My First Time
Well, it really felt awkward at first, for both of us. I got each of us a drink, and we sat down to find out a little more about each other’s likes and dislikes 'in bed'. What turned us on when we were either with another woman, or in my case, thinking about it.
Dallas started off saying she liked kissing another woman, and wanted to know how I felt about it. I responded with, “It really turns me on to watch, and I'm really dying to experience it myself. . . . . . . with you”.
“Okay. . . .
“I really like both.
“That's okay, I'll be a little out of my character today, and lead. I've always tended to like to please the one I'm with, rather than myself. Well. . . . do you feel comfortable in here. . . . . or somewhere else in the house?”
“Ummm. . . .
She follows me into the bedroom, and as I kind of fumble with the pillows on the bed, she begins undressing.
She looks into my eyes and says.
I answer her by bringing my lips to hers.
My hands feeling and squeezing her firm butt. . . . then moving up to her small firm breast, her nipples hard. . . . bigger than mine. . .
She slowly moves down my body,. . . kissing,. . . . licking,. . . . . down to my clit. .
then her fingers . . . . . . Oh God. . . .
Knowing I'd just came really good. . . . she looks up at me and says “Too bad we don't have any 'toys'.
Of course, I smile saying, “Ah.
I pull them out of the bag, showing her each one, while telling her what I like about each one of them. There's one particular one, I explained, that I always start out with. I turn it on, showing her how it worked. Then I lay back using it on myself until I quickly cum with it, as she watches. When I came again, I ask her if I can use it on her. She answers by laying back. I turn it on and place the little rabbit against her clit. She jumps a little at the sensation. .
I then pulled it out, and turned it off. . . . her body still in spasms of pleasure.
Wow. . . . . . time flies. . . . . when you're having fun. . .
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