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Teaching the Teenagers (Ch. 1)


Both had been initially dragged along by their friends, and despite enjoying the movies were always a little bit intimidated by the other kids. Perhaps this is the reason that while many of the other kids tended to pack up and go back home after the movies ended, Zach and Tiffany often stuck around afterwards to ask the pair about their movies, and naturally they became friends with the married couple over several months.In spite of their shyness, it came as no surprise to the couple when the two teens began dating; they were a natural pair. They often chose to spend their nights watching movies within the safety and comfort of M&M's house, snuggled together on one of the couches. Sometimes they would come over to play boardgames,and they had accompanied Mark and Monica on a double date more than once. Monica had grinned and surreptitiously waved Mark over to the picture window after one such date to watch the teenagers share a chaste first kiss in front of Zach's front door, across the street."Aww, that's so sweet!" Cooed Monica. "I remember when you and I were like that." Mark just smiled and put his arm around Monica. She nuzzled in and just vicariously enjoyed the glow of the young teens' puppy love, then finally led him upstairs to their bedroom and made long, slow, romantic love to her husband.Tiffany and Zach continued dating over the next four months, into the beginning of winter and the first snows. The romantic atmosphere merely added to their burgeoning relationship, and it wasn't unheard of for the teens to fall asleep on one of the couches spooning together while Monica and Mark traded winks and knowing glances. Like younger versions of themselves, these two were very much in love.So it was that one snowy Friday night, after a long romatic comedy, Mark and Monica arose from their snuggling on the couch to find that the teens had likewise passed out on theirs; Zach's hand clasping Tiffany's, resting just below the swell of her breasts. Mark smiled, rubbed his eyes sleepily, and got a blanket from the closet to drape over the two of them, while Monica walked to the kitchen to phone their parents and ask if they minded if the teenagers spent the night. Mark joined his wife in the kitchen, coming up behind her and kissing her on the nape of the neck as she hung up the phone."Both their parents are okay with them spending the night here." She giggled quietly as Mark spun her around and kissed her lightly. Just then they heard a soft, almost inaudible moan from the den, and putting a finger to his lips to silence his wife Mark crept to the doorway.The teenagers were still in the same position but were stirring slightly; it was impossible to tell whether they had woken or were merely shifting in their sleep. Monica crept up beside her husband and smiled at him. The couple slowly crept out to the den, thankful that the plush carpeting muffled their steps completely.When they got closer they could see that Zach was indeed squeezing Tiffany's tits under the blanket, and just as they reached the back of the couch Tiffany moaned loudly. Zach's eyes popped open, and upon seeing the couple grinning down at them he let out a frightened "oh shit!" and bolted off the couch. Or would have, if Tiffany hadn't been resting on his other arm; as it was, the startled teen managed only to unceremoniously dump his girlfriend facefirst onto the floor."Oof! Ow!""Shit, sorry!""God, you smacked me right in the nose, Zach!""I'm sorry Tiffany, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"The couple couldn't help but laugh as Tiffany picked herself up and headed off to the bathroom to deal with a slightly bloody nose. Monica followed, laughing, to help diffuse the situation, while Mark sat down on the couch next to Zach."Sorry Mark, I... uh... I was having this dream, and... and..." The teen immediately turned beet red. Mark couldn't help but laugh harder at the young man's embarrassment. Zach looked at his feet, feeling ashamed."It's okay buddy, it happens." Mark managed as his laughter died down. "Nothing Monica and I aren't used to, anyway." During sleepy movie nights, it wasn't unheard of for teenage boys to fool around with their girlfriends while they thought nobody was looking, and it always secretly amused the young married couple, who generally knew exactly what was going on."Listen, I uh... I've been meaning to ask you, Mark." Zach gestured futilely, unsure how to continue, while Mark sat with an expectant look."Yeah?""How do you know when... I mean, when did you and Monica first... um... uh..."Mark grinned. He knew what the kid was getting at, but he was enjoying the young man's embarrassment. "First what?"he asked.Zach sighed heavily and asked "First have sex?"Mark feigned surprise and raised his eyebrows. "Oh, that! I was wondering how intimate you kids were getting." Mark flashed a wink and laughed heartily as Zach somehow managed to turn even redder. "It's ok, kid, she's a nice girl, you two deserve each other. I guess that's something you need to talk to her about, although Monica and I actually didn't wait that long." Mark smiled as he remembered the couple's first passionate night together."I, um, I did, sorta. And she wants to but she's