand up to her hip and give another squeeze. She jumped again, but didn’t back away.
"What are you doing?" she asked again. "Are you coming on to me?" Exactly, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I knew I had to do this. I almost didn’t care what happened now.
"Yes." That stunned her to silence. With the show still going on in the sky, I swam closer. My hand was still on her hip, now holding it steady. She looked a bit scared to see me acting like this, but she didn’t scream; didn’t try to get up, didn’t push me away. I looked into her eyes.
What I saw was surprising. She didn’t show fear, nor disgust. Instead, she was just a little confused. And I tried to help the only way I could.
Moving forward, cupping her cheek, I kissed her. Gently, just on the lips, I kissed her for a full minute before she seemed to get a hold of herself and push me back. She was gasping, and staring at me; but she looked confused, not to mention a little scared.
"What are you doing to me?" I didn’t understand, what was she saying. "How can you…why are you…" She was gasping for words, pointing at me. I thought I knew what she was trying to say, and swam forward. I was intent on showing her what I meant, and brought her against the hot tub wall, kissing her harder then before. She squirmed for a second, like she didn’t understand, but slowly stop struggling. I broke the kiss and looked into her face, about to cry. I didn’t want to hurt my friend, I didn’t want to ruin things, but I couldn’t stop myself.
"I…I’m sorry," I had tears in my eyes, but didn’t care. "I-I-I’ll go…if you want me to." I started to stand, ready to grab my things and just run home. She grabbed my arm; she didn’t look at me, staring ahead in shock, but didn’t let me go. "What?" I asked, still crying.
Amanda looked up. She had a face of fear, but it wasn’t aimed at me. "I…think…you should…stay." She pulled me back into the water. Then I was surprised, when she rushed forward and pressed her lips into my. It was awkward, I don’t think she had kissed much before, but it had lust buried into her lips. Angling my head around, I moved our lips into a deeper lock, and we hugged each other close for some time.
When we broke she looked happy, like she had conquered something. "I…didn’t know. That you felt this way," she said, her arm still around me. "I didn’t think love ran this way."
"Trust me," I said, "it does. It truly does." She giggled.
"I never thought I’d be gay. I mean," she said, "two women?"
"It’s not as strange as you might think," I chuckled. We stared into each other for a second, before coming together again. This time we took our time, groping our hands over each other, our lips drawing fire over our mouths. I pushed my tongue into her mouth, with some resistance, but when it was in… We just made out, seeking out our new feelings. I didn’t need much time; Amanda, I think, was still getting used to kissing a woman. Thinking we should move it on, I kept the lip lock while moving my hands free. I brought my palms up to her breasts and squeezed.
Amanda gasped, breaking the kiss, but dived back in after that initial moment. I rubbed and massaged her mounds, pressing them into her chest. She moaned; I loved how that felt in my mouth.
"How do you feel, about this," I asked. I wouldn’t force this too fast. If I could, I wanted to make sure Amanda knew what she was getting into. "If you want to stop, I’ll understand. This can be really different and all bu-"
"No," she interrupted. "No, I…I know this is right. I know you…like me." More then like, but we could work on that. She moved away, but she was steeling herself up for something. "You should probably know; I have been with a guy. You know, all the way." No, not really. I understood the mechanics of it, but having only been with one woman, zero men, my ideas were probably off base. But I did get one thing.
"You aren’t a virgin."
She shook her head. "Does that make a difference?" she asked.
I could only laugh. "It’d better not. I’m not one either! Granted, not the same way you lost yours…but still, a cherry popped is a cherry gone." I ran my hand through her wet hair. "It won’t make a difference to me, none." She smiled, liking that. I motioned her back over, kissing her lightly. "You want to keep going?" She shivered, either because of the air or the thought of what I was suggesting, but she nodded.
I moved slowly. Remembering what Rachel had taught me, I started at her ears. Giving them a small lick, I started to kiss my way down her neck. She closed her eyes, and let me go over her body. I sucked at her wet skin, really enjoying this. I had wanted her so bad for so long, and my pent up lust for any woman was making me reach a boiling point. She "eeped" when I tried to pick her up, but she helped herself sit on the edge of the tub, letting her legs and feet dangle in. I passed over her breasts for the moment, and just ran my tongue down to her navel. Her bellybutton was pierced, with a silver stud, which I flicked back and forth, making her giggle.
I made my way to her legs. They were shaking as I kissed and licked her thighs, trying to let her relax. I ran my nose down her panties, making her jump again.
