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I made mention in my first story about a recent meeting with the womanwho took my virginity when I was just turning sixteen, it had been manyyears since we’d last met and Linda, my first, was now seventy six yearsold and it had been ten years or more since our paths had last crossed.Linda had moved to the States to live with the older of her twodaughters and was on her first trip home, accompanied by her greatgranddaughter Claire who would turn sixteen during their visit toScotland, the first overseas trip for the young girl and perhaps Linda’slast ever trip to her homeland.
Claire was the image of what I’d have imagined her great grandmothermight have looked at the same age, I say imagined as Linda had beenforty six when we’d first met, I had been the sixteen year old. Now Iwas forty six and the chance meeting with the two had me feeling like asixteen year old all over again. Linda had done her best during ourconversation not to give her great granddaughter even a hint that ourrelationship had been anything other than purely platonic but hergiggles and the blush in her cheeks at my feeble attempts at humourwould have been obvious to anyone looking for the signs. Claire mighthave been young but she wasn’t stupid, I had offered to give them a liftback to the hotel they were staying in but Linda had declined, Claireon the other hand accepted my card and my offer to perhaps take them adrive in the country and around the coastline while they were visiting,in principal at least. Her smile as she told me she would persuade hergreat gran into accepting my offer had the same effect that her greatgran’s mouth used to have, only her lips would usually be around my cockas it hardened, Claire’s lips on the other hand were just parted toshow her teeth and the tip of her tongue poking out as she giggled, butit was enough to give me the same desire, the moment “I’d love to seethose lips wrapped round my dick,” popped into my head, I wasimmediately hard, followed quickly by the second thought, “Oh shit, Ihope she doesn’t notice, or worse still, Linda!” Not that I would haveminded a roll in the hay with Linda for old times’sake, so what if she was seventy six, she still looked great forher age, hell, she’d have looked great for fifty six, I just didn’t wanther thinking that the first thing I thought of on meeting her was sex,worse still, I didn’t want her to think my first thought was sex withher sixteen year old great granddaughter.
I’d never been so glad of a shopping basket in my hand whichconveniently hid my raging boner, not before I imagined a quick glanceby Claire in the direction of my crotch, wishful thinking on my part Itold myself, quickly trying to come up with something to say to cover myawkwardness. The only snag was that they were leaving and I was onlyentering the store, I decided that I couldn’t let the meeting end sosoon, who knows, I might not get another chance to cross paths with themduring the remainder of their visit and if so I knew there was a goodchance we’d never meet again.
I made a show of pretending that I’d forgotten what it was I’d comeinto the store to buy and accompanied them out into the carpark makingSmalltalk about the weather and local places Linda should show Claireduring their visit, all the while looking for a chance to engineeranother meeting. I again offered to drive them to their hotel, tryingnot to look or sound desperate, but hoping Linda would read into myoffer my desire to prolong the moment, if only so I could spend a fewmore precious minutes in her company. This had a twofold effect, Lindarelented, still blushing, that spark in her eyes which I remembered fromyears past was there for me to see and hopefully not misinterpreted,the way she ran her tongue across her bottom lip before acceding to myoffer had me stifling a moan which I covered with an exaggerated cough.Claire on the other hand seemed a bit too enthusiastic about what wassupposedly a two minute drive to the hotel. One way or the other I knew Ihad to make the most of this opportunity, one way or another I wasintent on fucking one of them before their trip ended. Might seem a bitextreme, on the one hand I had a long history with Linda, a seventy sixyear old great grandmother, but on the other, here was the sixteen yearold version of her, wrapped up in the beautiful face and body of Claire,tables turned, she was the sixteen year old virgin, I was the forty sixyear old potential teacher in the arts of sexual intercourse. Ok, so Imight not have been an expert but I knew my way around the female bodyand I’d never had any complaints, I’d even had the odd compliment in thethirty years since Linda gave me my first lessons.
I guided the two ladies in the direction of my car, and it being abeautiful sunny day I already had the top down on my old jeep wrangler,not the most fuel efficient of vehicles but it was red and I liked it, Icould even convince myself I looked cool behind the wheel, just as longas I didn’t try to give anyone else that impression, then that wouldhave been an immediate failure on my part. “ I love your car” Clairesquealed, clapping her hands, “That’s what I’ve been trying to get mydad to buy me once I’ve finished drivers Ed. and get my licence, so coolfor going to the beach.” Linda laughed, “You wouldn’t have the top downvery often on trips to the beach if you lived here, you’d be better offwith a bus ticket and a good umbrella.”, now I laughed, “The softAmerican lifestyle has twisted your memories of long Scottish summers,” Ireplied, Linda laughed even louder, “Oh yes, I remember one summer whenit didn’t rain for a whole three days.” I just shook my head and rolledmy eyes at Claire, “What have they done to this poor old woman overthere?” I asked her. “Not so much of the old,” Linda butted in, punchingme on the arm, “You never used to think I was an old woman when Iwas…….” She caught herself just in time, leaving the end of the sentencehanging in the air, quickly glancing at Claire to see if it hadregistered with her. Too late, it had, although admittedly if she’d beenpaying attention she couldn’t have helped but notice that there wasmore between Linda and I than just a mere acquaintanceship, the factthat Linda had yet to elaborate on how exactly we knew each other, whathadn’t been said had been more important than what had, Claire mighthave been only sixteen but she wasn’t stupid.

