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Sex In Public

I didn’t realize right away that I was going to develop into a full-blown Slutgirl.  I mean, I started off the same as everyone else.  I had a Mom and a Dad, divorced of course, and brothers and sisters with whom I fought over territory and possessions.  Nothing particularly noteworthy.  I could have turned into one of those boring, lay on her back and yawn through sex ladies, but nope, it wasn’t in the cards.  I was always drawn to the sexual.  I always sought out the perverse.  I remember having a notebook I filled with a lot of dirty words and I got in trouble when Mom found it in the sock drawer.  My sister never thought to do anything like that.
There were these strange twists of fate.  From the beginning, I didn’t seem destined for monogamy.  It just didn’t come up for me.  I lost my virginity at thirteen when a group of boys gang raped me.  The lesson learned was that Nothing Ever Happens the way you Expect It To.  I don’t remember much about it.  They held me down and pulled at my clothes and I squeezed my eyes shut tight the whole time.  I remembered I laughed when one of them couldn’t get it in.  I just wanted it over with.  Seemed to me the fastest way to be able to leave was if they just did their thing and finished.  Then came the rumors. Oh God, what vicious rumors.  Rumors and gossip hurt me far worse than the rape.
And funny, but the ones who gossip are the least likely to be able to understand how a rape could happen, and the most likely to fear something like that happening to them.  Then when they gossip, they start all sorts of ideas in other boy’s minds, like maybe they could have something like that happen and get away with it.  Like maybe the girl they’re all talking about would do it again.
At any rate, my MOTHER learned I was sexually active.  Never mind that it wasn’t my choice.  She hauled me to the doctor and I had to sit humiliated with my feet sprawled in the stirrups and they took “cultures” out of my vagina with swabs and wooden sticks and I vowed NEVER AGAIN.
But I liked boys.  Oh I liked the boys.  There was this one guy, later that summer, and I chased him when I finally got the guts to wear a two-piece swimsuit (with my 36C’s jutting all the way out to HERE).  We took Red Cross Lifesaving together.  He was already a lifeguard.  I was in advanced swimming.  He used to come to me under the water and hold my hand.  We’d swim side by side, under water.  Like mermaids.  I fell in love with him and wrote him passionate thoughts and poems until one day when he tried to have sex with me in the back of his car. He’d heard all sorts of things about me and how promiscuous I must be to have those rumors fly.  But in reality, I was trying to do the “born again” (at least by persistence and denial) virgin thing.  I told him “no, I musn’t.”  Of course I couldn’t.  I was trying to be a good girl.  But when he held me in his big, strong arms and kissed me with his tongue pressing into the back of my mouth and his erection pressing into my thigh, I was a good girl with a throbbing coming up through my loins and very, very wet panties.
It wasn’t long after the “no, I musn’t” that he told me he was serious about a girl his own age (he was eighteen) and he was going to marry her.  He gave me the “let’s be friends” hug, and told me that I should go out with his little brother who was my age (fourteen). 
So heartbroken, I gave his little brother a call.  A little brother was better than nothing.  Or was he?  The brother, Mark, was sweet.  A little too sweet.  I was more interested in the other brother, Ward, who had live crickets jumping around in his room because they’d run for their lives when he’d tried to feed them to the gecko.  I went over and watched the Gong Show with Mark.  We sat together on the couch with sweaty palms, giggling and making smart remarks about The Unknown Comic.  Then after Mark went to work and I was waiting for my ride home, Ward pulled me into the room with the crickets, and put me on the top bunk.  My heart was racing so fast, I decided I wasn’t going to be a good girl anymore.  I peeled off my pants and he put it in, and I closed my eyes and he rocked my world.  The wooden frame of the bunk bed whack! whack! whacked against the wall until his fingers gripped my upper arms.  I held my hands gingerly on his ass, wanting to push him deeper inside. Then it was all over too fast and there was the stickiness that he left on my crotch.
Wow!  This was my first time it was consensual.  There was chemistry, and it felt good!  He rolled over, wiped it off with a sock, and stumbled into the bathroom.  So much for romance.
I stopped seeing Mark not long after that.  I didn’t need to be messing with my “boyfriend’s” brother. Just seeing a glimpse of Ward would make me feel more alert, the sky seemed bluer, my hearing more acute.  I couldn’t explain any of that to Mark.  So I just stopped seeing him. 