scared, and I, uh... I don't really know... what... to do." The teenage boytrailed off feebly, hanging his head, staring at his hands in his lap.Mark could only grin and shake his head. "Not a whole lot you really need to know kid, at least as far as the mechanics of it goes. Be sure to take it slow though, play around with her a long time first." He chuckled. "Of course, if you two do decide to do it, then you'd need to have some protection. Hold on a second." Mark jogged upstairs to the bedroom to retrieve a condom for the young man.Meanwhile, Tiffany had finished dabbing at her nose with a tissue, Monica leaning against the doorjamb."S'okay Tiff, I'm sure he didn't mean to. Besides, it's not like you're the first couple we've caught fooling around here." Monica giggled and Tiffany couldn't help but laugh, albeit a little nervously."Hey, Monica... how do I know when's the right time to... you know?""Fuck him?" Monica grinned. Tiffany smiled and blushed, causing Monica to laugh. "I dunno Tiff, you need to work that out with him, but I've seen the two of you together, I'd go for it. Just make sure you're safe!""I know, I got that part covered already. And we've fooled around a little bit already, not that much I guess. It's just... I dunno, I'm nervous, but I love him,and I want to do it with him so bad! It just feels so right, y'know? But I'm scared what'll happen, and I don't know how to get him to, you know, do it with me." Monica just looked at her sympathetically, placed a hand on her shoulder, and said, "Trust me Tiff... all you need to do is let him know that you want him as bad as he wants you, and I'm sure he'll be all over you in no time. Remember, he's as scared as you are; you just need to show him what you want him to do to you. That's all it takes." Tiffany just nodded and smiled as Monica headed back to the den, then tossed the tissue in the trash and followed.Mark had just returned and was handing Zach a three-pack of condoms when Monica strolled in, Tiffany behind her. Tiffany had seen nothing, but a quick glance from her husband told Monica everything she needed to know. Tiffany plopped herself down on the couch next to her boyfriend and kissed him lightly as Monica subtly waved her husband over to her and whispered into his ear. He whispered back, then the two of them waltzed over to the center of the living room. Mark reclined onto the couch as Monica popped in a DVD before dropping down onto the couch with her husband, picking up his legs and draping them over her lap before melting into his body."We called your parents while you were sleeping, by the way, and it's okay if you spend the night. Think you're up for another movie?""Sure.""Sounds Good.""Great! This one's R-rated, but I think you're big enough kids to handle it." She winked at the young couple, who averted the eyes and blushed a bit, then looked at each other and kissed quickly. Monica traded a knowing glance with her smirking husband as the movie began.The movie started out slowly, but made up for lost time in its intensity. The teens shifted nervously as a few explicit sex scenes came up, but the married couple seemed completely unfazed. As the movie heated up so did M&M. At first content with little pecks on the lips, their attentions soon graduated to breathy kisses, whispered exchanges concerning their plans for the night, punctuated by little licks and sucks of earlobes. "God, this is making me hot, baby. I can't wait to get you upstairs!" He whispered as his wife ground herself into him slowly."Mmm, I know. I hope those two do okay. I remember how it was at this age; they want to fuck so bad, but they're scared as hell.""You think maybe we should -""Nuh uh. It's their first time. Let 'em have tonight for themselves.""Whatever you say baby," he finished. Monica merely grinned and nibbled on his earlobe seductively.At first the teenagers were made uncomfortable with such an open display of eroticism, but as the movie progressed and they warmed up they, too, became more passionate."They're doing this so we know it's okay." Tiffany whispered to Zach after a soft kiss. Zach glanced at Mark, who had his head back and was receiving a hicky from his wife. As if on cue he opened his eyes and smiled at Zach, giving him an almost imperceptible nod.Zach smiled back, unsure what he should do next. "So we know what's okay?" Tiffany merely looked him deeply in the eyes as she rested her hand lightly upon the prominent bulge in his lap. Zach gasped audibly, which caused Mark and Monica to giggle uncontrollably from the couch. Zach flushed with embarrassment, but Tiffany was too far gone to care. She wanted him, wanted to lose her virginity to the boy she loved, and be his first in return."Sorry guys. Carry on!" Monica giggled. Zach was already lost to the feeling of his girlfriend rubbing his cock through his pants, so the young couple hardly needed any urging."It's okay. Touch me Zach." Tiffany whispered, a look of love and lust in her eyes. Zach was amazed at this change in her, but was also delighted. He tentatively brought his hands up to her chest, staring deeply into her eyes as he gently squeezed her tits. She threw back her head and moaned softly, causing the married couple to smile around a shared kiss."Ahem." The aroused teens immediately separated