I met Adel yesterday and she were quite busy I was waiting , but I'm glad to meet , really good experience I was looking for it myself , we had some role playing and as we planned I wanted something like a crime taboo with dominantion and lot of details, I can say sure I had a good time yea , how she is doing it as reality you getting to.. is awesome on some parts a specially..) she transferring you in kind of unbelievable stuff.. and she changing soo fast her mood and like its other person or something for the role and mind . The clothe is very sexy , nice uniform and general look hot At begging I was not sure if its what I will get because are many fake profiles ..but I'm very much satisfied. Best Bj deep and long wet perfect bj i can say brutal , boobs are cool yea, what you see you will get in 1 word , what she wrote she provide is a hundred precent true . She did all I require, never said no, its prohibited for her, she want to satisfy you for the even money paid as I understood , everything PROFESSIONAL here .. around, but not as must .. it's not a girl that you pick up for a fuck at,, the middle of the day ,, the time with her goes on a minute , I felt that, cause my time end and I left Scrolled down the comment dont know why is exist , I dont find her old or fat , I was concentrating on other stuff )) may be the guy didnt get her attantion?? Lol , may be 1 kg or what ment that dont know, she looks young and beautiful, photos are real I wanted to safe few words that is was my best ever experience for role playing. Adel u are amazing by all means and SERVICES ARE DELICIOS , there are NO SERVICES AS YOU HAVE , I will put you in my favourite list of course for that .. To be honest if you do not try her services you loose a lot I might leave the country so next time surely I visit you again if that's ok ★ TOP ★ Thanks Take care , I'm Mark
Wow, thx a lot , see you on your next trip $$$
Qulity girl, service is top , love it , she make me suck all balls , dick full and very sexy lady she ., very high standarts . I had very good time , and i was a bit afraid when i was coming. She is really good , dont think twice , she is good , thank you :smile:
Thank you
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