Then I was alone again.  I had no release for the sexual tension I was experiencing.  My mother never made me feel it was okay to explore myself on my own. It always felt so dirty, so shameful.  I lay awake at night, listening to the crickets.  It would make me so horny, thinking about that time we had up on Ward’s bed.  I would slide my hand just inside the waistband of my pj’s, just to the point where I could reach inside the folds, not to do anything, just to touch.  I would lay a finger against my bump, checking to see how aroused it got, how engorged with blood, how easy it would be to key it up.  Then I would slip the finger past that bumpy bulge at the start of my vagina and remember, just imagine, how fabulous it’d felt when he slid his lanky, slender penis inside of me.  My hands felt so stubby in comparison.
I so wanted to stroke the fire out of my cunt!  I prayed for God to deliver me from evil.  I stayed awake for hours, tossing and turning, punching my pillow, then exhausted–I’d settle two fingers down on the wetness and rock my hips until I could finally fall asleep.
Then oh my goodness!  There he was at the fair! Ward found me at the fairgrounds that one summer day and with him was his best friend, Jimmy.  Ward had told Jimmy all about our little tryst on the bunk in his room, and what with the embellishing he did, it must have sounded pretty damn hot. I was blushing outright to think of what Jimmy must think of me.
Ward told me that Jimmy was still a virgin, and he asked me to do them both.  Shit!  I had to think about it.  I mean, I was the girl.  They weren’t going to get the reputation.  I was.  But then, there was that whole gang rape hysteria, and oh, I pretty much already had one. This wouldn’t change a thing.
It was one thing to have an undeserved reputation.  It was quite another to embrace it.
I told them I at least wanted a ride on the Ferris wheel.  They plunked down some tickets and the three of us got into the little white car.  The carnival dude with no front teeth hooked down the safety bar and winked at the three of us.  I’d sat in the middle and before we could even get up and out of sight, both of them had their arms around my back and were feeling the side of a tit.  Holy shit!  Now no one ever prepared me that this could all be the way it worked. Here I was, naively thinking I was supposed to end up with one steady boyfriend and he was supposed to be too jealous to allow any other fella to lay a hand on me.  This new version of reality was blowing my mind.  This boyfriend wanted to share me with his friend!  What the hell?
We began the ascent to the top, cars lurching to the top as the Carnie stopped each time to let in a new batch of people.  I looked over to see if Ward was really okay with all of this and he kissed my mouth. Then Jimmy wanted one too.  I still wasn’t sure how I felt about this, but I wanted to be a good sport, so I gave him a little peck.  A moment later, he had his tongue probing against my lips.  I kind of shook him off.  Then Ward had his hand sliding up my shirt.  I’d no more put his hand back on his leg when Jimmy had his hand creeping in on the other side.  Was this okay?  I was completely torn.  I really wanted Ward to have his hands all over me (okay, maybe a little more privately), but he really seemed to want Jimmy in on our arrangement.
At the fair, anything seemed possible.  Anything. The cars lurched a couple more times, then the Ferris wheel started going. Well if they could touch me, I could touch them!  My heart racing, I reached over and pushed the bulge forming in Ward’s jeans.  It made me tingle to know that I was touching his hard-on.  Oh God.  I avoided looking at his face, or looking at Jimmy to see if he saw.  But he saw.  No doubt.  His hand was reaching for my nipple, which was doing the ole “Hi, how you doing?” salute, poking completely through the layers of my bra and my clothes.  Next, both boys had hands slipping inside my thighs, and Ward pinched my pussy. 
“Cut it out!” I giggled.
The man running the ride was enjoying the show.  When it came time to change riders, he skipped our car.  Surprised, I looked down at him, and his eyes flashed.  We had an audience!
I don’t know what was getting into me!  I felt both giddy and exhibitionist at the same time.  It was wonderful to be getting all this attention from three different guys!  What the hell?  I put my hand behind me under my shirt.  I unfastened my bra. I passed the strap through my sleeve and popped my arm through that strap.  My bra came out the other armhole.  All this underneath my shirt.  They guys looked at me like I’d just done a magic trick. 
“Oh shit,” they said in unison as my boobs sprang loose.