Once into the jeep and out onto the road Claire suggested we stop atsomewhere that served takeout coffee instead of heading straight totheir hotel, “It’s a beautiful day, I think we should take a drive soyou two can catch up, or should I take a long walk for an hour or twowhile you two go back to the hotel to catch up in private?” Lindagrabbed my thigh with her right hand and squeezed, I knew it wasintended as a warning for me to stay silent. “What could you possiblymean young lady?” she asked, doing her best to sound ignorant about theimplication of Claire’s question. Claire laughed; I could see her in therear-view mirror, her head back, young pert breasts jiggling, and mouthopen as she laughed. “What is so funny?” Linda asked her, releasing myleg from her grasp with a jolt, only now realising that she’d actuallybeen digging her nails into my thigh. “I hope you are not talking aboutwhat I think you are talking about” she continued, sounding just a bitangry, “That is not the way to be talking in front of someone you’vejust met,your greatgrandmother young girl.” Now she was angry, or at least I thought shewas, and I’m sure she was hoping that Claire believed likewise. She didnot, and if she did it didn’t stop her digging deeper.
“Come on gran, you’ve been acting like a schoolgirl who doesn’t wantanyone to know she fancies the teacher ever since we met Scott,” Icouldn’t help but laugh, even though I knew I shouldn’t, Linda gave me astern look which had me apologising profusely. “Sorry, I didn’t mean tolaugh, it is a funny analogy, even if I have no idea what you aretalking about, I only know your great gran because I used to deliver hermilk when I was your age, I haven’t seen her in years, probably sincebefore you were born.” I thought I better shut up, If I talked much moreI might put my foot in it. “You delivered her milk?” Claire waslaughing again, “Sorry to be blunt gran but when you saw Scott in thestore I could tell that he used to deliver cream to you as well.” Hersmart remark made her laugh even louder, but it hit the mark and Linda’sface was bright red, and she had a smile on her face that her greatgranddaughter couldn’t see. “Did someone mention coffee?” I announced,trying to change the subject, it worked and the short drive to thenearest shop that sold take out coffee was completed in silence, brokenonly by me taking coffee orders from the two ladies, what was saidbetween the two while I was inside getting the order I was soon to findout before the afternoon was over. Rather than ask Linda if there wassomewhere in particular that she wanted to go I just drove while theysipped their hot coffees, taking the road to a nearby spot which myselfand Linda had often many years ago, I knew Claire would be oblivious toour goings on at this place but more importantly I hoped it would jogLinda’s memory of our visits there when I was in my late teens and earlytwenties when Linda’s younger daughter, Claire’s grandmother’s youngers****r, had married and moved with her new husband to the States itmeant that Linda was then alone in her home and it was easier for us tomeet when we wanted with no need for drives to beaches and into thecountryside for hurried fumbling car sex.

As I turned off the main road onto the single track leading down to thelittle sandy cove Linda finally spoke, “It must be nearly twenty fiveyears since I was last at this beach” she commented lightly, “You didn’thave such a spacious roomy car back then, did you? “ Not the comment Iwas expecting, but I didn’t need to reply, “Eeeew, gran, that’sdisgusting, were you taking Scott here when he was a young man so youcould have your wicked way with him?” Now I thought I should speak,“What kind of programs and books do sixteen year olds see in the states,you’ve a vivid imagination young lady!” I was half hoping she mightdrop the subject and half hoping Claire might fancy a trip here with meby herself when her next statement made the day an even more excitingprospect. “While you were getting the coffees I got gran to admit thatyou and her had a thing going on back in the olden days” she was havingfun with this line of topic now. “The olden days ? The fucking oldendays ? ok so I might be your GREAT grandmother, but I could still showyou and your age group a thing or two young lady, you make me soundancient.” Now Linda was laughing. I thought I could see where this wasgoing, after all, it was my idea to come to this spot, this scenariomust have been in my mind, hell, who wouldn’t fantasise about getting iton with a sexy mature lady and a young nubile sixteen year old at thesame time ?“Would someone please let me in the joke?” I asked as Ibrought the car to a stop.
Desperate for something to distract myself from the possibilities andthe memories of past visits to this beach I reached for my coffee andsat quietly sipping the hot liquid, waiting for someone else to speak soI didn’t need to. I waited, several minutes passed in awkward silence, Ilit a cigarette and practically inhaled it in one long draw, stillthere was silence, I’d had enough, rightly or wrongly I’d need to be theone to speak, “what’s the worst that could happen?” I asked myself,knowing that eventually they’d be heading back to the States and ourpaths would never cross again, the worst I could do was offend a womanin her seventies and disgust a sixteen year old mouthy American, aglance in the mirror showed me Claire sitting pouting in the back seat,brows furrowed as she weighed up the situation or maybe she was justtrying to remember the words to some song or other, who can tell withteenagers? “Ok, this isn’t awkward, if the scenery is boring you I canalways take you back to your hotel, or is there somewhere else you’drather go or something you’d rather be doing?” I knew what I’d rather bedoing but at that moment I was beginning to regret this whole roadtrip, this was beyond awkward and potentially embarrassing in the wrongcircumstances.
“What age were you when you first had sex with my seventy six year oldgreat grandmother?” Claire finally decided she would be the one tospeak. Blunt, and to the point, even if it wasn’t exactly an accuratequestion.
“For a start I wasn’t seventy six, I haven’t always been this age” Linda replied for me, before continuing,
“I was forty six, if you really must know, not that it is any of your damn business young lady.”
“Oh well that makes all the difference then,” Claire replied, “You were forty six, what age are you Scott?”
