Rachel and I have met multiple times in various locations. She always brings fresh, new ideas to our encounters to keep things interesting! This review will cover when we both were staying in London at the same time. Rachel can be the Queen of Kink if you want her to be. On this occasion, kinky is what I wanted. When I arrived at her hotel room, Rachel greeted me wearing leather from head to toe. It was a spectacular sight! Nothing I've seen in real life, the movies, or in magazines has ever lined up with my favorite fetish as well as the image of Rachel in leather and perfect thigh-high boots! She obviously listens to what her customers want and pays attention to detail. Then there was the kissing! As everyone who meets her has pointed out, Rachel is a fantastic kisser! Had it stayed at that level -- passionately kissing a statuesque goddess dressed in wonderful leather -- that would have been good enough. But it got better! Although details get a bit hazy when I'm wrapped up in an experience like the one Rachel can provide, I'll do my best to elaborate. Once I had removed my clothes, she attached leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles. Then she spread me out face down on the bed, connecting the cuffs to the bed's four corners, and slipped on my blindfold. A series of sensations followed, from feathery tickles to leathery floggings. She also prepared my rectum with lube and various implements. Once I was nice and relaxed, she flipped me over and introduced me to a few new toys -- one of which was of the fun electrical variety -- and lots of good, old-fashioned manual labor. Propping my posterior on a pillow, she then went to work with her own special tool. It is quite a sight to have the lovely Rachel towering over you, working up a sweat as both of us are worked into a frenzy! The results were, predictably, explosive! :-) Afterward, we chatted for a while -- she is not a clock watcher at all -- and then I staggered back into the evening, struggling to remember where my hotel was … or anything else! Rachel is amazing! Don't miss her!
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