At once, I had both boys all over those 36C’s like flies on a hamburger.  Jimmy pulled my top up to look at my nipple.  I clapped the shirt down, but not fast enough.  The carnival guy caught an eyeful!  He started laughing.  Jimmy tweaked my nipple.  I felt a spark of excitement shoot though my body, stirring my abdomen.  I could feel actual drips of my juices seep into my panties.   I felt a gust of wind and looked down at my blouse.  It had come unbuttoned.  Ward’s glance followed my eyes, and he laughed, "What have we here?"  His hand crept under my shirt, cupping my breast in his hand.  Suddenly, I was a million miles away and totally oblivious to everything in the world.  The ride started going again, so the boys felt more courage and their hands roamed across my tits, pressing and exploring.  An “I dare you” look flashed between the boys.  Ward held me back and Jimmy slipped a hand between my thighs.  I couldn’t help it.  I  wanted to spread my legs and let him stir up my animal instincts.  But I wasn’t supposed to like this!  What would my mother say?
My nose was wide open.  I smelled the salty scent from the back of Jimmy’s neck and my pussy was hot!  His hand buried between my thighs, all the way up against my puss, he said, “Wow!”  I knew that my smells were seeping through the fabrics and if he pressed his hand to his nose, he would smell everything I had.
This time when the ride was over, the carnival guy let us out.  I felt incredibly flushed.  If he didn’t see everything, it definitely was written all over my face.  Not to mention that my 36C’s were swinging under my shirt. I wasn’t quite sure what happened to my bra.  The Carnival guy suggested that all of us go into his trailer later on, he would get a break around four thirty.  My heart raced a thousand miles an hour.  He looked so skanky!  Thankfully Ward had words to say, "No, Man.  Not this time," and we darted off, laughing.
What was I getting myself into?
We went through the 4-H booth then.  I walked a little ahead of the boys, still trying to figure out what to do. On the one hand, having sex with two boys at the same time would be a total thrill.  But how were we going to get away with it?  Where were we supposed to go?
At the dairy barn they were giving away sample Frosties. We each got a cone, swirled with vanilla ice cream.  I know I was trying to look all cool and collected, like this sort of thing happened to me every day.  My mind racing, I asked the boys if they’d ever been to the reservoir.
Next, the three of us were hiking up the road, hand in hand, arm in arm, if no one was driving by.  I was totally getting into the idea of having sex with both of them, out here in the sunshine, where I could study their erections and try giving head.  Both Jimmy and Ward were walking awkwardly, occasionally pinching at the bulge. I tried to be casual about brushing against Ward.  I wanted to feel his boner through his jeans.  Oh my God!  It felt so wiry, like a spring. It wobbled somewhat, and returned to the exact spot it had been before I had touched it.  I was dying of curiosity.  How exactly did that thing work? We got up to the reservoir, and under the cover of some trees, we found a brushy area that we ducked into. Jimmy took his sweatshirt off and laid it out.  Apparently it was supposed to protect me from the elements.  My hands were shaking.  I figured I should undress, but I didn’t exactly know how to get naked in front of two guys.  I mean, this didn’t just come natural to me.  One time, I’d gotten restricted from TV for a week because my little brother let me see his cock.  Girls are supposed to behave themselves.  No matter what. Mother did try to teach me right from wrong.  I had to give her that.
I was feeling self-conscious, but the guys just peeled off their clothes, like they did it every day.  They thought nothing of whipping it out right in front of each other! Both their dicks twanged right up as soon as they slid out of their tidy whities.  Boiiiing!
I was embarrassed.  It was my turn.  I didn’t want to just pull down my pants and have them both looking at my puss.  What a double standard, huh?  I mean, I wanted to stare at them.  I hadn’t even realized how their pubic hair would stick out like a tuft of grass.  Ward’s pubic hair was reddish brown, and Jimmy’s was definitely darker.  More like mine.  Oh my God.  The thought of them just looking at my pubic hair made my mouth go dry.  I remembered that Ward had sort of seen me before, that time on his bed, but that was so quick.  Almost pointless.  This time, I was doing it with TWO guys. If Mother found out, my life would be fucking over.  I might as well just chalk it up, draw the silhouette of my body on the pavement and dive for the location off the tenth floor. 
At least I was going to go out with a bang.
Nervously, I unzipped my jeans and wiggled out of them.  My panties came down with my pants.  I clapped my hand over myself and looked at them and giggled.  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
Ward said, “You’re doing fine.”
I just knew they were staring at my stomach, how the cellulite kind of bubbled out below my navel.  I pulled my shirt down over my gut, hoping it would hide something.
“I think you look good.  Awesome.”  Jimmy declared.
Well I sure the hell didn’t believe him. These two were just out here to get a piece, not to be honest. 