and turned to the married couple, somehow managing to look innocent. "We'll be upstairs if you need anything, so don't hesitate to ask. We're not shy, so don't be afraid." Monica couldn't help but grin. "And don't worry about making noise, we're... ah... heavy sleepers." Monica tossed the teenage couple a parting wink as Mark flipped on the kitchen light as illumination for the two teens, and turned off the rest of the lights downstairs. Zach and Tiffany just nodded and grinned a silent thanks to the couple for providing them the opportunity to make love for the first time in the safety and comfort of the young married couple's home.Mark paused halfway up the steps, his finger poised thoughtfully on his lips. "Ah, if you guys..." he then thought better of it and continued up the steps, trailing his wife to their bed. The teens looked at him curiously, then as one turned to each other and resumed where they'd left off.Mark and Monica turned on the light and stepped into their bedroom; the layout of the house was such that Monica cast a perfect silhouette down the stairway to the horny teenagers as she stripped off her clothing. Then she turned and called to them:"Remember guys, feel free to come get us if you need anything." She smiled seductively at her husband, who peeled off the remainder of his clothing, turned off the light, and slowly stalked his highly aroused wife to the bed.Meanwhile, Zach and Tiffany were anything but idle. Tiffany had herself taken off her blouse and was undoing the clasps on her bra. Zach was trying to decide between whether to take off his own shirt or to simply gawk at his beautiful teenage girlfriend stripping for him. In the end, the shirt barely won out, landing immediately on top of Tiffany's bra at the foot of the couch. The young couple had never gone quite this far before, but some barrier had been broken and they were both completely eager to continue. Zach was bashfully aware Tiffany had tits, had even shyly stroked them during their previous makeout sessions when alone together. They were even nice ones by most standards, but somehow seeing his first pair in the flesh nearly paralyzed him; all he could do was stare. Tiffany decided took the initiative by straddling him and pulling his head to her chest. Zach immediately took a nipple into his mouth and began to suck, causing Tiffany to moan deeply. Zach released the nipple and tilted his head back to kiss his girlfriend. The sensation of feeling her tits grinding into his chest was absolutely electric."Mmm. I love you, sweetheart."I love you too Zach. I want you so bad.""I want you too, Tiff. I can't wait."Mark and Monica heard Tiffany's moan and smiled to each other in the dark as they embraced, naked, in their bed."That really got you hot, huh baby?" Mark chuckled softly to his wife as he slid down her body until his face was inches from her crotch. He could feel heat radiating off her pussy, and was surprised at how incredibly wet she was already. He lowered his face to her waiting pussy and teased her with long, slow strokes of his tongue."OH! OOooh! You know it, sweetheart!" She groaned to her husband as she felt him begin to tease her clit."Mmm, I can tell!" He chuckled again. "You want to do it with 'em, don't you baby?""MMMMM Yeah.""You wanna just put on a show, maybe teach 'em a few new tricks, or...?""No sense in scaring them off; they are virgins after all, honey. We'll cross that bridge when we - OOOOHH! - come to it. Right now I'm thinking we'll wait until next time at least to teach 'em what they need to know about - UNHHHH - fucking and sucking, see what they decide they're up for. . And then whatever happens - AHHH - happens, agreed?" Mark could only smile at his good fortune at finding such a sexy, adventurous, uninhibited wife."Agreed." Mark noisily slurped at his wife's sensative clit."GOD, you're amazing baby! I need you inside me, Mark!" He merely grinned an evil grin, and continued to drive her mad with his tongue. "Please baby, fuck me! I need you so bad baby, please!" She gasped. Unable to resist this amazing woman begging to be fucked, Mark crawled his way up her body and into her awaiting arms. The couple both groaned very loudly as he slowly eased his thick 6-inch dick into her all-too-eager pussy. He already knew tonight would be one of those nights where she didn't care about making love; she just wanted to get fucked like a madwoman.Zach and Tiffany heard the pair groan deeply together and understood exactly what was going on upstairs. They also understood that tonight, they definitely didn't have to worry about being too loud; chances were good that sooner rather than later, there would be two couples moaning and panting and screaming in that house. Tiffany had grown tired of rubbing her boyfriend through his jeans and slid off of him, unbuttoning his fly. Zach helped her work his pants off, then gasped as she hooked her fingers into his boxers and slid them down his legs. Zach's erect five inch cock slapped against his belly, capturing his girlfriend's attention completely.The light from the kitchen was enough for the teens to see what they were doing, but only barely enough to allow the horny teenagers to drink in the details of each other's bodies. Tiffany was enraptured by her boyfriend's now-naked figure; she