All the good reviews are fake,this lady puts so much lube that you cannot feel anything,she doesnt kiss and she makes a fake blowjob.She has so many good reviews but all of them are fake,The photos are photoshoped she has good breast but nothing more ,no services at all Μακριά μαγκες ,σοβαρη απάτη.πιστέψτε τις λίγες κακές κριτικές που έχει και ας τους βρίζει.δυστυχώς αυτοι έχουν δίκιο
Dear, when you came, you didn’t want to take a shower and wash, you speak very rude to and you had an unpleasant odor from your mouth and penis, but you insisted on kissing and to suck without a condom, I was very friendly with you, but I did the service as much as possible. You yourself refused to shower and rinse your mouth, so this is not a reason to write that I am very bad at service and looks. You could leave if my photos are ‘photoshopped’ , but we both know this is not true..)
not the girl in the photos,i felt sorry for her she was doing like she doesnt want it,i dont recommend her,she was very miserable,her breath was smelling too.
perfect girl,full of passion ,she will do anything you ask if you are kind with her,best girl i have ever met with amazing body and breast,her friend is also amazing for those who have nice bike ask her for a fucking on the bike...and you will forget everything very dangerous girl for falling in love with her.
amazing girl,very polite and funny character,we had sex like my girlfriend.I would highly recommend the doggystyle,the view is amazing...respect her and you will not get dissapointed...the most amazing escort that ever came in chania.pure brazilian girl,blowjob and anal are her strongest points very hang out with kisses my love
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