"What are yo-"
"Shhhhs," I whispered, "Don’t worry. Just let me handle this." I pressed my nose into the lips of her cunt, making her wriggle. I grabbed her ass to keep her there, and flicked my tongue in and out over her panties. She was moaning, probably not understanding these feelings, but I knew she would love them. From her ass, I slipped my fingers under the panty straps, and slid them off her. She turned to help, but closed her legs the instant I had my prize.
"N-no," she shook. "You shouldn’t do that."
I just looked into her eyes. "Please? Trust me?" She seemed to think about it, and I ran a finger between her legs. She slowly opened them, and I took my time. Her cunt was hairless, giving me a straight view of her vagina. The lips were starting to puff a bit, and I could easily smell her juice. I was so much different then myself; like a new candy or something. Taking a deep breath of her, I grinned as I lowered my mouth to her quivering pussy.
She groaned; I think, as soon as my mouth was over her, her legs clamped over my head. I didn’t mind, and attacked with wild lust at her cunt. Her juice was slick and coated my mouth and face; I didn’t care. My mind was on autopilot and I was enjoying the flight. Her juice was sweet, more sweet then my own, and I couldn’t get enough of it. I covered her slit with my mouth and just attempting to suck it all out. Amanda bucked at this, using a hand to press my head further into her. My tongue came out to play, licking at her walls. I jammed it up into her, thrusting it as far as I could, and going as fast as my tongue would go. She started to moan, groaning my name louder and louder, telling me she was going to cum. When she did, I let it go, lapping up what I could. Her orgasm left her a bit weak, and she fell down in the cold snow. I climbed out of the water, licking her cum from my face, and leaned over.
"Did you enjoy that?" She just looked up at me, with this look of happiness on her face. I grinned and helped her up. "Maybe we should go inside, before somebody sees us." She nodded, and stood up, grabbing her panties but not putting them on. I stood, running a finger up her cunt, and slapped her ass to get us inside.
"That. Was. Amazing," were her first words after we shut the doors. We didn’t bother to towel off, just letting the water run off our bodies. "When Anthony went did me, he was nothing like you. He was too rough, went inside me without even letting me enjoy it. The ass just humped me until he came. Didn’t care that I was crying with pain when he ripped through me." She growled. "I swear, I see that guy again and his dick is mine."
I laughed and pulled her close. She came willingly with an open mouth kiss, our tongues dancing between our mouths. "And I’ve only barely begun." She seemed to like that, and round an arm around my waist, keeping me close.
"Teach me."
I looked at her; she wanted this, she wasn’t afraid. Any fear had been sucked out…probably by me back in the hot tub. I closed my eyes, just absorbing this inside; then I kissed her nose and led her over to the fireplace.
"Hey," she said, looking around, "Shouldn’t we go back to my room or something?" I chuckled, she was new at romance, and just made her kneel on the fur rug.
I undid her bra, running my hands on skin as I did; one, to draw out the anticipation with the direct contact, and two, to make sure she didn’t leave. Letting the black silk fall, I tossed it lazily to the side. "You know what you’re doing?" I said, making sure of things. "That you’ll be making love to me? A girl?"
She nodded, but said, "Aren’t you going to take your underwear off?"
"No. You are."
She just looked stunned, then nodded. She moved around to undo the clasp when I spun around, keeping her from unhooking it.
"Hey, why’d you do that?" She looked almost angry.
"Lesson one," I purred, walking on all fours to her, "You never go directly for what you want." She stared at me, looking me over, before she figure out what I meant. She moved down, and drew me into another, passionate kiss. Amanda laid down, and pulled me on top of her, rubbing my back. I moaned, and really got into it. Her hands worked my back, and came to the bra clasp. I let her unhook it; god, my breasts needed the release, I hadn’t realized how tight that thing had been. I had a small line across my boobs where the material had dug in, and Amanda traced that line with her tongue. I laid back on the rug, her rove over my protruding mounds. She sucked and licked at them, biting at my nipples. I squealed when she pulled at the nubs with her teeth, and pushed her head harder into my chest. She was catching on fast.
Amanda worked over the area, switching from breast to breast, soon covering my chest in her saliva. Her sucking made popping noises as she removed her small mouth. My mind was gone; I had been without love for too long. After several minutes of letting her go, I put a hand on her shoulder and kept her away. Catching my breath, I said nothing to her as I simply looked down further. She followed my glaze and grinned. She wriggled down further and opened my willing legs.
