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Topic: A Man With A Plan    Like most hot teenage girls 15 year old Jamie Holland had some very hot friends; none more so than Melinda Bailey, a totally fuckable blonde with a sweet, angelic face, a firm, wide, round, smooth ass, and the biggest pair of tits you've ever seen on an 10th grader.  Naturally, Jamie's mother had her reservations about Melinda and the influence the voluptuous junior sexpot might have over her own gorgeous young daughter.  Didn't Melinda dress a little too suggestively at times, showing up at Jamie's pool parties in those itty-bitty bikinis and at her sleep-overs in those flimsy, little baby dolls?  And wouldn't any girl, especially a teenage girl, that so brazenly revealed her body like that be tempted if not inclined to behave just as inappropriately?  Drinking, smoking, doing weed and God knows what, and carousing at all hours with boys too old for her---in particular, the local college boys at those awful frat parties---wiggling, jiggling and giggling herself into scandalous ruin?  Heaven forbid!
     But whatever misgivings Julia Holland may have harbored about Melinda they were summarily dismissed by her husband Jack.  He saw nothing in the least way wrong with the girl who had been best friends forever with his daughter since the fourth grade.  Indeed, Melinda was the prototype of model social behavior: honor student, JROTC, girl scout, church youth group, junior literacy volunteer.  Her plate was full.  No time at all for---what was the word?---"carousing" of any sort.  Melinda even had a strict 10:30 PM curfew---weekends not excepted---and was not permitted to date until she turned 16.   
   "She's a good girl," Jack reassured his wife, "and so is Jamie.  Give them a little credit."
    That was all very well and gracious of him.  But Jack had a far less noble motive for keeping Melinda in his daughter's closest circle, moving familiarly through his house in whatever sexy outfit she chose.   To be blunt about it, he was just dying to fuck her.  But then, given the way Melinda smiled as she swung those big, juicy tits and that perfect ass of hers around, what red blooded male wouldn't want to bang her?   And to be the first!  God Damn!  Yes, he was aching to pop that sweet cherry.  He had been for years now, having had a front row seat to watch her develop into the hottest piece of ass on the planet.  It was his determined course of action, a life goal, to fuck Melinda Bailey. 
    And towards that end he had been steadily and stealthily preparing both himself and Melinda for the inevitable roll in the hay.  He worked out regularily, building his own body into a sleek, buff, tight butted object of girlish desire, even keeping his chest clean shaven.  He involved himself playfully in Jamie and Melinda's recreations, in paricular the pool parties (which, truth be told, were his suggestion), performing the role of the "cool dad" longed for by every teenage girl.  In the process he had acquainted himself with Melinda's habits and interests, more and more as a friend than as a friend's father, while all the while impressing her as much with his mature understanding as with his youthful "You're dad is so totally awesome," he overheard Melinda whisper to Jamie one day.
    "What? You're not crushing on my dad now, are you?" Jamie tittered back.
     But Melinda didn't Jack smacked his lips at that.  Damn, that little piece of ass was practically his for the taking.  Instant Pussy!  But complications would soon be thrown athwart his designs on Melinda Bailey.  And then not from the expected quarter of a sanctimonious wife; but from the unforeseen hand of a seemingly ingenuous daughter, who was just as methodically working out her own agenda, and who would lay before him the most perverse dilemma a father could ever face.  Jack would find he wasn't the only daddy getting prepared to fuck his daughter's best friend.