one of best girl in istanbul.i hope she stay in istanbul for long time. she is very kind, willingly fulfilling her services. i had a great time with her. and of course im gona see her again
I was in Turkey for business this week and met several different girls. My previous meetings were great (you can check my profile and see my comments), but this time I didn't like it at all. I will write positive and negative things about it below. positive points She answers quickly on WhatsApp / comes on time / it's good to talk to her (but only talk, not sex!) negative points 1- she has thousands of restrictions and red lines You hear a lot of sentences while having sex with her like: Don't do this, don't do that I don't like this I don't like that You feel like you are having sex with a robot 2- She started smoking without asking permission and the smell of cigarettes bothered me while kissing 3-Unfortunately, She is one of those girls who only cares about money. 10 minutes before it was 1 hour, she constantly warned me that you have little time left to satisfy yourself sooner (when a girl constantly asks you to satisfy, the desire for sex disappears). 4- She doesn't do many things that include sex (even though it is included and you paid for it)
hi , totally fake comment because last month i was in another country holiday and didnt work ; just yesterday started and i generally do all services and you can read my profile which include which extra ; even we met , maybe you didnt pay extra services and wanted all services in the bed. Also i dont care only money but just i remind time to i can be busy and you can extend or no. My red line in sex only i do with condom sex. And i dont do foot fetish thats all. You wrote all sentences same , you repeat yourself but its not true, also i sometimes smoke cigarettes if customer smoke; if no , i dont smoke. So your comment already fake and maybe i refuse you because you asked discount or i took you blacklist thats why:) Because my all comments positive only you had bullshit problems
she knows what she is doing and her attention is always on you- simply great services. everything is on high level . im so happy to see her and of course this egency they are amazing
She is very beautiful and loves sex. I had a wonderful time with her, I hope to see her again soon. When she is in a doggy position, you just like to look at her.
they are really fun and have really good energy ... i like to meet them agin and again.they dont rush and stay untill last minute was so good ❤️????
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