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Reviews from nicpd

Registered: 19-12-2019
PM to nicpd
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

I managed to meet Ksenya for the second time and she was even better than the first! As I said before she is very clean and expects you to be clean too. She is a completely natural girl, not only because she has not put anything unnatural in her body, but also what you feel when you meet her, that is, the wonderful personality, the authenticity and the way she thinks. She is very positive and has the ability to convey this positive feeling and mood to you! Every minute you spend with her is full of happiness and good vibrations. Ksenya is extremely lovable, she is very sociable and pleasant to talk to. To unravel these virtues of hers, she deserves kind and good guys who know how to behave to a really nice girl like her. Ksenya thank you for the incredible time we spent together, I look forward to meeting you again and again and again....:love::love::love::love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)

Yes sure dear. It was a very great time with you again and hope to repeat soon. You are a clean and nice man. Kisses

Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Valeriya is the most beautiful girl I have been with, so far! She is very young and petite, looks even prettier and more natural when you see her than her beautiful pictures!! She is delicate, too sweet and so sexy! I could write a lot more about her beauty but I do not want to be tedious! You can easily fall in love with her! I had a wonderful GF experience with her, time passed very quickly. I wish I could stay longer!:love: Her English is very good as well, and it is really nice to talk to her. I highly recommend it for real gentlemen who know how to behave nicely and gently to a girl like her. I will be very happy to see her again on her next trip to Heraklion!:love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)

Thank you so much my darling ????????it’s was perfect, already miss you ❤️????

Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Πριν λίγο καιρό είχα μια φανταστική εμπειρία με την Μίλα. Χαλαρώνεις μόλις την βλέπεις και τα Ελληνικά της είναι φανταστικά! Έχει πολύ καλή διάθεση και στην μεταδίδει, υπέροχο σώμα, και πολύ καλές υπηρεσίες. Δεν κατάλαβα για πότε πέρασε ο χρόνος. Έχει υπέροχο σώμα και θα μπορούσα να την αγκαλιάζω για πάντα! Επίσης η φωνή της είναι πολύ αισθησιακή και τρυφερή, απολάμβανα κάθε λέξη που έβγαινε από το στόμα της. Ευχαριστώ πολύ! Συγγνώμη που άργησα να γράψω, Φιλιά! :love: Some time ago I had a fantastic experience with Mila. You relax as soon as you see her and her Greek is fantastic! She is in a very good mood and conveys that to you. Wonderful body, and very good services. I did not understand when the time passed. She has a wonderful body and I could hug her forever! Also her voice is very sensual and tender, I enjoyed every word that came out of her mouth. Thank you very much! Sorry I was late to write, take care, Kisses!

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Ksenya the kitty girl! I had a wonderful experience with Ksenya! She is extremely clean so you have to be clean too. I really liked that cleanliness is a must! She is very good with social, and she makes you relaxed in no time! Treat her with respect and she will return the favor. Just like a tender kitten, she likes to be petted and you can feel back this tender feeling in full! I could not stop petting her, and listening to her purring!.:love::love::love: You can easily fall in love with her!:love::love::love: Ksenya I had wonderful moments with you, two hours weren't enough, time passed very quickly, but I will never forget this experience. I hope you also enjoyed my services too!! What is certain is that I will visit her with great pleasure the next time she comes to Crete. Take care my purring kitty!:love::love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)

Yes,it was a great time. And hope to meet you again. You are nice. Thank you. Kisses

Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 9.5 / 10

Alina the beautiful girl! I had a great experience with Alina in her previous visit at Heraklion! Alina is very sexy girl with beautiful body as in pictures! In no time she makes you feel very comfortable with her! She is chearfull and very energetic with very nice attitude! She is very good with social too :wink:! Treat her nice with respect, and she will return the favor! Thank you Alina for the wonderful time!:love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)


Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Liza the cheerful girl!:wink::love: I had a wonderful GFE experience with liza some time ago in Rethymnon. Liza is a very HOT and energetic girl and she can cheer you up in no time! She is treating you nice and very friendly too! Treat her nice with respect and joy, and she will return the favor! Thank you so much for everything! the guy who traveled only to meet you!

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Ι managed to arrange a second meeting with Nastya and didn't regret it because it was even better than the first one!!! Nastya made me feel very relaxed, as if I had known her for years. We had a an incredible time together. :love::love: Nastya clearly loves what she is doing, and I forgot to mention in my previous review that she is very clean and extremely lovable. Treat her with love! I think I am in love :request: :love: Nastya thank you so much for everything, hope to see you again! Love and kisses. :love::love::love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)

Thank you very much again for the wonderful words!! I will always be glad to see you!)) I adore you!

Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Nastya the smiling girl!:wink: I had a very good GF experience with Nastya! The things I liked most about her, is her positive mood, her smile and her nice personality! I asked for 2 hours because I needed more time to relax, so we had the time to talk, and still the time passed very fast. Her english are very good and it is very pleasant to talk to her. She is completely natural girl with no tattoos or silicone, which is difficult to find these days. I am pretty sure that she is the ideal girl for dinner. You can easily fall in love with her! Sex with her is very enjoyable without being intense, and she enjoyed it too. I highly recommend her for real gentelmen who know how to treat nice and gentle to a girl like her. Please read the whole description before arranging a meeting. A few days have passed since our meeting and I still can not get her out of my mind. I look forward to meeting her again.:love::love::love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)

Thank you, my dear, for the nice words addressed to me!???? Not every man has the time and opportunity to write about our meeting. As it is written in my questionnaire, I meet for pleasure and future meetings. I love constancy and good men like you dear!) Thank you again! See you tomorrow!