had never seen a boy naked before, and asked her boyfriend somewhat shyly if he would let her really see him."Yeah... but I wanna see you too Tiff. I've never seen a girl naked either." Tiffany stood and stepped out of her own designer jeans and, flipping her hair over her shoulder with a lusty look in her eyes, slid her panties down to the floor. Then she took his hand and led him to the doorway of the kitchen for a little mutual exploration.By now Mark was thrusting eagerly into his wife's soaked pussy, and she was cheering him on with increasingly audible moans and dirty little phrases of encouragement."UNHHHH HARDER BABY! FUCK ME MARK! OHHHHYESS!"Mark was panting heavily, ready for more, and deftly rolled over and flipped his wife on top of him so that she was riding him."MMM, you want me to fuck you good baby? Want me to ride you till you come?" Her tits bounced as she rode her husband for all she was was worth."OHHH yeah that's good baby! Hope those two are having as much fun as we are.""I wouldn't worry baby. It's their first time, and with those two I'm sure it's gonna be good. Hopefully they're taking it slower than we are." She grinned in the dark and stopped rocking enough to lean down and delicately nip his nose, before she resumed riding her deliriously contented husband.Both teens had stepped shyly into the well-lit kitchen and were now admiring each other's naked form with both eyes and hands. Tiffany couldn't take her eyes off her boyfriend's erect cock; she longed to touch it but was suddenly nervous; how could she possibly take all that inside her?Zach saw the flash of uncertainty, misinterpreting it as being unsure whether she should touch him or not. Zach took her hand and guided it to his cock, staring deeply into his girlfriend's eyes when she glanced up at him. She smiled gently and started stroking his shaft slowly, bringing a soft moan from her naked boyfriend.Zach had never felt anything like this; her touch was absolutely electric. He longed to touch her body, to explore her secret places and make her feel every bit as good as she was making him feel. He placed a hand on one of her tits and squeezed a little too hard."Ouch!""Sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you.""It's okay. Just be gentle."As a way of demonstrating she placed her hand over his and squeezed softly. He got the hint and placed his other hand on her tit and started gently squeezing and kneading her chest. Tiffany moaned softly and stroked her boyfriend's dick a little more vigorously, then decided she wanted something different.Zach was surprised and a little disappointed when Tiffany brushed his hands away from her tits, but his disappointment didn't last as she slowly sank down to her knees. This was too good to be true, he thought!Tiffany had actually just wanted to see her first dick up close initially, turning it over in her hands and looking it over. The head was purple and slick with some sort of sticky clear fluid; it looked almost angry somehow. She was surprised by its spongy hardness, like some strangely erotic version of a garden hose. Letting her hands wander, she passed through Zach's thick black tangle of pubic hair on her way down to his testicles. They amused and intrigued her; she'd never seen anything like them. She took his scrotum in her hand and glanced up at her boyfriend when he gasped. "It's okay. Just be gentle," he mimicked, and she could only grin and return to her inspection of Zach's fascinating body. The rhythmic creaking of the bed above them, coupled with the increasingly loud and erotic moaning from M&M, was only serving to heighten their already extreme arousal. Tiffany was suddenly very curious... she loved her boyfriend deeply and wanted to make him feel good; as long as she was down here, why not?"I've heard about this before and I was always kind of scared to try it, but with you it's different Zach." She hesitated a moment before opening her mouth slightly and reaching out her tongue to tentatively lick her boyfriend's engorged cock. Upon feeling his girlfriend's tongue upon his dick, Zach moaned very loudly indeed.Mark and Monica couldn't help but laugh when they heard Zach's throaty moan."Just wait kid, it gets better!" Mark crowed down to the young man. He wasn't sure exactly what they were up to, but was reasonably certain they hadn't quite gotten around to fucking yet."Boy does it ever!" Monica whispered so that only Mark could hear. Mark, touched, reached up in the dark and passionately kissed his loving wife as she slowed to ground her hips down onto him.Tiffany had warmed up to her oral exploration very quickly once she discovered that, contrary to her fears, Zach didn't taste unpleasant at all. In fact, in a way his heady, slightly spicy scent only served to turn her on even more, and she eagerly devoured Zach's young cock, swirling her tongue around the slickened purple head.Zach was moaning uncontrollably. He had leaned up against the cold metal door of the refrigerator when she had first taken him into her mouth, but he didn't much care; maybe the burning coldness on his back would put out the raging fire in his groin. Tiffany's mouth felt absolutely unbelievable; if sex was as good as this he was baffled as to why anyone would ever leave home!Tiffany discovered, very