ben cok memnun kaldim,ilk firsatta tekrar gidecem.1 hafta daha buradaymis,bence kacirmayin..fotograflara basta guvenemedim,fazla yorum da yoktu,bende yarim saat rezervasyon yaptim,ama Milla yi gorunce pisman oldum,son derece cana yakin bir kiz,bana cok guzel bir yarim saat yasatti
she is a real angel..I am using this website for years,and now she is in my top 3 gentle to her,enjoy the time.. genellikle yorum yazmam ama bu kizimiz hakkinda birseyler soylemek zorunda hissettim kendimi,aldigi her kurusu hakediyor..yaninda gecirdiginiz her an yasadiginizi hissedersiniz,egitimli,ingilizcesi oldukca iyi,yatak performansina deyinmek bile istemiyorum,muhtesem.. PS:thx dear for the great time you gave me,see you soon:))
Nice and easy almost same but a little bit photoshop..she does everything she can to satisfy you...her english is also satisfactory so you will have no problem in communication..recommended to everyone..
I met Tais in a 5 star hotel around Şişli...she is the girl in the picture for sure...our meeting was 1 hour and I enjoyed every moment...she makes everything she can in order to make you happy.She has a tight buddy and a very beautifull face..her english is average but you can communicate easily...If I have time I am planiing to visit her again..I recommend her to everyone..THANK YOU TAIS..see you soon..:)
She is clean and trying to do something at least but she is not the best of your may try for a 1 hour booking maybe but before you go please acknowledge that she is definitly nothing to do with the pictures!!
This review are not real,because nobody visited her on 29th of march at 23:17n
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