i was walking to my soccer training, and on the way i had to call and get my friend sam, we were both 20 and neither had come out gay. We had to walk through a wooded area to get to our practise field. as we were walking we both needed a piss, the wooded area wasnt very well hidden apart from one area. we both started walking to the hidden area and there was only one tree, we both decided that we would piss at the same time, i had never seen another lads dick before and this was my first one, as i reached to my dick to have a piss, i took a quick look at sams, i noticed that it was about 6 inches long and very nice looking, i carried on pissing and noticed him looking at my dick, i starred at him then looked at his penis, he was hard. it was about 18 inches long when it was hard and i asked him why it was hard, he replyed and said because he hadn't had a wank in 5 days and was really horney, i could feel my penis getting harded, he turned to me and laughed, 'why you getting one' he said? i actually dont no why i had gotten why but it was getting very hard, sam kept looking at me and then said 'toss me off and ill suck you'! i had never had a blow job before and always wanted one! i reached for his cock and started to toss him off.
Seulment les adultes!
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