The thong she had given me had sucked itself up into my hole. You couldn’t see it anymore, just the material disappearing in my lips. Amanda giggled when she saw this, and slowly pulled the thong out. It felt weird, and I couldn’t help but jump every time she pulled it a little further. Finally it was out, and she slid it off my legs. My skin was cool, still adjusting to the warm fire next to us. I felt her hands inside my legs, moving around my slit. She wasn’t going down, still trying to get a feel for what she was going to do.
"Lesson two," I whispered, sure she could hear. Her face was inches from my pussy, sniffing at my smell, when she looked up. "Don’t keep a lady waiting." A good push, I forced her face into my vagina. I groaned, loving the feel of her in me. Amanda did pretty well, considering I had just forced her to eat me. I think she had taken that term a little literally too; she bite, sucked, and just tried to force her way into me. My moans were getting louder, encouraging her to keep going. Where Rachel had been soft and experience with me, Amanda was wild, doing anything she felt would please my sex center.
"Oh, shit! Am-Amand- Ammmmmm…" I could get the words out. She was driving me nuts, and I couldn’t form words. There was no way I could warn her when my climax came, no way I could prepare her for the force of my cum escaping me. The first wave rushed over me, my orgasm squirting some of my juice all over her face. She, caught off guard by this, moved away. I was helpless, and just wriggled on the rug as the orgasm passed. My juice puddled on the fur, and Amanda just watched as the cum kept going. I couldn’t get up; her wild attack had given me the most powerful climax I’d ever had! And she was new to all this!
Amanda noticed that there was some of me on her lips, and she licked it away. She purred, seemingly happy with how I tasted.
"I never knew women tasted to so good," she said, laying down next to me. I rolled on my side to look at her.
"You never tasted yourself before?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No way! I mean, I’ve fingered myself before…what girl hasn’t? (I chose to keep quiet at that) But I never thought to try myself…it just seemed so…so gross!" About to prove her wrong, I sat up and just went straight for her pussy. I didn’t give her time to argue, I just sucked at her lips and mound. She was quick to become wet again, and I nibbled hard at her clit. That got the juices flowing! I bit down, then sucked some of her cum into my mouth. Careful not to swallow, I came back up to her face and forced my mouth over hers. She seemed to reject this, trying to get away and kept her mouth shut. I couldn’t have this now, with her sweet nectar slipping out of my mouth. I used my tongue to open her mouth, and let her cum slip inside her.
"See?" I said, once she let it happen, "you don’t taste so bad." I licked the cum that had fallen on her cheeks up, and kissed her again to put it in her mouth. She must’ve liked it, because she sucked it right out of me! We kept up this game for a bit, eventually just getting lost in a lip lock. Our tongues wrestled with each other, and we rolled back and forth over the bearskin.
We made love several more times, probably ruining her father’s rug. We fell asleep together, naked, in front of the fire. In the morning I awoke to her in my arms, both of us sticky, and the sun just starting to peek over the far mountains. I looked down at my new love. Amanda looked so cute, curled up beside me. She had little globs of my juice in her hair and on her face. I licked the small mess on her face up, then nibbled on her ear to wake her.
"Hmm," she moaned, just moving closer to my chest.
"Hey now," I chuckled, shaking her lightly. "Come on, we need to get up."
"Why?" she asked, pulling me down on her to kiss. "My dad won’t be home for a month." She grinned. "And we have the rest of the day to ourselves." I swear, you would never believe how scared this girl was at first to evening thinking of loving a woman.
I never made it out of her house; I called home and asked if it was alright to stay at Amanda’s for another night (all the while having Amanda tease me by sticking her tongue up my pussy and seeing how straight I could keep my voice). After I hung up, we spent several hours in the shower, never trying to actually clean up.
School restarted; we had to rejoin the normal world again, but now it had new meaning.
We truly loved each other. After searching for so long, I didn’t want anyone else. To the kids at school, it was our friendship that kept us together all the time. Nobody else knew we made out in the back of her car after school; nobody found out what we did on the weekends. And our lust never waned. I mean, we did get into several fights, mostly over little things I can’t even remember anymore. A few times, to make up, we chanced luck and made love in the janitor’s closet (and missed getting caught by two minutes!).
Our lives were filled with love for each other. For over a year, we stayed together. We were careful; nobody could find out, least of all our parents. We gossiped over whom we thought we could "convert" to our side, but never tried anything. I kept the pretense of having a boyfriend or two, but I soon just dropped the whole charade.
It was taking away from my time with Amanda.