much to her surprise, that she loved sucking Zach's dick. The ability to make him moan uncontrollably made her feel like some sort of wanton sex goddess, and she relished the fiery slickness of his dick in her mouth. If she could take him into her mouth, maybe it wouldn't be so hard to fit him inside her pussy after all. Tiffany closed her eyes and concentrated on intensely pleasuring her boyfriend.Being a virginal teenage boy, he naturally didn't last very long at all. Zach felt the tingle deep inside that warned him of his impending orgasm and alerted her."OHGOD I'm gonna come, Tiff!"Tiffany was suddenly unsure what to do. She was vaguely aware that boys squirted when they came, but she didn't know what it tasted like, how forcefully they came, how much there was, or anything else. She was still wondering what she should do when Zach drew a shuddering breath, his dick pulsed, and he shot his first load. She was startled and pulled back a bit, but quickly resumed sucking his dick as it shot strings of come into her awaiting mouth. She loved the strange taste of her boyfriend's come, and briefly entertained a fear that somehow this made her a slut. Ah well... plenty of time to worry about that later!Zach had closed his eyes and nearly passed out from his intense orgasm as he slowly slid down the cold refrigerator door to the warm floor beneath him. His eyes fluttered open and he was greeted with the welcome sight of his beautifully nude girlfriend leaning over him, a look of concern on her face. He smiled weakly and she smiled back, wanting to kiss him but still holding a mouthful of come and unsure what she was supposed to do.Tiffany had heard the phrase "Spit or swallow" before, but up until now she hadn't really understood what it referred to. Now she understood, and hazily recalled her girlfriends telling her how much guys loved it when girls swallowed and how they really hated it. She realized she could hardly relate to them; this had been an amazing experience for both of them and if swallowing Zach's come really would make him happy, well then...Tiffany swallowed and smiled both at Zach's weak look of surprise and at the itchy tingling sensation at the back of her throat. Then she leaned in and kissed Zach, giving him a small sample of his own taste.Getting his first blowjob from the girl he loved was incredible, but seeing her hesitation and subsequent decision to swallow his come anyway made Zach feel an indescribably sharp swell of love for his darling girlfriend. He had to do something to make her feel half as special and loved as he did right then.Propping himself up as he quickly recovered his strength, Zach pulled over one of the padded stools M&M kept in the kitchen. He didn't want to subject Tiffany to the burning coldness of the refrigerator, so he took down a pair of hand towels and quickly clipped them to the door with a set of refrigerator magnets where his back had been.What the heck was he doing? Then he scooted the stool up against the refrigerator,and Tiffany understood. She could only giggle as Zach took her hand, sat her down on the stool, knelt down in front of her, and slowly spread her legs.Zach didn't really know what to expect, but he was anything but disappointed. He had never seen anything like Tiffany's pussy. It was covered with a light down of golden pubic hair and was slightly open, seemingly inviting. Her lips were pink and moist, and as he gently ran a finger along her folds she moaned and watched him intently. What would he think of her pussy? Tiffany nervously considered everything that could possibly be wrong.Zach was completely unaware of Tiffany's apprehension. In front of him was by far the most fascinating thing he'd ever seen. He glanced up at Tiffany and instantly read in her face her fear of his disapproval. He could only grin broadly and whisper "You're beautiful Tiffany. You're beautiful!"Like a dam breaking, Tiffany's apprehension washed away, replaced by unbridled lust. She looked down at her boyfriend and took his hand, showing him where how she wanted him to touch her. She gasped when he slowly plunged a finger inside of her, then two. She thought nothing could possibly feel better than this, and then Zach happened to find her clit."OH GOD!" she blurted out at the top of her lungs.There was no laughter this time because at that particular moment, Monica was screaming out precisely the same thing. She pounded her hips down onto her husband's thick cock, relishing each fleeting sensation of being filled up completely before drawing her hips back up and then pounding down onto him again. The creaking of the bed was deafening, but neither one cared; all that mattered was the feeling of Monica's pussy sliding up and down on Mark's slickened shaft. At her moment of climax she let out a long, high-pitched wail of pure ecstasy, and collapsed onto her husband, her pussy milking his cock for all it was worth. When she had finished they kissed, both breathing hard."Oh my God Mark, that was awesome.""You're telling me!""You're still hard.""Mm-hmm. Haven't come yet." He nuzzled against the crown of her head."Think you're good for one more, babe?" Monica teased. She knew he was.Zach and Tiffany were too lost in their own sensations to be aware of Monica's noisy orgasm upstairs. By now Zach