Beauty: 8.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 7.0 / 10

Εμφάνιση 10: Τι κορίτσι!!!, υπέροχο πρόσωπο και σώμα, φυσική και μικρόσωμη! Φυσική ομορφιά, δεν βρήκα τίποτα τεχνητό πάνω της. Ούτε τατουάζ παρατήρησα πράγμα σπάνιο στις μέρες μας. Πολύ μου άρεσε αυτό! Ελπίζω κορίτσι μου να παραμείνεις φυσική όπως είσαι! Υπηρεσίες 8: Είναι ευγενική πολύ φιλική και γλυκιά. Ήμουν πολύ αγχωμένος και ενώ δεν είχα κοιμηθεί το προηγούμενο βράδυ, όμως κατάφερε να με χαλαρώσει με το χαμόγελό της και το μασάζ. Ίσως το μόνο μου παράπονο ήταν ότι δεν είχαμε φιλιά στο στόμα, αλλά ίσως να μην της αρέσουν τα γένια μου. Δεν ρώτησα. Επικοινωνία7: Υπολογίστε περισσότερο στη γλώσσα του σώματος και στην τεχνολογία, όμως είναι κάτι που περίμενα μιας που έχει λίγα αστέρια στο προφίλ της στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα. Αν ξέρετε λίγα Ιταλικά ίσως να είσαστε πιο τυχεροί. Συνοψίζοντας πέρασα πολύ καλά μαζί της, Το σεξ ήταν αργό και απαλό, και το απόλαυσα, όπως νομίζω και εκείνη! Ευχαριστώ πολύ Μαρία, θα χαρώ να σε ξαναδώ!:love::love::love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 8.5 / 10

I have say it was my first time with escort, so far I only had a multi-year relationship close to 20 years. I was very attracted to the photos because I like petite girls with natural breasts without any cosmetic change. So I thought this girl is of my taste and I would like to try her as my first escort. With a lot of stress, I decided and arranged for an appointment, which was arranged very easily and quickly, only with a few messages in English. As soon as the door opened, I saw the shapely girl with the lovely face, to my eyes she is more beautiful than the pictures. I was terribly embarrassed (as if I had never been with a woman) but she quickly managed to calm me down. I don't want to go into more detail because I think it spoils the surprise, but I have to say that I haven't had better sex so far. It would be perfect if there was a little better communication in English, but we can't have it all. After all, she is trying to understand, I wish I knew Russian too! In conclusion I had a great time, so great that I didn't realize how fast that hour had passed. But now I know that next time I will need more time with her. Maria I want to tell you that the time has passed so fast and I had lost my mind with you that I could not even managed to wish you. So I wish you all the best for you and many wishes for the new year !!! I hope to see you again!:love: Να πω πως ήταν η πρώτη μου φορά με escort, έως τώρα είχα μόνο πολυετή σχέση κοντά 20 χρόνια. Με προσέλκυσαν πολύ οι φωτογραφίες γιατί μου αρέσουν οι μικρόσωμες κοπέλες με φυσικό -χωρίς επεμβάσεις- στήθος και αυτός είναι ο λόγος που είπα να δοκιμάσω με την συγκεκριμένη κοπέλα. Και έτσι μαζί με πολύ άγχος, αποφάσισα και κανόνισα το ραντεβού, το οποίο κανονίστηκε πολύ εύκολα και γρήγορα, με λίγα μηνύματα στα αγγλικά. Μόλις άνοιξε η πόρτα και είδα την καλλίγραμμη κοπέλα με το υπέροχο πρόσωπο -η οποία είναι ομορφότερη από τις φωτογραφίες-. Hμουν φοβερά αμήχανος (λες και δεν είχα πάει ποτέ με γυναίκα) αλλά γρήγορα κατάφερε να με ηρεμήσει. Δεν θέλω να μπω σε περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες γιατί πιστεύω ότι χαλάει την έκπληξη, αλλά έχω να πω ότι έως τώρα δεν έχω περάσει καλύτερα στο sex. Θα ήταν τέλεια αν υπήρχε λίγο καλύτερη επικοινωνία στα αγγλικά, αλλά δεν μπορούμε να τα έχουμε όλα. Άλλωστε προσπαθεί να καταλάβει, μακάρι να ήξερα και εγώ ρώσικα! Εν κατακλείδι πέρασα πολύ καλά, τόσο καλά που δεν κατάλαβα πως πέρασε η μία ώρα. Τώρα όμως ξέρω ότι την άλλη φορά θα χρειαστώ περισσότερο χρόνο μαζί της. Μαρία θέλω να σου πω ότι πέρασε η ώρα τόσο γρήγορα και είχα χάσει και το μυαλό μου μαζί σου, ώστε δεν κατάφερα ούτε να σου ευχηθώ. Σου εύχομαι λοιπόν ότι καλύτερο για σένα και πολλές ευχές για το νέο έτος!!! Ελπίζω να σε ξαναδώ!:love:

Reviewer: nicpd (10 Évaluations)

Euharisto para poli yia to sholio))) pola filia ke elpizo na se do ksana! Hronia pola my dear!