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Correcting Chrissy


"Chrissy?" Sister Catherine called upon her for the third time."Huh? What?" Chrissy’s attention snapped from the fantasy as she heard her name being called.The student was at a loss as she knew immediately that she had been caught not paying attention. The only thing she was sure of at that very moment was how wet her panties were getting and that deep itch she felt as she thought of Tommy rubbing his hard cock along her thigh. To her, it was exciting that a 18 year old boy had taken an interest in her. Unconsciously she had been pressing her creamy thighs together and releasing them just so she could feel the pressure upon her puss."That is it Ms. Montgomery. I have had enough of your lack in respect. Gather your books and go to Father Marshal's office and let him deal with you.""Yes, Sister."The day was going from bad to worse. First, her quarterly report card and now this. Chrissy gathered her belongings and sticking her tongue out at her giggling friend Amanda, she walked out the door and slammed it shut. The smallest display of defiance, the dumb bitch had interrupted her fantasy and yet she had the nerve to be mad at her? Obviously Chrissy’s outlook on the matter was a bit warped.The halls were empty and quiet with the exception of the choir rehearsing within their room. She would take as long as possible getting to the Father's office. She was not eager at all to hear the righteous lecture again on respect and paying attention.A side detour into the bathroom. The perfect stalling tactic. Stepping into the stall, she reached up under her skirt and hooked her fingers on the elastic of her small bikini panties. Drawing them slowly down, down along her tan shapely legs she realized the true price she had paid for her little lewd fantasy back in class. The crotch of the white material was soaked. Chrissy could not help but get a whiff of the pungent aroma that lofted up to her nose. It was undeniably the sweetest smell of pussy one could dare imagine. Hinted with the usual scent of her morning baby powder.She lowered down, taking a seat on the cold toilet. Out of her own curiosity, she reached down and drew her middle finger along her slit. It was like electricity through her body. Her mind flashed to how if felt when Tommy got his hand down her panties lastnight. Chrissy withdrew her finger and rose it to her ripe full lips. Flicking her pink tongue over the digit and tasting herself. She couldn’t believe the taste. It was absolutely incredible. If Tommy could make her feel that good, she could as well, right? Moving her hand back down to her cunny, she placed two fingers on either side of her puffy hairless lips and drew them apart to fully expose the small swollen nubbin of pink flesh that peeked out of its hood.Tapping her middle finger right upon that sweet spot, she found the sudden sharp contact more pleasurable than what even Tommy had done to her. Chrissy's tiny body jumped and jiggled with each light tap. Harder and harder she began dabbing at her sensitive young clit. She could not believed how far it was sticking out. Begging for attention. One finger became two and increased till she was literally slapping her pink bald pussy. Whimpering softly with each strike she started to cum. The feeling starting at her curled little toes and working its way up her firm thighs to her tight box. Hot girl juice seeping out of her hole and her swollen clit throbbing. She was so sensitive she could not even touch herself again without her small body breaking out into spasms.Never before had she done such a thing, let alone in the bathroom of her school. Maybe this was the answer to her school problems? If she could make herself feel this good, what did she need other boys for? Why would she need to sneak out of the dorms at night? Maybe now she could stay awake in class?Chrissy jumped as she heard the class bell ring. Had she really been playing with herself for close to forty minutes? Jumping up, she slid her panties up, wedging them into the crack of her ass on accident and she smoothed out her skirt. Grabbing up her bag, she completely forgot to wash her hands, and she ran out of the bathroom to get to the Father's office. Maybe, just maybe, if she got there before Sister Catherine, she would not get into more trouble.Running down the hall with her golden mess of curls bouncing through the mix of girls and Nuns, she skidded around the corner and ran smack dab into someone. Knocking her off her feet and dropping her to her butt, she sat there stunned for a moment. Raising her blue eyes, there stood Father Marshal, Father Johanson, Sister Catherine, Her Mother and her Father. There were no two ways about it, she was busted.She could have gone without seeing Father Marshal, Father Johanson from St. Michael’s where Tommy went to school and Sister Catherine. But there stood her Mom and Dad. Despite them both looking less than happy with her, it was great to see them both. Leaving her book bag there on the floor, she jumped up and flung herself into her Daddy's arms."Daddy!!! I am so happy you both are here!"Catching his precious daughter in his arms, he hugged her tightly to his broad chest and inhaled her sweet girl scent. She always seemed to smell of baby powder. But there was something else this time. He would not