“Forty six,” I spoke, deciding to get the charade over and down with,sensing that Claire was either teasing her great grandmother or intenton being cruel just to get a kick.
“You are forty six, the same age as gran was, so that must mean you wereonly sixteen when you slept with my gran? Same age as me, how’s thatfor coincidence?”
“You just get that idea out of your head this instant my girl,” Lindainterjected, turning round in her seat to face her great granddaughter,“just get it right out of your head, your father would kill me, yourmother would kill me, your grandmother and grandfather would kill me,and I’ll kill you!”
I had my head in my hands by now, wanting the ground to swallow me up,this was the least erotic scenario I could imagine, but Linda wasn’tfinished, no, she had more to say.
“It might be more than ten years since I last saw Scott but if anyone isgoing to get to sit on his hard cock it is going to be me.” She was notlooking at Claire now, she was looking at me, when I returned her gazeshe winked at me, I had to smile although I was shaking my head indespair, “bl**dy tourists.” I muttered under my breath and winked back.
“So you were fucking my great gran for twenty years?” Claire now askedme directly, you could tell where her forebears came from, especially inthis town.
I was saying nothing unless Linda indicated that it was alright for meto do so, it was her great granddaughter asking the questions, I had noway of knowing what she’d do with the answers. I looked at Linda,shrugging my shoulders, she patted me on the thigh, giving it anothersqueeze, “She is teasing you Scott, she already knows the answer, it wasa long queue in the coffee shop.” She moved her hand from my thigh andtraced a finger along the outline of my dick, it didn’t have the effectit might otherwise have done if we had been alone, I knew she was in herseventies but I didn’t care, to me she still looked as good as she hadthat night before my sixteenth birthday over thirty years ago, herhairstyle still hadn’t changed, her face had one or two more lines butthen so had mine and between the two of us she was the one who wasageing better. What was a man to do in such circumstances?
“If we are going to do this can we go back to the hotel?” Claire asked, I’d forgotten she was even there for a moment.
“Firstly who is we? And secondly, what is the this that this we are supposedly going to do?” I asked, addressing Claire.

“Well Scott, me and my nan nan are very close, we share everything andI’ve heard a few stories about her mystery lover from the past, it waspart of the plan to meet you while we were here, it was just acoincidence we bumped into you today. I knew it was you before she’deven noticed you in the store, even if you’ve aged from the descriptionshe gave me when she first told me how you met, we’ve been planning thistrip for two years.
“That’s right Scott,” Linda added, “I wasn’t telling her about you whenyou were getting coffee, we were deciding who got you first.”
It seemed that Linda had first told Claire about me when she had beenf******n and Claire had thought it was a romantic story, I could seethat, through my sixteen year old eyes, but I could also see that whenroles were reversed and it was a forty six year old man and a sixteenyear old girl it came across as being a bit less so. Hell, I wasflattered, extremely flattered, fuck she was a beautiful girl, and ofcourse I’d love to fuck her but I wasn’t going to come right out and sayso, not with Linda sitting there, even if she was party to this schemethey’d dreamt up between them. Despite our history, if it came tofucking only one of them I’d be hard-pressed to decide, Claire was thehotter of the two by several country miles, even if I had alwayspreferred older women but I wouldn’t want to offend Linda by notchoosing her, even if it had been her idea, there was a large measure of“for old times’ sake” at the back of my mind, the knowledge that Lindawas probably making her last ever visit to her hometown, I had nearlydecided that rather than offend my old lover I would rather decline theinvite altogether, what’s a fuck for the sake of a fuck, some men mightnot see it that way and would already be balls deep in fresh virginpussy in the time it was taking me to formulate an answer, but I hadmore respect for both of them than that, it was their trip, their plan,their choice, I was just the cock owner in the plan.
“Let’s go back to the hotel Scott,” Linda had known me well enough tosee that I was struggling with the whole scenario, “Unless you havesomewhere else you have to be?” she added, I imagined she was referringto f****y and home.
“No, there is nowhere else I have to be, nor is there anywhere else I’drather be, I am at your disposal for as long as you want me to be, orneed me to be.” I answered, starting the jeep and swinging it round tohead back to the main road and onwards in the direction of town andtheir hotel on the opposite side of the loch.
It was a small hotel, only thirty rooms, theirs being the only suitewhich was actually situated in the coach house adjoining the mainbuilding. Very private which was good, no prying eyes to see twoAmerican visitors entering their room with a middle aged local man intow. When we got to the hotel the ladies took the bags they’d beencarrying when I’d first met them out of the jeep and into the room, I’dforgotten all about the bags or given any thought to why they’d evenbeen buying foodstuffs in the first place? It became clear when Ientered the coach house, as well as having two large bedrooms it had alarge lounge/dining room and a small kitchen so that the guests couldprepare snacks or meals should they wish to rather than eat in the mainhotel dining room or order room service. Not that they’d bought much inthe way of food, a few snacks, bread and cheese, some fruit and threebottles of champagne and two bottles of wine. They’d obviously beenstocking up for their planned seduction when they’d bumped into meearlier that day. Linda suggested I use the shower in the main bathroomwhile they got themselves more comfortable and opened some champagne,despite the fact I still hadn’t decided what I was open to I did askasked, the two girls retiring to the bedrooms to make use of theen-suites in the two bedrooms. After showering I pulled on the whitetowelling robe that had been left hanging on the door and went back tothe lounge, the ladies were nowhere to be seen so I opened a bottle ofchampagne and made myself comfortable on the couch.

