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through these threads it's been awhilesince we've had an illustrated story shared aroundthis place.
I ran across a few pictures this morning and thoughtwhy not work on creating a little somethin' somethin'.A couple hours later I came up with the followingtale woven from the fabric of what some of you havecome to know as a most disturbed mind.  :icon071:Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Meoki's Sweet Surrender
Meoki lay upon the bed in her apartment before me.Having just come from the "Release The Bats" clubin Orange county she still had that heat from the E tabwe both shared still coursing through her like acreeping viscious fire.
"Rub you cunt baby girl, make all that wetness come out."
I knelt beside her, faded jeans kicked into a crumpled pilebeside the bed.  My cock enraged with a fire of its own, I slapped it over her ashen powdered face taking time to rub the bell shaped dome over her lips in slow teasing swipes.
"Fuck my mouth Sir; please," Meoki urged.
"Spurt right down my throat and choke me with it."
She continued to wipe at her crotch using her fingertips.The black fishnet stockings now moist as her swollenlips began poking through the small eliptical openings.
"I like it best when your bare beneath like that."
"Nothing but that pretty little cunny pressed all tightand hot against your stockings."
Meoki began to shiver and I watched as her glossycoal black Doc Martin's dug into the sheetsand she began to crest the wave of an orgasm.
"Stop----rip that fuckin crotch open now," I demanded.
"Grab your toy and fuck yourself for me, show me howthat cunt can squeeze the juice out just like it doesa real her this way I felt my balls begin to swellwith seed.  I wanted to jerk this well oiled loaded outover her face and fill her mouth so I could watchthose creamy ribbons run down her tongue.
Meoki loved the taste of cum, the way it would dribbledown the back of her throat like small white wormswiggling their way into her belly.
Clutching the thick green gel dildo that lay beside her;Meoki had no hesitation in plunging it inside the nowchurning cauldron of her pussy.  Those tender violated lips clutching the now slick shaftand plunging it deep within her as she stabbed herself violently.
"Tear that pussy up for me you filthy little fucker," for you Sir, all my cunt honey covering it goodand thick for you," she whimpered.
My right hand continued to pull and wrestle the thickskin up and down my shaft, feeling the slow ticklebuild at the base and begin its languid creep upmy fuck tube.
With my left hand I gripped her cheeks firmly.The pressure creating an oval of her mouth as her lipsspread open and I watched the azure blue of her lipsticksmear over my fingertips.
Thick strands of pre cum began weeping from the pisshole of my prick as I jacked myself off over her.Milking them over the tip of her tongue as it protrudedoutward searching for those sweet candy drops shealways craved.
Listening to her fuck her pussy like this was somethingthat always set my loins on fire.  That subtle suckingsound when she'd use her toys to plumb deep insideherself.  Lost in that moment of reaching her climaxand not giving a shit as to how she came by it.
Watching as they split her wide and seeing them coated with the foamy strands of her cuntcream clinging to them.  Those tiny dribbles ofpure liquid ecstasy that smelled like warm ripe fruiton a Summer's day.
Hearing her whimper and moan and knowing I wasa part of this most intimate of moments sharedbetween us was nothing short of raw intoxication.  Her voice change timbre as she spoke aloud those filthy thoughts in words that held no shame for either of us.
In those moments she became the whore of Babylonriding atop her many headed beast and yet stillalways remained my Goddess standing proud uponthat pedestal of female virtue.
"It's gonna squirt it out Sir, make me your dirty little bitchso I cum mad hot," Meoki squeeled, breath catchingin her slender throat.
"Do it girl, shove that fucker up there and show me thatshit as it pours what I'd been waiting for, that moment of surrender when her body had betrayed itself and thewalls came crashing down like thunder cast from theheavens by some angry God.
My fist now a heated band of flesh, wresting my erection into a rhythm that blended with hers.Our time had come and neither of us could fightthat delicious pull from our sex.  Giving to theother all the passion pent up in this power playof erotic tease and torment.
"Lap it up little one, eat my fuckin' load."
With this strangled keen I watched as thefirst milky streamer erupted from the ragged splitof my cock tip.  Time seemed to suspend as itcreated a slow arcing motion and fell acrossthe bridge of her nose.
Her tongue flicked out like a serpet scentingthe air to insure she caught what was to follow.Meoki's hips bucked upward from the crumpledsheets beneath her and I knew she was hittingher cum as well.
"That's it bitch, slam it right up againstthe roof of your cunt and cum all over me where the fuck you live, down deepinside that pussy where you can't hide fromshit."
Another spray came jetting out of me, this oneI made sure was going to find it's target as I heldthe cock crown right between her lips. I watched as it blurted out over her tonuge andshe raked it toward the back of her mouth to swallow it down.
As I shot once more I pressed further insidethe warmth and wetness of  Meoki's mouth.This time the ebbing stream coating the roof of her mouth and hanging in tiny  stalagtites where they slowly began chokingher as they fell toward the back of her throat.
Meoki coughed as she struggled to catch herbreath, all the while thrusting the green gelintruder deeper inside herself.  Her boot heelsdug deep furrows into the sheets as her sweatmoist bottom clung to them and theyrumpled beneath her.
Her amber eyes rolled back within her brow,those fuck eyes I'd come know so well asshe found release in her submission to me.This knowledge acquired that home truelyis where the heart lies when found  within those you trust and honor so preciously.
With my left hand I stilled her thrustingwith the toy, removing it from inside her sothat I could taste the pure rich nectar thatwas her.  I knew she had come hard, shealways did this way.  This was our time tocome down with one another, our blendingof who we were as one entity.
Taking the toy I gathered my semen thathad trailed across her cheeks, upon the tip of it.Holding it between our lips we tasted it witheach other, that fluid essence that was a partof us both now combined.  Our tongues lashedover it, both of us locked within this tribal ritual toconsume the other.
As always was our way we soon found our mouthsheld fast upon the others.  Our tongues now dancingone again and savoring the salty sweet mixture ofour passions well sated.  Breathing each other insideand passing our spirit into the other.
"Rest little one, dream deeply and know this isour world, our time within it now," I whispered to heras I knelt down to kiss her fevered brow.[/COLOR][/SIZE]