realize until much later that what he smelt was her sweet nectar. He'd not seen her in eight months and missed her something terrible despite anything he heard about her behavior. Truth was, the talk he’d just had actually excited him but he knew he had to do something about all of this. He had to nip it in the bud early. She'd just been thrown out of her second school in one year and this was costing them a small fortune. Setting her down to the floor, she looked up to him with the wide eyed innocence that she always seemed to have down to perfection. Even a bat of thick lashes as she kept her eyes locked on his."I wouldn’t be so eager there Lil Bit. Mom and I are not very happy with you right now." His voice a deep sultry baritone."Daddy, I am sorry. Really I am. I promise promise promise that I will do better next semester. I just got really homesick but I am doing better, I promise."Hearing that they already had a meeting, she panicked and lied and they knew she had. Chrissy didn’t know why really but she knew that she couldn’t just come out and tell them why she’d been doing so terribly in her classes. She wasn't homesick in the slightest. She loved being away from her Mom whom she didn't along with at all. If Chrissy was anything, she was Daddy's girl."There will be no next semester Chrissy!" His voice tinged with the anger he rightfully held.. "You have gone and gotten yourself thrown out of yet another private school. I hope you are proud of yourself young lady!"She couldn't believe her ears. Thrown out!? She looked around and saw her Mom shaking her head in complete disgust of her daughter. Chrissy knew at that moment that this vacation would be less than pleasant.There was no need to show them her report card, they had already heard that she was failing almost every single class this semester. They had heard from Father Marshal of her grades. Father Johanson was even nice enough to relay the story Tommy had told him when he got busted sneaking into his room this morning after spending the night with Chrissy down at the lake. Chrissy did not know it yet, but her room had already been packed up. All of her belongings were now in the SUV. She was leaving St. Joseph and she would never return. Not even given the opportunity to say good-bye to her best friend.The ride home was worse than she had expected. Chrissy was used to hearing her parents arguing. Yelling back and forth at eachother, yelling at her when she'd screwed, fighting over her. This time there was nothing but silence. That in and of itself worried her. What was her Daddy going to do? He was always the one to dish out her punishments. Where was she going to go to school now? There were so many questions that needed to be answered and she wasn't sure she really wanted to know the answers to any of them.Her Daddy was always so sweet and loving. He was to blame for how she’d grown up. She would admit it herself that she was a tad bit spoiled. She had never really seen him quite this angry except on one occasion. That was when he and Mom fought just before she left for school. Her Daddy wanted her at home but the witch did not. Boarding school was her idea, not Daddys. She obviously got her way up until now.After three hours of riding in the car. They pulled into the drive way. Chrissy could see Dozer, a large Rotweiler, jumping around in circles, excited that his keepers were home. She flung the door open and ran to him.“Dozzzzzzzz!!!!”Wrapping her arms around the large dog she hugged him tightly. The dog bathed her face in sloppy licks, happy to see her as well. He was paying special attention to her right hand fingers. Chrissy thought nothing of it, forgetting that they were dried with her pussy juice from her little detour into the bathroom earlier back at her school. Obviously the dog immediate picked up on her scent and started sniffing at her. He even went as far as to stick his nose up under her skirt.Her Daddy finished unloading the car of his daughter's stuff and stomped over to Chrissy and her dog. Chrissy was busy trying to remove the dog’s snout from her crotch. Just as she felt a lick to her panties from the wanton pet, a strong hand gripped at her thin upper arm and yanked her to her feet in one swift startling motion. Chrissy was shocked that he would ever do such a thing to her but it ended the assault she was getting under your skirt.He’d seen where the dog had his face buried and immediate envied him. He could not see what he was doing under his daughter’s skirt but he was a grown man with one hell of an imagination."Up to your room young lady. I will be up to deal with you soon enough." He gave her a small shove towards the door. Dozer was close at her heels and followed her inside.John, Chrissy's Father, turned to his Wife and narrowed his eyes."She is staying home, that is that! I told you this was a bad idea. She needs to be here with us. Not with strangers!"His Wife got more infuriated as she snapped back while standing in his face. "Look at her! That little trollop needs to be out of this house! She should be locked up somewhere so she is safe from herself. You would let her get away with murder if I did not say something John! I have had it! You both are going to hell! You say she is staying? Fine! I am leaving and I will NOT be back!"Chrissy's Father lashed out and backhanded the woman, knocking her