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Topic: Slow Learner, Part 1This is my first story, it may start a little slow, but it gets good, don't worry. Would love feedback. Thanks.
8th grade was an awkward year for me. I had finally hit puberty around early 7th, and had spent the majority of junior high with my hormones blazing. Sadly though, I had never had a girlfriend. It wasn't because I was particularly ugly, but because I was slightly sheltered. Also, being in all honors classes, the majority of girls I met were in class to actually learn. I still had plenty of friends though, mostly do to the fact that I played sports. I had good grades in all my classes and was finding everything to be easy for me until we started the sex education chapter in science. I had no clue what anything was at this point, as my parents had never had "the talk" with me, and I lived a fairly sheltered life. Of course, my teacher, not wanting to be inappropriate, slid around the answers to every question, trying to explain them with a large vocabulary. The day before our final exam I was not feeling too great in class. Our outdated textbooks and poor explanations did nothing to help my understanding of the topic of sex. I knew my own anatomy, as I had just recently discovered masturbation that summer, but was clueless on everything else. That's why, when my teacher told everyone she would be staying an hour after school to give anyone help who wasn't completely confident in the test tomorrow, I jumped at the chance.
When the bell rang at 2:30, I immediately headed over to my science classroom. Halfway there, I got distracted and ended up talking to my friend for 5 minutes or so. After checking my phone to see the time I realized how late I was and hurried towards the classroom. 
I entered the classroom and grimaced at the flock of students crowding around the room. Most of them didn't need help, but just wanted an excuse to not have to go home and do their homework. I sat down and tried to study out of a textbook, waiting for my teacher to be free.
An hour passed without me getting a single second of help from my teacher. As the clock struck 3:30, she announced that everyone had to leave. Everyone shuffled out until the classroom was almost empty. I was still sitting down, reluctant to leave without understanding this topic. 
 After a few minutes had passed, it was just me and Mrs. Jacobs in the room. She strode over to me.
"Tim, sorry, but you have to go home now." she instructed.
"But I still don't understand this at all, and I really don't want to fail this test tomorrow!" I pleaded.
She glanced at the clock.
 "Well, I guess I could stay for another hour, I don't want one of my favorite students failing." she said as she smiled and sat down next to me.
This pleased me a lot, not just getting the help, but knowing I was one of her favorites. I had always had a slight crush on Mrs. Jacobs, and often found myself just staring at her. She was about 5"5, with just a little extra meat on her. She wasn't fat, more curvy. She had a huge round ass that I could not help but stare at every time she turned around to write on the board in class. The big ass was accompanied by two giant round plump breasts that jiggled whenever she walked. Now, I wasn't quite sure, but she seemed to be half asian, half white. She had a nice face with very fair skin and was about 35.
"Now, what is it exactly that you don't get?" she asked.
 "Well, I don't really understand female anatomy very well. I mean, what's an areola? I asked my friend and he said it was a nipple, but if so, why don't you just say a nipple?" I embarrassingly blurted out.
"Umm..." she bit her lip as she thought about a good way to explain it. "Well, it is like a nipple, only the bottom part of a nipple."
"Bottom part? What bottom part?" I asked. Now, being sheltered, I had never seen nude female breasts, and the illustrations in the book were too crude and dark to tell anything. 
"Well... it's like... umm..." she was obviously growing a bit peeved by the failure of being able to explain this to me.
 "Well, Tim, have you ever seen a female nipple." she asked, trying to still be professional. 
"No Mrs. Jacobs, I haven't." I stammered. 
 "Well... heres what we will do. I'll let you go on the class computer and google an image of a breast, then you'll be able to understand what I'm talking about. Just don't tell anyone or I might get in trouble, OK?" she questioned.
"OK, sure, I guess" I could barely respond. Did I actually just get permission to look at porn from my teacher? I walked over to the desk with the computer on it and sat down. I turned the computer on and waited for the screen to load, before double clicking the internet button.
"Mrs. Jacobs?" I called.
"Yes Tim? Find everything OK?" she called back.
 "No, the internet is down." I choked out.
She came over and tried to fiddle with the computer to no avail. 
"Well Tim, looks like your out of luck" she sighed.
"There isn't any other computer or any other way? I really don't want to fail tomorrow!" I said.
"Well..." She said and looked around.
"I'll just show you mine, for educational purposes. But you can't tell anyone! This would get me fired!" she warned.
I took a second to comprehend what she just said. Me, seeing her boobs? This was possibly the greatest moment of my life. I was able to stammer out a meek "sure" at her.
She looked around slowly and checked to make sure no one was around. Then, her hands reached down and began to bring up the bottom of her shirt. Her white, fair skinned stomach poked out as her shirt rose further. Past her belly button, until with great delight, I saw the bottom of her bra slide into view.
Something inside my pants tingled as I began to see her bra. Although it was a plain white bra, I was still more turned on than I ever had been. I was actually going to see my teacher topless.
The bottom of her shirt finally reached her shoulders and I glared at her giant boobs, barely held in by her bra.
"Ready? And for educational purposes only?" she assured.
"Yeah" I choked out.
One of her hands rose, and she slowly pulled down the left cup of her bra. Her pink nipple popped out, as if released from a harsh jail cell. It was about the size of a silver dollar, and the greatest thing I had ever seen. Her nipple poked out almost a full inch, barely a foot above my face.
She slowly put her finger on her nipple, and began to rub the outside, underneath part.
"This is the areola, you see?" she asked.
"Uh-huh" I managed to blurt out.
She then took two fingers and grabbed the end of her nipple, playing with it and twisting it.
"This part is the actual nipple" she explained.
After so much attention and exposure to cold air, it had grown in length and sharpness. 
She stopped and seemed to think to herself about something before turning to me.
"Do you want to feel? For educational purposes?"
As she said this my cock rammed against the front of my jeans, hardly able to contain it's excitement. I nodded slowly and reached out and stroked her breast, finishing with my fingers tweaking her erect nipple.
"Anything else you don't understand that you want to know while I'm like this Tim?" she asked.
"Ummm" I broke out of my trance and searched my brain for another thing I didn't know. "Yeah, umm, what's oral sex? You said it was sex with the mouth, but isn't that just like, kissing?" I stammered. 
"Oral sex is using your mouth to stimulate other people, like for instance, sucking on a woman's nipple." she explained. "Would you like to try this one too?" she asked, smiling strangely.
"Umm yes please" I responded as she continued to rub her erect nipple.
 Eager, I leaned across the table and stuck my face down by her breast. I slowly put my lips around her nipple, feeling the long erect nipple poke the back of my tongue. I sucked it slowly, licking the tip as I went. I'm wasn't sure, but I could have sworn I heard a slight moan escape from her in between her lips. 
After about 30 seconds, I reluctantly pulled away, missing it as soon as I was gone. At this point my dick was fully erect, and I desperately wanted to leave and wank it. 
"So Mrs. Jacobs, is that all oral is? nipple sucking?" I questioned.
"No, theres two other types, penis sucking and vagina licking." she slowly explained.
"Penis sucking?" I blurted out.
"Here, since everything else is working so well, I'll show you this one too. Plus, you already have an erection waiting by the looks of things." she said as her eyes glanced down at my pants.
Embarrassed, I tried to cover up with my book, but she grabbed it and moved it out of the way. 
She got down on her knees, and staring up at me, moved her hand toward me jeans. I gulped as she slowly unzipped my zipper, unsure of what was to lie ahead...
I'll try to post part two tomorrow or this weekend, if anyone is interested.