I was still having doubts about this whole scenario, not because I foundeither Linda or Claire sexually attractive, on the contrary, undernormal circumstances I’d have been like any other red bl**ded male andbeen only too keen to get stuck right in for a leisurely afternoon ofsex, these were not normal circumstances. Ignoring the age differencebetween the two women there was the whole i****tual angle, not themother/daughter fantasy beloved of many a porn movie watcher, this wasfar more extreme, Linda was Claire’s great grandmother, I thought I’dtaken my involvement in sexual shenanigans with this f****y to thegreatest extreme, more than I had done some years earlier when I was inmy late twenties when I’d hooked up briefly with one of Linda’sgranddaughters, not Claire’s mother but her cousin, the daughter ofLinda’s youngest, Anne had been a bit younger than me but only by a fewyears, and had spied on her gran and me during one of our trysts whenshe had been over here on holiday. Luckily Anne had taken her looks fromher gran rather than her mother who was with the best will in theworld, on the plain side and had been the daughter who’d answered thedoor to me all those years ago on the night when Linda had taken myvirginity. If circumstances had been different, had I not been marriedat the time and her grandmother’s lover, and if we had lived on the samecontinent, then I could have seen myself and Anne having a long termfuture together. Our relationship had lasted only a few weeks but hadbeen intense, it had broken my heart when her holiday ended and she hadto return to the States. I’d never forgotten Anne and being re-unitedwith Linda and meeting Claire brought all the old memories rushing back.I was still sitting, lost in thought, remembering my time with Annewhen Claire and Linda entered the room.
I really didn’t know what to expect, what was to be expected of meduring the next few hours. The last thing I expected was that they weregoing to double team me for want of a better term, but as I looked up Isaw that both ladies were naked except for the presence of a short robethat Claire was wearing and in her great grandmother’s case a whitetowel.
“Oh shit!” the sound of my own voice made me aware that I’d spoken outloud what I’d been thinking when I saw them standing before me.
“How would sir like us?” said Linda with a smile, adding an exaggeratedcourtesy to break the ice. I just shook my head, what had I let myselfin for? If I didn’t get thoughts about Anne and the whole f****y angleout of my head then the afternoon would be spent watching telly orplaying cards, if the limp dick between my legs was anything to go by.
“Are you comfortable with this?” I asked, looking from one to the otherand back again before continuing. “I mean to say, Claire is your greatgranddaughter, I know it would scar me for life if I saw my parents havesex never mind a great grandparent!” I was addressing Linda havingdecided that she was in charge, it certainly not up to me, if she didn’twant me to touch Claire then it would make no odds what I desired orClaire wanted. Linda looked at Claire, then back at me, then back toClaire who nodded her head and grinned from ear to ear.
“You know what I want gran” she said, “We discussed this with auntieAnne before we came here, I told both of you that I wanted to find outif Scott was the great lover you both claim that he is!” She was lookingme straight in the groin as she said this, which was having animmediate effect on my cock which gave a twitch of approval, andmomentarily side-tracked me from the actually implication of what shehad just said.
Realisation suddenly dawned on me, “Wait a minute, did you just mentionAnne?” both of them laughed out loud, dissolving into a fit of giggles.Linda wagged her finger at me.

“You don’t think I didn’t know about you and Anne did you?” a scoldingshake of the head and more finger wagging. “You might not have knownthat she was watching us fuck all those years ago but I did, it was methat told her to seduce you after I caught her playing with her pussy inmy bathroom after you’d left, if she hadn’t been so shy then you wouldhave had a threesome with us instead of sneaking about behind my backthe whole time she was here.” This piece of information had an evengreater effect on my cock which was now at full length despite anyreservations my brain might still have had.
“I think he would have liked that judging by what is sticking out of hisrobe right now,” announced Claire, pointing at my cock which hadmanaged to escape the confines of my robe despite my attempt at modesty.“Looks like Scott has a liking for the women in our f****y.” Shefinished.
“I’m sorry Scott,” Linda said, “If you were as fond of Anne as she wasof you then it must have been a pretty intense few weeks, especially ifjust the mention of her name can get you hard after more than fifteenyears? I hope I had the same effect on little Scott when I was in myprime?” more laughter, but this time a bit of a nervous edge to it, asif the question was more serious than joking.
“Of course it did,” I replied, “I still does, just the sight of youafter a decade,” my voice trailed off as I heard myself beginning tosound patronising towards her. I tried to get back to the originalquestion, “Why you and Anne would be discussing me with Claire in thefirst place?” This did puzzle me, ok so I had history with Linda overmany years and my brief dalliance with Anne, but there had been nocontact with either in years, for one, I didn’t know where they livedother than the fact that it was in the Virginia Beach area, I didn’teven know where that was? They on the other hand wouldn’t have tried tocontact me due to the fact that as far as they knew I was still marriedwhich was no longer the case. After Anne had left to return to theStates my relationship with my wife had started on the downward spiral,ending in an amicable divorce when our youngest c***d had left home, wehadn’t slept together in over ten years and other than Linda and Anne Ihad gone without a sexual relationship in all that time. In fact it hadbeen a long time since I had touched a woman preferring to keep myselfto myself in more ways than one, thank fuck for internet porn and a goodlube.
We were getting off the topic and I was beginning to think that to takeit any further would take so long as to put a complete stop to anyprospect of me breaking my duck and getting my cock wet. To use a lessthan quaint local term I had “A cock that a dog couldn’t chew.” Meaningthat I had the biggest hard on that I’d had since I couldn’t rememberwhen, Linda came to the rescue and cut to the chase.