But he sounded sincere.  And I have to say I wanted to eat it up, his compliments, his attention.  You see, we girls do not believe you are serious when you say you want to be with us.  We really, in our heart of hearts, believe you are just doing us to practice for the cheerleader, for the gymnast, for the gal you really want to fuck.
I looked at Jimmy’s cock.  He kind of had it in his hand, like he was holding it at bay.  I wondered if he was thinking, “Down, Boy.”
Well I didn’t know what to do.  I lay down with my back on the sweatshirt that Jimmy had spread out, and I opened my legs.  I felt their eyes searing through me.  Jimmy taking it in for the first time.  I wondered if he’d seen a dozen magazine girls, and if he was sorely disappointed.  Was he thinking, “so that’s all there is?” 
But somehow my insecurities didn’t make sense with what was going on.  Ward laid down on my left and Jimmy laid down on my right.  They gingerly put their hands on me.  Ward reached to unfasten the buttons on my shirt.  My breasts were splayed out to the sides.  Good grief.  Were they supposed to stay perky?  All pointed straight out.  Maybe I should sit up to give them a different angle.  I mean, after all, these guys could see everything.  Every mole, every pore, every goosebump.  My nipples were acting funny.  They were mooshed, like one of them got caught behind a button or something.  Jimmy didn’t seem to notice.  He just put his mouth over it and started sucking. 
What a strange sensation?  I mean, I knew I could push my breasts up and catch the damn thing in my own mouth, but this was different.  It felt completely wild to be the recipient.  To just lay down and let them take me.  A jumble of different songs went swirling through my head.  “Afternoon Delight...Take me, take me, take me....Mama’s got a squeeze box, Daddy never sleeps at night.” 
I closed my eyes and I could feel their things pressing into my thighs.  Ward on my left, Jimmy on the right.  I wanted to look down, to compare them, to see who was bigger.  What if one of them was really huge?  I opened an eye and squinted.  They were laying on top of them and I couldn’t see a thing.  I tried to be at one with my thighs.  Which one was bigger?  Ward’s was, I thought. 
Maybe I could get a good look at them before we were finished.
Ward started kissing my mouth.  He was all over me.  I could feel his tongue exploring my teeth, flitting around, over my tongue, under my tongue, back to my teeth.  He sucked a little and pulled my tongue into his mouth.  He tasted funny. But it wasn’t bad.  It wasn’t like he had bad breath or anything.
Then Jimmy put his hand down on my puss.  Right against the bare skin.  Oh my God.  I wondered if he was just looking at it, touching it with one hand, holding his thing with the other.  I was busy kissing Ward, and I was dying to know what Jimmy was thinking.  Did I smell okay?  Would he put his mouth on me?  Was I going to like this?
I felt him pushing my legs apart.  He smoothed my pubic hair down.  Then he pulled my labia apart!  Oh God.  I hardly dared to look at that myself.  No one had every really looked close up at my pussy, except I did that one time when I was in the house by myself.  I got out Mom’s compact and opened it and perched on the toilet and looked.  The folds were kind of purplish, at least more than I expected them to be.  And the hairs grew all over the place, even down the crack!  I pushed my finger around the ridges and it felt tingly.  That one little bumpy part in the front was almost too sensitive to touch!  I definitely didn’t want him messing with that little bumpy part. 
But he didn’t.  Jimmy just sat and looked at my puss.  I felt so self-conscious.  Like he could see through me.  Like I was invisible.  Or maybe I was suddenly ultra visible.  I wished I had one of those photographers to air brush me.  I tried to remember if I had any zits.  God, I hoped I didn’t have any fucking zits.
Whatever I had or didn’t have, the boys didn’t seem to mind.  I did notice they seemed to keep one hand on their thing.  I wondered if it felt weird to have dicks just dangling there, all vulnerable.  Were they feeling self-conscious too?  Maybe they didn’t want each other staring at their dicks.  Maybe they didn’t want me staring.  Maybe they didn’t care.
“Can you lay down here a minute?”  I heard myself ask.  I patted the sweatshirt and moved out of the way.  Ward scrambled under me and laid on his back.  His cock didn’t poke straight up like I thought it would.  It kind of swung down in an arch that almost hit his belly button.  It veered off to the right.  I wanted to touch it.  Would he let me?