had gotten an idea of how to pleasure Tiffany, and was stroking two fingers in and out of her pussy while rubbing her clitoral region with his other hand. Zach's fingers made gentle slurping noises as they darted in and out of Tiffany. She was so wet!"Mmm, see what you do to me Zach?" Tiffany gasped between moans.Zach gazed into her eyes with a passionate intensity, then, hesitantly, lowered his mouth to her pussy and licked the length of her slit. Tiffany couldn't even moan, she was too busy gasping for air at the touch of Zach's tongue exploring the full length of her crotch. She began to have an idea of just what she had done to her boyfriend mere moments before, and truly, if it was anything close to as good as this she'd suck his dick every hour, on the hour. This was simply too good to be true.Zach was enjoying himself immensely too. He was hard already from the sight of his first pussy, and especially her reactions to his attention. Her musky scent turned him on fiercely, and he began to entertain notions of what it would feel like to bury his cock inside this wonderfully soft, wet, hot, tight pussy. Just the thought made his cock twitch and caused him to groan softly into his girlfriend's aroused pubic mound. The delicious vibration in turn made her moan, and she gave him a look that left no doubt in either mind that he'd be finding out very soon indeed!Mark was actually closer to his own building orgasm than he might have let on. He had rolled Monica onto her back and mounted her in one smooth motion, then began pounding her for all she was worth. Their erotic groans filtered down to the two naked teenagers in the kitchen, further arousing the younger couple. Likewise, Tiffany's increasingly higher-pitched moans as Zach ate her pussy for the first time drove Mark to higher states of arousal. Both Mark and Tiffany reached climax at roughly the same time."UNHH! FUCK YOU FEEL GOOD MONICA! I'M GONNA COME INSIDE YOU BABY!" Mark yelled as he started spurting streams of thick hot come deep into his bucking wife's pussy."YEAH BABE, FILL ME WITH YOUR COME!" Monica had not herself achieved a second orgasm, but was tantalizingly close. She reached down to finish herself off as she felt her husband's hot sticky liquid splash deep inside of her."OH GOD YES ZACH! YES! YESSSS!" screamed Tiffany as she felt waves of orgasmic pleasure radiate out from her pulsating vagina. The raw unbridled vocality of the couple upstairs was turning Tiffany on, and for a moment she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in Monica's place at the moment. Not that she wasn't thoroughly enjoying herself with Zach, of course!Zach was enraptured by the rhythmic clenching of her pussy around his fingers as his girlfriend flooded his face with her sticky, musky, intoxicating juices. He had never seen anything quite so intimidating and awe inspiring as a girl in the throes of her first manmade orgasm, and he began to wonder if perhaps he was in over his head with this surprising girl.Which, of course, he was. She had to have him now, wanted to him to lead her over to the couch and make love to her. She wanted to make him yell like Mark had just been doing upstairs, and she wanted Zach to drive her absolutely wild with desire. She wanted to scream out dirty things like Monica did. She wanted to feel his cock inside her, taking the virginity of both teens. She opened her eyes, breathing heavily, staring at her beloved boyfriend, who was also panting.The two teens were well past the point of no return; they couldn't have stopped what was about to happen if they had wanted to, and neither of them had the slighest intention of stopping anyway. Tiffany slid off the stool, slightly wobbly on her feet, as Zach steadied her. She kissed him passionately, sliding her hands down his shoulders to grab his ass before sliding them around his smooth body to grab his hardened cock. She gave a very slight tug towards her, in the direction of the couch, and Zach needed no other prompting. He followed her to the couch, where she seductively reclined on the couch and opened her legs, inviting him in.Zach was all too ready, but remembered the condoms. He fished the three-pack out of his jeans pocket and started to unwrap one of them when Tiffany stopped him."What's that sweetie?""A condom. Mark gave them to me." A slight blush. "I don't want to get you -""C'mere sweetie." She swivelled so she was sitting up as Zach gingerly sat down next to his nude girlfriend."I've been on the pill for about the last two months, sweetheart. I've been hoping you'd make love to me for awhile now... although I definitely didn't expect this." She giggled nervously and stroked her boyfriend's chest. "I'm as scared as you are sweetie, but I want you, right now. I want to feel you inside me, without anything between us." She kissed him lightly as she tossed away the condom and laid back against the armrest, awaiting the touch of her eager boyfriend.Zach leaned in and kissed his girlfriend passionately, their tongues darting around in each other's mouth, as Zach helped position Tiffany's legs on either side of his hips. Tiffany stroked his arms, his chest, and worked her way down his body to lightly rake her fingernails up his erect shaft. Then Zach slowly shifted his body until he was lying