to her ass. Throwing the car key at her chest, he hissed."Then go Bitch! We don't need you! We never have! Run to the church like you always do! Go repent for our sins!"He turned and stormed into the house. Slamming the door shut and locked it. The sound of the car tearing out of the gravel circular drive was enough to reassure him that there would be one less female in the house to deal with. Now he just had to set his daughter straight. He had no idea what he was going to do. He was still too pissed to think clearly.Meanwhile Chrissy had heard her parents fighting. She had heard everything. There were no tears shed, she was happy to have her Mom gone. But now she was laying upon the bed. Dozer was still sniffing at her young body. Licking at her bare legs and Chrissy wanted nothing more than to feel that hot tongue lapping at her pussy again. She had been caught off guard down stairs but now she was convinced that she wanted to feel it again. Maybe she would be able to move her panties off to the side and he would lick at her bare pussy? The thought alone was getting her wet all over again. Softly she petted him, cooing over and over that he was a good doggy."Get up off that bed NOW!" John barked out as he stormed into her room. He knew all too well that he’d given his Daughter and her pet just enough time to get into a compromising position. She really was a needy little slut. Definitely not disappointed as he stared at his daughter with the animal.Chrissy lifted her head and looked to her Daddy, pushing Dozer away from his incessant licking of her body. Had the family dog licked any higher she would have truly had a reason to be embarrassed. But right at the moment, fear overtook humiliation. She barely recognized her Daddy as she looked at the anger within his eyes. The veins in his neck and forehead bulging. Immediately she had to look down. Slowly she slipped off of the bed and stood at the foot of it. Terrified to come any closer to him. Even to John, his daughter looked so sweet and submissive, he could smell the fear on her and it was intoxicating.His hand lashed forward and claimed her slender neck. Both of her small hands shot up to his wrist and fought to get him to release her. She could not breathe and started to turn red as she struggled against the attack."What am I going to do with you!? How do I show you that it is in your best interest to be a good girl and not this dirty little slut that I am looking at right at this moment?!?"He released his hold enough so that she could breathe as he saw her face starting to turn purple. He took a seat on the edge of her bed and yanked her down across his lap by the back of her neck. Chrissy gasped and choked, trying to fill her lungs with air. It was not until she felt the cool air of the air-conditioning hitting the backs of her slobbered on thighs. She realized what was going on or what was about to be going on. He wouldn’t dare? She thought herself.John had lifted the back of his babygirl’s plaid skirt, revealing to his lustful gaze the round tight ass that he had so often jacked off while fantasizing about. Yes, he knew it was wrong, terribly wrong, this was his daughter, but he did not care. When he needed relief and his wife decided sex would only be for procreation, this is what he imagined while fisting his thick nine inch cock. However, there were no thoughts of sex right at the moment. At least none that he would admit.He shook his head. No, he would never strike her in anger. No, this was about her punishment. His thoughts were confused as the slutty little girl was writhing on his lap inadvertently massaging his meat that remained trapped within the confines of his khaki slacks. Chrissy was indeed putting up a fight to free herself from his hold. There was no question of his strength as his hand pressed more firmly just between her shoulder blades. To get her attention, he rose his hand and....**SMACK**....his large muscular hand landed square upon her right ass cheek, jostling her entire body.“Owwwww, Daddy! NOOOO! I am too old for this! Please stop it! I am so sorry!”The small girl cried out, struggling to cover her derriere with her hands. Never before had she been this humiliated. Almost a teenager and here her Dad was spanking her like a little girl. Flesh, like that of flawless porcelain started to pinken, matching the hue of the cotton panties keeping her covered from her Daddy’s eyes. Had she been able to see, his eyes were glued on them.Hearing her begging him to stop was just enough to make him continue. If he stopped now, she would learn a the lesson at all. He honestly thought he had a point to this punishment. Though that line was slowly slipping away from him. She would keep doing what she had been doing with those boys and she’d never learn her lesson if he listened to her pleas.**SMACK-------SMACK**Two more strikes against her flesh. Covering both cheeks with his single hand. Damn how it stung and he could only imagine what his girl must be feeling right about now. John could swear that on the last smack he felt the heat radiating from her silken flesh. He pushed her hands away and yelled at her.