Tentatively, I put my fingers on it.  I didn’t want to hurt him.  I knew that if I accidentally hit his balls I could cause him some real grief, but I didn’t know where the line was–the line between pleasure and pain. What if it was just all super-sensitive?  The way my little bumpy part was.  I mean, I didn’t really want them messing with that, not because I thought they would hurt me, more because I thought if they did anything, it would make me piss all over everything.  Sometimes when I masturbated, I hit that bump a little, and one time for sure it made me want to pee.  I went to the toilet and tweaked it persistently.  Then I peed, and the heat from my urine washed down over my hand.  I really liked the way it felt, but I didn’t want to have a burst of piss shoot out in the middle of our threesome.  Most of the time, hitting the bump felt okay, but I still wasn’t sure how everything worked down there. 
“Tell me if I do anything you don’t like, okay?”
“You’re doing fine.” Ward said.  His voice sounded a little funny.  Maybe he felt as weird as I did.  Maybe that time on his bed was his very first time?  We hadn’t ever talked about it, we just did it.
While I was leaning over him, Jimmy was behind me.  Suddenly I felt his hand on my inner thigh.  Right beside my butthole!  Oh my God.  He wasn’t going to look at my butthole, was he?  I turned and flashed him a grin.  “Be careful back there.  I’m a little nervous, okay?”
“I think you’re beautiful.”  He mumbled.
Yah, sure.
I went back to touching Ward’s cock.  It looked weird.  For some reason, I was reminded of E.T., the way his head kind of bulged out over his neck, the funny way the skin wrinkled up around him.  I didn’t want to push the skin around too much.  What if it hurt?  To be honest, I didn’t really know what the hell I was supposed to do.
“Here,” Ward said.  “Watch me a sec.”  And he put his hand over his thing, and he rubbed it up and down a few times.  It’s funny, because as scared as I was to move the skin around, that’s what he seemed to like.  “It’s not going to break,” he said, “believe me.”
I wanted to put my mouth on it.  The way I’d heard the wild girls did.  Guys were really supposed to like it when you put your mouth up and down on it.  I’d been a thumb sucker, so I wasn’t really phased by putting it into my mouth.  So I did it.  I slipped it into my mouth, my hand still firm on the shaft.  I heard Ward suck in real hard, and I pulled off at once.  “Am I hurting you?” I asked, panicked, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
“Hell no.  That’s just right.  Keep it up.  Try sliding your mouth up and down.” 
He pushed his pelvis forward, trying to guide his thing back into my mouth.  Sweet Mother of God, I was so worried I was hurting him!  I tried to settle back down on it, pushing it back into my mouth, but this was my first time giving a blow job.  Oh my teeth!  He's hitting my teeth!  What if I scrape him?  And, what was this taste?  His smell seeped into my nostrils, and I stopped just short of snuffing and snorting like a new puppy to figure out what it was.  (Girls don't smell like this!)  It wasn’t so much a taste, but his sweat, all up in my nose.  It was so carnal, and I was totally going for it, but it was unlike anything else I’d encountered before. 
Then everything all ran together.  Jimmy was back there, you know, by my butt, and I don’t know what the hell he was doing, but he started pushing stuff around back there, rubbing my puss, and oh hell was I wet!  And from that angle.  Oh my.  I just kinda jutted my ass back at him and oooh Lordy, was he messing with my head!  Euphoria swept up over me, like a bank of fog in the valley.  I couldn’t see what I was doing.  I kept looking for a way out.  But when you’re in a fog, all there is to do is to pay attention to exactly what is before you, and that, as you know, was Ward’s twitching cock. 
Now if you’re thinking about doing a threesome yourself, all I can tell you is that first time, it was totally overwhelming.  When I could pay attention to what I was doing and bob my face up and down on that arching cock, he started writhing and moaning.  Then I was distracted from sucking what I was supposed to be sucking. 
Then Jimmy started doing his thing back there behind me.  At first he was just making sure everything was wet enough to slide himself in.  Then when he first stuck it in, especially with me on my hands and knees bent over Ward, well oh my God, there was nothing I could do to make myself keep focusing on Ward.  I backed up on his dick, and felt him resist, ramming against me.  It slid so much deeper than my finger ever reached.  I mean, there was that one time I’d stuck a nail polish bottle up in there, then I got chicken that it would get stuck, so I pulled it right back out.  Jimmy’s dick didn’t feel like that.  There were no edges, he just merged into me.  For some reason I was struck that he was the exact temperature I was.  It woke something inside, and suddenly, I couldn’t get enough. 
“Oh! Oh, oh oh, oh!”  I called out after a few moments.
“Hey Man, she’s liking that.  Whatever you’re doing, keep it going, Man.”
“I don’t know how long I’m gonna last...” Jimmy panted.  “It’s feels too damn good.”