“I can see you have a few questions,” she told me, continuing “I promisewe will answer all your questions as best we can, but right this minuteall you need to know is that your existence as far as our f****y isconcerned is known only to me, Anne and now Claire. Who has chosen youas the man who will take her virginity, personally I think you should behonoured?”
My mind was spinning, a thousand questions all fighting for space in myhead, all contributing to have a negative effect on my deflatingmanhood. Claire who’d not taken her eyes off my cock since she enteredthe room was quick to notice. “I think all this talk is making that nicelooking cock get all shy, it’s trying to hide from me.” Which madematters worse, I couldn’t have shrunk any further if I’d dived into icecold fresh water, even my balls were trying to shrivel up and die.

“Oh dear,” Linda exclaimed, clutching her towel to her breasts, “PoorScott, I am sorry, Claire, I think it is time for your first lesson inthe art of lovemaking.” She took Claire by the hand and both of themapproached the couch where I sat. Linda knelt in front of me, indicatingfor Claire to join her, looking me straight in the eyes she said, “Ithink you better lie back and relax, enjoy the next few minutes, I wantthat beautiful cock of yours on it’s very best behaviour before Clairefeels it inside her. Linda reached out and started to run her hands upand down my right leg, gesturing for Claire to follow suit. Never havinghad the experience of two pairs of hands running over my body before Iwasn’t prepared for the blissful experience. I lay back on the couch,Linda’s hands gently easing my legs apart as they ran across my thigh. Icould feel Claire’s soft teenage hands copying the movements of herelder, slowly reaching higher and higher up my thighs towards my groin.
Linda reached for the belt on my robe and loosened the knot, running herleft hand up across my belly and chest, I could feel her towellingcovered breasts against my knee as she reached for my right nipple andgave it a quick nip. Claire was mirroring her every move, taking my leftnipple in her right hand, rubbing her palm across it, her young perttits pressing into my left knee as her right hand played with my nippleand her left played across my belly. Linda briefly sat back, I opened myeyes and looked down to see what she was doing as she unwrapped hertowel, letting her still magnificent breasts escape, a glance to my leftlet me watch as Claire followed likewise, disrobing, giving me my firstview of her beautiful young breasts. I’ve never had a clue about breastsizes, cup measurements etc., I just knew they were the most beautifulpair of tits I’d ever seen, her mixed race parentage had given her skinthe most amazing light chocolate glow, the dark nipples sticking out atleast half an inch I couldn’t resist reaching out to touch them. I tookhold of her right wrist and pulled her towards me, letting go when herbreasts came within reach of those firm young puppies.
Her nipples were rock hard, I ran my palm across the top of the rightone before cupping her left breast in my hand, she let out a soft moanand threw her head back, lips parted, eyes closed. “Aren’t they justmagnificent?” Linda asked. I could only nod in agreement, being intenton getting my mouth round one of those nipples as soon as I could.Rather than wait for them to come to me, I went to them, slipping ontomy knees between the two naked women. I put my right arm around Linda’sneck, drawing her close, kissing her softly on the lips, her tonguedarting out; seeking my own. We kissed, tongues renewing their oldacquaintanceship, left hand on the back of my neck pulling me closerstill, her right searching for my cock. Claire had dipped her head andtaken my left nipple in her mouth, sucking on it like a new-born, herleft hand playing with my other nipple as her right softly stroked myback. I broke off my kiss with Linda and took Claire’s chin in my lefthand lifting her head up to meet mine, kissing her on the forehead, thenher nose before reaching her full lips, her breath coming in short softgasps. The girls had swapped places, Linda sucking on my nipple andstroking my cock as Claire returned my kiss. My hand on her breast wasmaking her moan even more, little squeals escaping her as we kissed,echoing in my own head each time I squeezed her nipple. The smell of hersex was already filling my nostrils, I couldn’t resist running my freehand down her belly till I found her pussy, she was hairless and soppingwet against my fingers. I managed to slip a couple into her tight pussyand my thumb found her clit which felt as big and as hard as hernipples, I only had to give it a little squeeze and I felt her shudderas she came.

Claire squirted all over my hand, “Wow!” I said, breaking away from ourkiss and whispering in her ear, “Fucking hell, you just came all over myhand, that is so hot, I can’t wait to taste your juices.”
“I think we should take this elsewhere and make ourselves a bit morecomfortable.” Linda said, rising to her feet and reaching out her handstowards us. I couldn’t get to my feet quickly enough, both hands underClaire’s arms pulling her up with me. Hand in hand the three of uswalked to the master bedroom and crossed to the king-sized bed. Lindaobviously had a plan for phase two of the afternoon delights andindicated that I should lie on the bed. “I can’t wait a second longer,”she proclaimed, “I just need to have that old friend in my mouth.” Sheclimbed between my legs, lying flat on her stomach licking her lips asshe took my cock in her hand and licking it like a lolly to lubricate itthen stroking it firmly a few times.