facedown on top of his girlfriend, supporting his weight on his arms, each looking deeply into the other's eyes. Tiffany was resting her hands lightly at the small of her boyfriend's bare back, biting her lip nervously in anticipation of the big moment."Put it inside me Zach."Zach reached down and positioned himself between her open lips at her entrance. Both teens had a look of total intensity as they enjoyed the last sensations of the tease before they finally went all the way."Tiffany?" Monica interrupted from the top of the stairway, gazing down upon the two naked teens locked in an embrace. She was poorly illuminated by the kitchen light, but it was apparent she didn't have a stitch of clothing on.Tiffany blushed furiously and tried to cover her nude body with that of Zach, which was doing a wonderful job already. "Uh, yeah, Monica?""Sorry Tiff, I'll make it short. I forgot to warn you that a girl's first time usually hurts pretty bad, but it'll pass quickly. Just take it slow at first until the pain's gone, mmkay?""Thanks Monica. We will."Monica turned and silently walked back into her bedroom, leaving the two teens alone once more."You okay baby?" Tiffany asked her reddening boyfriend."Yeah, just a little embarrassed I guess.""Me too, but I guess there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean, heck, they were doing it too, and they WERE pretty noisy." Tiffany couldn't surpress a girlish giggle as she thought of the married couple's raunchy vocality."Yeah, I guess." Zach chuckled lightly, thinking along the same lines. "So you ready, babe?" "Umm... yeah. Just..." She nervously swept aside a lock of Zach's hair framing his face. "Be gentle, sweetie, okay?""I promise." With that he slowly started to push his dick inside her awaiting pussy. He felt the tight ring of her entrance slip down over the head of his dick, igniting whole banks of fireworks in his head. He continued to slowly slide into her a couple inches, a descent of sweet delicious agony for both of them, then stopped when he started to feel resistance."Umm, I think that's my cherry, sweetheart. Put it in all the way, I'll... I'll be okay."Zach nodded, drew his hips back, paused as if to reconsider for a moment, then lunged and imbedded himself completely in his girlfriend, groaning deeply as he felt the tight ring of her entrance slide all the way down his shaft and the head scrape deliciously against the soft walls of Tiffany's flooded pussy.Her pained gasp could probably have been heard halfway down the block. Monica was right, it hurt like a bitch, but after a moment she could tell the sharp pain was fading very quickly indeed. Zach, rather than stroking in and out of her as he so desperately wanted to, was simply holding her in his arms until the pain passed.Mark and Monica were just holding each other, spooning, listening to the two teenagers as they finally gave their virginity to one another. Monica squeezed Mark's hand as they heard Tiffany's sharp intake of breath, remembering how it felt her first time and sympathizing for the young girl. When they didn't hear anything else for several seconds they grew concerned."You okay Tiffany?" Mark called down to the girl."Yeah," came her obviously pained reply. Monica's heart went out to the teenager."It's okay Tiff, it'll pass in a bit. And you only gotta go through this once.""I know." she sounded like she was still hurting, but thankfully a little less so than before.Despite the amazing sensations he felt on his dick as he slid all the way inside of her tunnel, Zach was concerned only with his girlfriend's distinct lack of comfort; her head thrown back, her mouth open in a grimace of obvious agony. He held her, waiting to see if she'd be okay. Finally she opened her eyes, tears at the corners. Zach's heart wrenched in his chest and for a moment he was actually ashamed that he had done this horrible thing to her.But at that moment, she smiled at him and gave him a light kiss on the lips. "Remember," she said. "Go slow. Be gentle." She slid her hands around until they were delicately resting on his hips, urging him to withdraw so he could plunge back inside again. Zach could only nod as he ever-so-slowly withdrew until his length was almost completely outside her. Just as slowly, he reversed direction and started to slide, agonizingly slowly, back inside her. The sensation was like nothing he'd ever experienced, or even dreamed of. This was paradise on earth.If anything, it was equally enjoyable for Tiffany. The pain had quickly been replaced with delirious pleasure as she adjusted to the feeling of having her boyfriend's cock inside of her. Never before had she felt so... well, filled. It was as if his cock was scratching some deep itch inside of her she hadn't realized existed until now, both physically and emotionally. Tiffany moaned a low-throaty hum, and Zach responded with a delighted, "Ahhh."Upstairs, the married couple just smiled in the blackness and held each other.Zach's growing obsession became penetrating as deeply inside his writhing girlfriend as he could on each accelerating stroke. Instinct was starting to take over now, the drive to get as deeply inside of her as he could before spraying his come.Tiffany was just fine with that; the sensation of being having a cock driving so deeply