“Move your hands back one more time slut and I will make sure you can not do it again.”There was something within his voice that told her he was drop dead serious and she placed her palms upon the floor to try and stabilize her body rocking. It must have been her overactive imagination getting the better of her, but she could swear that the large bulge pressing into her tummy was her Father’s cock. How in the world could he be enjoying this? And he was punishing her? Being paddled was embarrassing enough, but this was a hundred times worse.“Please Daddy, I promise to be a good girl from now on. Just please stop Daddy!”It was music to his ears. Her melodic voice straining through her tears as she begged for him to show a bit of mercy on her body. Raising his hand one more time, it came down with a resounding crack to her skin. She had squirmed just right that the tips of his fingers came into contact with her panty clad pussy. Her entire body jerked and she gave out a throaty scream. Only this time the scream did not sound so much like pain. It sounded more like a lustful plea. Not to mention she immediately tightened up her cute little ass, forcing her belly to slid along his cock. It was at this moment that he realized what he had smelt when she hugged him back at the school. He was actually smelling her cunt drippings. The horny little girl scent that would soon be his only fetish.“That is right Chrissy, you will be a good girl. A very good girl. Daddy’s good girl.”His hands rubbing over the tender flesh. Sure she would think he was soothing her tortured bottom when in reality, he was savoring how it felt to finally be touching his little girl like this. He had to find out if he was right in what he had suspected. Yes, he could hear her sobs and even noticed tears running down her cheeks at one point. His heart was racing and he knew he was taking the biggest chance he ever would up to this point in his life. The anger had long since given way to lewd ideas of having his way with this sweet young thing. Afterall, who was there to stop him? His cock throbbing at the thought of getting at his babygirl’s pussy and fucking her like the raging little whore that she was becoming. Why should those boys get all the fun?His fingers continued to rub, moving down along the backs of her creamy thighs. Chrissy closed her eyes tightly as she knew all too well what was happening. She was so terrified to speak. Her pulse quickening with each inch her Daddy advanced to her cunt.. She felt like she was going to be sick the moment she felt his fingertips brushing across her pussy. Oh gods no! She thought to herself.Much to his surprise, her pink little panties were soaked. The little slut was enjoying this! With a turn of his wrist he cupped her pussy and grabbed forcefully. This was indeed a pleasant turn of events. At least for John.“What’s this? Daddy’s girl is a slut and actually cumming while she is being punished?” He purred as he spoke. Lust replacing the angered tone.Chrissy was horrified. “Noooo! Oh God Daddy, please, let me go! Don’t touch me! This isn’t right!”“No Baby, what isn’t right, is your panties are soaked. You know you like when Daddy touches you, don’t you little one?”His daughter’s embarrassment was perfect. Her head slumped down. She could not just blame it on Dozer licking her panties. How could she lied again when they both knew he was right? No matter how good that last spank that hit her pussy felt, this was wrong. Maybe her Mother was right? Maybe she was a slut? She sobbed quietly.Rubbing her pussy through her panties. John pressed the thin material that was so wet it was almost sheer, into her juicy slit. Pushing them into her tight little hole with his fingertip, he probed at that sweet little tunnel that oozed of her juices. He was delirious with passion. Knowing he had to have his girl. He would tear into her pussy and sink his throbbing cock into her body and nothing would stop him now.“You liked when the boys did this to you. You love being their dirty little fuck toy don’t you? Did you let them fuck you too Chrissy? Did you? Did they put their little dicks into your cunny babygirl? It’s okay honey, you can tell Daddy. Did they finger your little pussy? Don’t think for a minute you are going to get away with this. You think you are too good for your old man? Is that it?”She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Hearing his words and his fingers digging her pussy. Her Daddy had turned into an animal. She saw it within his eyes as he grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head up. He had parted his thighs more and her small body slipped off of his lap and to the floor. Each muscle trembling in terror and a sick incestuous ache. Her body was betraying her and she was almost to the point of cumming until he stopped suddenly. Being forced to look at her Father who had just molested her and had his way with her young body.“You WILL be a good girl, do you understand me honey?”His voice was light and breathy. Chrissy’s spirit could not be broken and it showed within her face despite the fear. Her thighs quivery. The sweet heady scent of her pussy juices soaked into her panties for the third time today. She nodded, pulling her own hair within his strong grasp.“Yes Daddy.”[Chapter 2 Coming Soon!]This story is the sole property of MacKenzie Starr Martin and may not be copied in full, or in part,without the express written consent from her. If you should have any further queries, direct them to: [email protected] Rights Reserved ® 2003Copyright © 2003Masochistic Muse