“Ok my girl, if you want to kill two birds with one stone and have yourfirst experience of a hot rough tongue on that pussy of yours and at thesame time taste your first cock I suggest you park your snatch onScott’s face and watch me.” She shocked me with her command to the younggirl, I’d never heard her talk like that in the past, she must havepicked up some nasty habits stateside, by the sound of it she’d beengetting her fair share of cock from somewhere or other in Virginia Beachthis last ten years? Claire straddled me facing Linda and started totentatively lower head towards my cock, her ass poised in the air abovemy face. I was in no hurry to do anything for a moment except gaze atthe perfectly formed milk chocolate booty above me. It was the perfectass, I put both hands on her slim waist and ran them over her wide hipsand across the exquisite globes of her ass cheeks. This was the perfectass, as far as I was concerned, a cross between J-lo and Beyonce on aslightly smaller scale, I could have stared at it all day long, but Iwas dying to taste her, each time I stroked her cheeks they would quiverandher whole body would shake. I ran a finger down the crease of herass over her little rosebud asshole, making a mental note to make aconcerted effort to persuade her to let me christen it with my load atsome point before she left town. Drawing my finger lower to the lips ofher wet pussy I dipped my finger into the folds, slipping inside her tothe knuckle before reaching her clit and gently rubbing it with mythumb.
Claire shuddered, a small orgasm coursing through her body as I felt amouth clamp down on my cock. I’d been so intent on the vision above methat I hadn’t been conscious of the attention my cock had been getting.Linda had been running her hand up and down my shaft as Claire watchedand had been whispering to her about what a woman should do when suckinga cock, giving head, administering a blow-job, cocks in general andmine in particular. Linda had sucked my dick often enough over a periodof twenty years that she knew exactly what I liked, how to get me off,how to give me maximum enjoyment without making me cum and the signsthat told her when I was ready to blow. Not that it made much differenceto Linda, she loved to take my load in her mouth, determined not towaste a single drop of my cum. She had been showing Claire how to suckand lick my cock and play with my balls, I was never one for enjoyinghaving my balls sucked, mainly because it meant that if she had my ballsin her mouth then it meant my cock was going without. If I had thoughtabout it for a second I would have noticed that my balls were beinglicked and my cock was being sucked at the same time which meant thatClaire had my cock in her mouth for the first time just at the momentthat I touched her clit, she’d clamped her teeth around the shaft as theclimax rippled through her body, if it had a full blown orgasm shemight well have bitten my dick off, and I hadn’t got length to spare tostart with.

Claire lifted her head off my cock and moaned out loud giving me theopportunity to pull her hips down to my face and flick my tongue at herwet pussy and the little droplet of pussy juice that was hanging fromthe end of her cunt lips. I pulled her even closer, running my tonguethe entire length of her teenage gash, flicking her clit when I reachedit, delicious, like nectar, even sweeter than her great gran’s freeflowing fuckhole that I’d known so well. Damn but this c***d tastedgood, I took a second to wonder if my sixteen year old cock had tastedthis good to Linda when she was forty six, I doubt it, nothing couldtaste this good, not even the finest wine or champagne, not even heraunt Anne had tasted this good. Thoughts dismissed from my brain Iburied my tongue as far inside her cunt as I could possibly reach,pulling her ass as close as I could physically get it. Hands free, Ireached for her young titties, taking a nipple in each hand, rollingthem between my fingers as I sucked on one cunt lip and then the otherbefore burying my tongue inside her to flick her clit again and again.Claire responded, grinding her cunt into my face, her back arched as shemoaned over and over in time to the grinding of her hips.
I could feel Linda’s hands caress my inner thighs, reaching up into mygroin to stroke my sac, Claire’s hand was now furiously pumping myshaft, so fast that I knew I wouldn’t last much longer unless she slowedthe pace. Her first big orgasm saved me as she sat back on her thighs,cunt trying to screw my mouth into the back of my head as she came hard,pussy juice flooded my mouth, filling my nostrils with the aroma andliquid nearly drowning me as it soaked my face.
“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” she screamed, the grinding slowingto long deep thrusts of her hips accompanied with deep growls. “Nnnnh,Nnnnh, Nnnghh, yes, yes, oh fuck yes!” her body suddenly went limp, allthat was holding her up was my hands on her breasts, she’d passed out ontop of me. “Oh dear,” I heard Linda say softly, “My poor baby has takenher first step towards womanhood and it has been too much for her, I’llget her off you before she suffocates you, then nobody will be getting agood fucking, and by that I mean me!” I helped Linda as best I couldturn Claire over onto her back on the bed beside me where she lay softlymewing like a contented kitten, her body still shivering as if she’dcaught a fever. I couldn’t help but give myself an imaginary pat on theback as if to congratulate myself on a job well done, my smile must havegiven me away.
“She might be purring but you look like the cat that’s got the cream”Linda announced, leaning over me to kiss me on the lips. “And very nicecream it is too” I replied licking my lips and pulling her on top of meburying my tongue in her mouth. Linda returned my kisses, reaching backwith her hand to guide my cock to the entrance of her waiting cunt.“Hello old friend, I’ve missed you” she whispered lowering herself untilI was buried as deep in her as I could go. “She won’t mind if I keepthis warm for her while she has a little rest,” she enquired, as we fellinto a familiar rthymn, like riding a bycicle, you never forget and Ihad every intention of riding this glorious pussy for as long as Ipossibly could. For a woman of seventy six there wasn’t an ounce of faton her body, age seemed to have had little effect on her, as I watchedthe muscles of her belly contract as her pussy muscles tightened andrelaxed, it was Linda who was riding me. Hands on my thighs as she leantback I watched as my cock disappeared into her waiting snatch beforefeeling her cunt muscles tighten around the shaft as it slowlyreappeared, over and over again, a long slow fuck, her eyes neverleaving mine, her hands gripping my thighs, my hands gently cuppingthose magnificent breasts that I’d missed these last ten years. I don’tknow what was going through Linda’s mind as we fucked.