into her was a new and welcome one. She raised her legs and curled them around her energetic beau's waist, unintentionally causing him to rub against her clit on every stroke. All Tiffany knew was that this felt glorious!Remembering how much the older couple's dirty talk had turned him on, and how it apparently did something to Tiffany as well, Zach began to whisper to his lover as he stroked in and out of her."Oh my God, Tiffany. I've never felt anything like this before. This is..." Words failed him, and he resorted to a low moan to communicate his pleasure to the young girl."I know, Zach. You feel amazing inside of me. I'm so glad we did this. Anytime you want to do this, sweetheart..." She trailed off, hardly needing to finish the sentence. A few minutes passed, with only the low groans of the teens, the creaking of the couch's rocking, and a few wet squishes as the two teens bumped moistened pubic mounds together."I'm getting tired, sweetie. I really love making love to you, but I'm exhausted.""Ohhh!" Tiffany pouted. She was really enjoying this and didn't want it to end.He gave it a valiant try, but the tired boy eventually slumped over on top of her enamorous girlfriend, his dick still imbedded in her soaked pussy. Tiffany managed to roll the limp teenager off of her, but couldn't hide her disappointment that the ride had ended."Wait a sec." She blurted. Zach looked at her with mild interest, likewise wishing he had the stamina to continue.Grunting with the effort, she rolled Zach off the couch and onto the floor, laying him on his back. The boy got the idea immediately."MMMmmm, Good thinking Tiff!" Tiffany immediately straddled the young man, stroked his dick up and down her open slit, then sank down onto her boytoy with a pleasurable groan. Zach likewise couldn't help but express his enjoyment; for whatever reason it felt nearly as good as the first time."Baby?""Yeah, sweetheart?""I want... I wanna feel you come inside me. Tell me when you're close, okay?""Of course." Zach returned to concentrating on the incredible feeling of Tiffany sliding up and down his length , rocking herself towards orgasm on top of him."Man, those two sound like they're having a heck of a time," Mark whispered to his sleepy wife. She merely nodded and drew little doodles in his patch of pubic hair."Think they'd be up for more tomorrow?" Monica merely opened her eyes and looked inquisitvely at her husband."Hmm. You really want to fuck her, don't you?" Monica was anything but the jealous type, but Mark still wasn't sure how to respond. Might as well be honest."Yeah, a little bit. You want a piece of Zach, baby?""Maybe." She merely grinned. "Maybe I want to keep Tiffany to myself, too!""Kinky!" Mark whispered to his grinning wife, and silenced any reply she might have made with a deep kiss as the teens downstairs moaned deeply. There were definitely times when he wasn't at all sure which of the two of them was more adventurous. They parted, smiling to each other in the dark, before Monica rapped him roughly on the belly and whispered:"But they gotta both be okay with it, and I don't know how they're likely to take it, so go slow. Don't push them into anything, okay baby?""You have my word," he replied.Finally, the moment of truth was approaching. Tiffany's moans were quickly increasing in speed, pitch, and volume. She couldn't be far from coming. Likewise, Zach's panting was becoming erratic, and Tiffany was practically slamming herself down onto her boyfriend's stiffened cock."Tiff, I'm gonna come!""Me too sweetie! Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! OH! OH! AUGHHHHHHHH!"Zach had never felt anything like Tiffany's orgasm. She slammed her hips down onto his one last time and stayed there, shuddering with pleasure. It seemed as though she was milking his cock with her pulsating pussy, squeezing every possible ounce of pleasure out of his dick. Zach felt like he was going to pass out from the internal massage she was giving him, and then his orgasm hit as well. Zach's throbbing dick began shooting shots of hot watery come deep into Tiffany's pussy. She could feel each warm jet squirt deep inside her pussy, and savored the feeling of having gotten off her new teenage lover during their first passionate night of sex. Finally, exhausted as well, she collapsed onto her boyfriend, his limp cock still inside her soggy pussy. The two were so tired that they both feel asleep as soon as Tiffany rolled off Zach's chest and snuggled up to his side. Monica padded silently down the steps to drape the blanket back over the two of them, but not before Mark had an opportunity to take a little keepsake for all of them to remember this wonderful night by.Advancing the camera's film, Mark whispered to his bride, "We'll save the surprises for later, baby. Don't want to risk spooking them." Monica could only grin impishly and nod.The next morning Tiffany was the first of the two the wake, to the sound of bacon and eggs sizzling. For a moment she panicked; where was she, why was she naked, and what would her mom think if he caught her sleeping next to her nude boyfriend?! Then she remembered last night, and sighed thankfully. It was definitely nice having friends like M&M.Chapter 2 coming sooner or later, partly depending on what sort of feedback I get. ;)