“Then pull it out, Man.  Give yourself a break.”
Jimmy pulled it out.  I yelped, startled by the sudden change.  I wanted some more.  I looked back over my shoulder and he was standing behind me, kind of stroking it, kind of just pinching it.
Ward scrambled up from underneath me, “I want some of that too.”
Then he was behind me and pushing it in.  Yes.  He definitely went in a little deeper than Jimmy, and oh my goodness, I don’t know what the hell he was pushing up against inside of me, but oh it felt so, so good.  I arched my back and closed my eyes.  I put my hand down between my legs and kind of held it there.  Like I said, all of this was new, and I couldn’t tell if I needed to pee.  I kind of thought I needed to, but then it felt okay.  Jimmy watched where I put my hand.  In a minute, he put his hand there too, right there on that bumpy part and he started to rub it.  Ward kept pounding away from behind. 
“Ah! Oh, oh, oh, oh...”  I couldn’t help it.  The sounds were sudden, and coming out of me almost against my will.  He was hitting on something, something glorious.  I felt a momentum building up, but I didn’t feel afraid that I was going to pee anymore.  It was different than that.  Jimmy kept twitching his hand back and forth across my puss, and whatever it was he was doing, I didn’t want him to stop. 
All I could think was Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Jesus, I was DONE trying to be a good girl, trying to fight these animal urges. I was fucking done.  I had my butt arching up and down on that great angle of his dick and he was really sticking it to me.  Jimmy actually rolled under me, there with his head in the sticks and the dirt and he pushed up against me and put his mouth on my puss!  His tongue lolled around, flitting here and there, staying persistent in the folds.   I was loving it!  I was loving every fucking minute of it. 
I mean, there I was, a moment earlier, afraid to take it out of my pants, hardly able to do more than unzip and pull.  Then here I was, just a few minutes later, grinding my puss up and down on one guy’s face while the other one rode me from behind!  It was wonderful!
Ward’s cock seemed to be swelling to a new size!  I knelt down on my forearms, arching into it, and I could feel it sliding up and down against the lateral walls, friction, friction, friction.  Oh it was good!  Jimmy was working his hand, then his mouth.  Quite honestly, I didn’t know WHAT he was doing, but he was hitting something right.  Exactly right.  I squeezed Ward with my cunt, gripping his great dick with the walls of my pussy, and wonderful warm feelings washed over me. I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep from yelling. “Oh shit!”
Then Ward groaned aloud.  I was surprised to hear him so close to my ear.  He pulled out, and I felt him squirt stuff all over the cheeks of my ass.  I reached back to feel it, and it was all sticky.  I licked it off my hand.  Oh Goodness!  I wasn’t expecting it to taste like THAT.  I reached into my pocket for a piece of gum while I decided whether I liked it.
“Let me finish, okay?”  Jimmy asked, and backed out from under me.  He pushed it in, I was quite slippery by then, and it only took him a moment before he fired it off.  “Ah, ah, ah, ah!” he called out as he shot his load. 
I ended up wiping their cum off my ass with my cotton panties and tossing them under a tree. Hopefully my mother wouldn’t be looking up when I came into the house, and wouldn’t ask me where my bra and underpants disappeared to.  I was feeling euphoric, and when I felt like that, I got a little too mouthy.  It was sure to set her off.  I was sure she’d send me to my room.  If she did, I determined, then I would strip, lay back on the bed, and masturbate.  Stir all these good feelings back up.  Then I’d go take a bubble bath.  What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
When I stood up and started walking--I don’t know how to describe it--I just felt opened.  I felt like my pussy was pulled out to its real size, and there was no going back.  Whenever I moved, I was acutely aware that I had just been PROBED, and it felt marvelous.  Like a secret I didn’t need to share.  I had a real cunt, and it was all mine.
Later, we all noticed scratch marks on each other where we didn't have scratch marks before.  Suddenly, I feel quite nervous like of course the whole world would KNOW what we’d been up to.  I spent time tugging on my clothes, pulling sticks out of my hair and my socks.  When we got back to the fairgrounds, we went our separate ways.  I needed to go home.  I smelled like sex and I needed to put on a bra.
Even though Ward, Jimmy and I all promised to find each other again some time, so far it hasn’t happened.  Meanwhile, they stirred up an appetite inside of me that I didn’t know how to keep up with.  I so wanted to have another meeting!  My puss was on fire, and I was masturbating two and three times a day...
Slutgirl was awakened.