Scratch that, we didn’t fuck, I’d fucked her often enough to know thatthis was something more, this was love, with a good measure of lustthrown in for good measure, even so all that I could think about was thebody lying beside me, I was determined that I wasn’t cumming until I’dfucked Claire and made her cum as many times as I could, I might neverget another chance and my ego might never again get the boost ofmanaging to make a young horny woman pass out mid orgasm. I wanted tomake that happen even more than I now wanted to make love to Linda. If Icould have run away from the world with this two then I’d die a veryhappy man, just for an hour or two my mind and my cock forgot all aboutthe third member of this horny f****y, the beautiful Anne.
Much as I’d lusted after Linda and Anne after her for many years I’dalways had a stronger desire which had escaped fruition. A woman ofcolour, be she African, West Indian, African American, whichever, theshape and form, the way the light caught the glistening sweaty bodylying prone beside me was sheer perfection. I’d always been a bum man,and white asses just didn’t match up in my eyes, with very fewexceptions other than the odd latin ass like J-lo or the likes of mediatart Kim kardashion or whatever her name was, now she had an ass to diefor, the fact she also had a beautiful face too made her even moreattractive, if she’d only been mute I would have loved to fuck her. Thatdidn’t matter to me now, Claire had the best ass I’d ever been thisclose to and you couldn’t get closer than having your tongue buried inher sweet pussy, if I never tasted another in my life I’d be a happyman. Of course all these thoughts were having the desired effect andwere taking the mind off of the job At hand which was Linda and her cuntmuscles of steel, it was as if she was trying to suck the cum straightfrom my balls with her pussy. Luckily it was having the effect which wasjust as pleasing to her by which I mean her own orgasm. She shudderedbringing a hand to her pussy to furiously rub her clit as she orgasmedonce, twice, three times, falling on top of me covering my face inpassionate kisses.
“God I missed your cock,” she whispered, softly licking my ear, “As soonas Claire has enjoyed that hard shaft of yours I intend to fill mymouth with your hot cum and give my great granddaughter her first tasteof fresh cum.
Linda climbed off of me and onto the floor, then she walked round to theother side of the bed so that she was on Claire’s right side. By thistime Claire had composed herself and was lying with her eyes closedrubbing her clit with one hand and playing with her tits with the other.Linda knelt over her and took her great granddaughter’s right nipple inher mouth which caused Claire to emit a short gasp as hereyes flewopen. She had not expected to see her elder sucking on her tit, it wasas if she had been lost in her own little world and forgotten where shewas and what had just happened to her. I leaned across and slowly ranthe fingers of my left hand up the length of her slit until they reachedthe hand she had on her clit, then whispered in her ear.
“Are you ready for your first ever cock in that beautiful wet pussy?”The words sounded false and corny to my own ears as soon as I said them.
“Oh yes Scott, I want to you to fuck me, fuck me slowly until you makeme cum.” Exactly what I wanted to hear, my cock twitched it’s approval.“I’m sorry I passed out earlier,” She continued, “That is how my grangran discovered I was sexually active, she came into my room and foundme out cold with a dildo buried in my pussy.” Linda looked up from herposition sucking Linda’s hardened nipple and nodded. “Oh yes,” Shewhispered breathlessly, I could not believe my eyes when I saw her lyingthere with that big black rubber cock in her pussy and her out cold.”She went on, flicking her tongue across Claire’s nipple beforecontinuing. “It was such a horny sight, I know I should have just leftthe room and closed the door but the sight of that rubber dick turned meon so much that I took it from her cunt and stuck it in my own.”
The image painted a vivid picture in my head causing my cock to nod inapproval. Linda continued the tale, “I thought I could satisfy myselfquickly which it did, but I wasn’t aware that my own moans had wakenedClaire from her stupor and that she was watching me fuck myself with herdildo.” Claire smiled at me, which was the sexiest smile I’d ever seenas her older relative finished the tale.
“I came as quickly as I could and thought I’d just slip the dildo backin her pussy and leave without her knowing I’d even been in the room butmy plan backfired.” Claire laughed, saying “Gran gran with my bigrubber cock in her pussy was the first time I’d ever seen a pussy in theflesh, she looked so hot and sexy I couldn’t control myself,” That mademe laugh in agreement, I’d long been aware of how beautiful linda’spussy had looked.
Linda took up the story, “Thank you dear girl, if I’d know you werewatching I would have died on the spot in shame, but you took controland I thank you for that.” The two women shared a lingering loving kisswhich indicated to me that this was not the first time they had playedtogether, just the first time they had included a man in their passion,and I was grateful that I was the lucky guy they’d chosen. Linda, brokeaway from Claire’s lips and smiled lovingly at the girl lying on the bedbefore her. “foolishly I thought I could leave her as I found her, butwhen I slipped the dildo into her tight pussy she grabbed my wrist andwould not let me go.” Linda wagged he finger at the girl in a mockscolding fashion. “Long story short, she made me fuck her with that bigrubber phallus, never taking her eyes from mine until she came, and cameagain, flooding my hand with her young juices. The sight and sound ofit slamming in and out of her sex made me cum too, and that was thestart of our private little playtimes, we even bought a double headedcock so we could fuck it at the same time.” Now I was really turned onand the pre-cum was flowing freely from my cock slit, I lubed my shaftwith it and decided that if Claire was used to having big dildos in hercunt then I’d have no problem fucking her and giving her a taste of herfirst cock.
Claire could see I was ready and pulled me over on top of her so I wasbetween her legs, my cock aiming itself at her waiting snatch. Lindareached across to take hold of my shaft and telling the teenager tospread her pussy lips for me, guided me into her. The heat wasincredible, she felt so tight as she employed the muscles of her cunt tograb my shaft in a vicegrip. “You have had a great teacher I see?” Isaid as I looked down at her beautiful face with her blonde hair spreadacross the pillow and matted with sweat on her forehead. “Your cuntmuscles are well developed for someone who has never been fuckedbefore,” I ended. Claire looked lovingly at her great grandmother andgasped, “It is all you ever said it would be and so much more, so muchmore, I never want this cock to leave my pussy.” Much as it flattered meI knew she’d soon grow up to find a large selection of cocks, biggerand thicker than mine which would soon be forgotten, I was only thefirst, the best I could hope for is that in later years she would notlook back on it as being the worst, with a hot beauty like her I’d bemore than happy to still be in her top ten by the time she reached hertwenties.
We fell into a nice slow rythmn as she had requested, fine by me as Iwanted this to last as long as possible, I knew I’d never get such achance again, the lasttime I’d fucked a sixteen year old I had beensixteen myself and that was thirty years ago. I could have gazed intoher eyes as we slowly fucked for hours and hours, or as long as a fortysix year old man could stay hard under such circumstances, Linda wasn’thelping matters. She would keep moving about, first sucking on Claire’stitties, then underneath me, sucking on my balls and licking my perineumbefore starting to rim my asshole which had an intense effect,especially when she stuck a finger in my ass and took both my balls inher mouth. I took this as her indication that she was ready for me toempty those balls in her throat and increased my tempo, getting up ontomy haunches to drive as deep into claire’s cunt as I could, and raisingher ass in the air which Linda took as some sort of invite.
I was too busy trying to make Claire cum without doing so myself that Iwasn’t aware that Linda had slipped from the bed until I heard abuzzing noise. The next thing I knew was I felt the cause of the buzzingbeing stroked across my balls and perineum, then down to the base of mycock before feeling it against my shaft as it was slipped into Claire’spussy. “Fuck,” I thought to myself, “She is going to make me cum in hercunny before I make her squirt her juice.” I was wrong, Linda was justapplying a bit of lubrication to the vibe before slipping it intoClaire’s ass, I guessed that much when she gave out a shriek, that andthe fact she shouted “Fuck my ass gran gran, make me cum again,” Eitherway I took all my self control not to blow my wad right there and thenin that sweet virgin pussy, if I could have filled her womb with seed ofmy spunk at that moment I would have gladly. It didn’t take long forthe double prong attack on Claire’s cunt and ass to make her startshaking and bucking beneath me, I could hardly stay on top of her,fucking her was out of the question I was just along for the ride as shecame. I could feel Linda’s face buried in her pussy licking her and myshaft as she came, sucking on the base of my shaft and licking Claire’sjuices from my balls, sure sign that it was notthe first time she hadtasted her great grand-daughters juice. I slipped my cock from thedepths of Claire’s cunny and slipped it straight down Linda’s throat,Linda wanted feeding and she wanted feeding right now! I could hear thevibrator being plunged into Linda’s own cunt as she engulfed my cockwith her lips, tongue and throat, desperate to make me cum almost asmuch as I was to oblige her, even so, I wasn’t prepared for the lengthsshe was willing to go to, or where she intended to insert that length?
I was building up nicely to my climax, fucking Linda’s mouth as fast as Icould without causing her too much discomfort, then I felt the returnof the vibe against my balls. I liked the feeling and knew that it wouldhelp me reach cum shooting point quite rapidly, I wasn’t ready for itto be plunged into my own ass, and fuck bt it did the trick. By the timeLinda had plunged the vibe in my hole a coiple of times she had foundthe right spot, the throb of the vibrator on my prostate coupled withlinda’s hoover action on my cock had me blowing my load, each spurtfeeling bigger than the last, I can’t say I was ever a prodijuce spunkshooter, maybe just above average judging by all the porn movies andcumshots I’d seen over thirty odd years, but this load surpassed allothers. Each spurt lasted at least two full seconds, by the third Lindawas gagging and I sat back to ease my cock from her lips but still Icame. Claire who had recovered seconds earlier had turned to face us,lying on her front, her face uplifted at the perfect angle to take thenext long blast right in the face, rather than move her head out of thefiring line she had closed her eyes and opened her mouth so I stuck mycock inside her lips and blasted another three times, each one a bitless than the last, the vibrator still buzzing in my asshole. I gruntedas I tried to f***e yet more spunk from my cock, which caused the vibeto shoot out of my ass and land on Linda’s belly, a few more smallspurts which Claire took like a trooper and she was left to suck theremaining drops from my spent balls. I’d never cum so hard, neverclimaxed so much, if this was an orgasm then it was my first, everythingelse paled by comparison. Spent and empty I rolled off of Linda’s chestto lie on my back, looking round I could see the girls lying beside me,Claire’s face on top, feeding my cum to her great grandmother, who thenswapped places to feed it back to the sixteen year old. I’d neverbefore and I’m sure I never will see anything hotter and sexier than thesight of the two women sharing my cum between them, not something I’dever chosen to watch in any porno I’d seen but this, close up, and itbeing my cum being swapped, between a sixteen year old who’d nevertasted cum before but seemed to be loving it, and a seventy six year oldwho I knew had loved to taste my cum many times in the past. This washot, and as it was still daylight outside and I knew I had nowhere to befor as long as they were in town, I was going to witness this sight asoften as I could manage to get my cock hard and blow a load, with thehelp of this pair I knew it would not be a problem,