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Simon Says (for Michele)

Mind Control

I knew that the message would peak my wife's curiousity. Her mind would immediately be overloaded with questions..... What is this all about? Where are we going? What are we going to do? What am I going to tell my boss? As for me, I was already excited about the idea of driving Michele crazy. I knew that she would not be able to concentrate on her work. How could she not think about sex at time like this? My job was to keep her occupied, and not give her time to relieve the tension herself. After all, Simon hadn't said she could- yet!Shortly after 10:00am I called her and asked how her day was going. She told me that she got my email, and was very horny. I told her that I hadn't sent a mail- - Simon did. She was to do as Simon said..... and right now "Simon says get back to work and do not pleasure yourself. At 11:30am I called the reception desk of her office posing as a salesman that needed to speak with Michele. When she picked up the line I said-"Simon says go to the parking garage, and get into your car.... instructions on what to do next are under the passenger seat. Then hung up. From out of view, I watched Michele leave her office and head for the parking garage. Using my camera, I snapped a few pictures of her doing so.She quickly got into her car and searched for the next message. The note instructed her to "get on the highway, stay in the right hand lane, and drive toward home. To help you relax, I have included a cassette for your listening pleasure- In the meantime, remember what I told you earlier. You are not to pleasure yourself. If I catch you, the game is over, and you will pay." After the third song of the sex mix tape had ended my voice came onto the tape.... "Michele, this is Simon. I hope you are enjoying our little game so far. I am. You are not to go home. I want you to drive over to City View mall, and enter the Talbot's store. Tell the woman at the counter that you are there to pick up a package that was left for you. It will be gift wrapped. When you get it, go into the dressing room, open it, and follow my instructions. Michele did as instructed- the woman that normally saves ribbons, bows and wrapping paper couldn't rip open the package fast enough. She came to a note that read- these are your clothes for the afternoon. Take off everything you have on, and wear ONLY what is in the box.Michele quickly sifted through the box to see what it was. In it, she found a sexy cocktail dress. It was short, but not slutty. The hemline came to mid thigh, and the neckline plunged teasingly low. The package also included a pair of blank heels, a bracelet, and a necklace with a small pendant having the letter "S" on it. Immediately, she knew that the "S" stood for Simon. As she began to change clothes, she realized that this might be a good opportunity to play with herself. How could anyone know. She was close enough to coming as it was. A few hard strokes of her clit would allow her to come. She had to. As she slid her hand down between her thighs and touched her swollen lips Michele was startled by a knock at the dressing room door. Shit! what to do? It was the sales woman telling her that her cell phone was ringing. The saleswoman slid the phone under the dressing room door and Michele answered it. "This is Simon.. You are taking a long time in there. I hope you aren't breaking any of my rules." Now completely amazed, Michele managed to save herself. She explained that the note was confusing, and that it wasn't clear to her whether she could wear her bra and panties or not? Simon responded- do EXACTLY what the note says. When you are through, get back to your car. You now know that I am watching you. Do not disappoint me." With that Michele gathered her old clothes, put them into a bag and left the store. As she walked through the mall, and out to the car she felt as if every eye was on her. Did everyone know that she had no underwear on? She could barely think straight. This was unlike any other game she had ever played. She liked it. Sex was on her brain, but so was the game, and so were the people that were watching her.When she got to the car, another message was left under her windshield wiper. This was a simple note that told her to drive a few blocks away to the business district. She was to park the car on 12th street, get out and walk a few blocks with her cell phone. It was now 12:30pm and the streets were filled with professionals walking to the many area restaurants. From a distance, I was watching her. She walked the streets but at the same time, she was looking for me. I walked parallel to her across the street, and she didn't even notice me. I called her. When she answered, I asked how the breeze felt under her skirt. I had her tell me about it. She told me that she wanted to see me, and the she wanted me inside of her right then. She wanted to come. I told her that she could come, but only after Simon said.... I then changed the subject, and told her to duck into one of the local restaurants and sit at the bar for a drink. She sat at the bar expecting me to come in. I did, but she did not recognize me in disguise. I could see from a distance what was on her mind as she occassionally played with her new necklace- stroking the "S" pendant. A few business men tried hitting on her, but she was clearly looking for someone else. She wanted Simon. Again, I phoned her. I told Michele to pay her tab, and to walk a few more blocks to a day spa. Once there, she should take the reservation under my name- Simon. For the next hour, Michele was given a full body massage. She was rubbed from head to toe, back, shoulders, calves and thighs. All she could think about during the massage was sex. She thought about how nice it would be for Simon to show up now, and ease her suffering. She thought for sure that she would have an orgasm as the masseusse rubbed her upper and inner thighs. She bit her lower lip to avoid the potentially embarrassing situation. When the massage ended, Michele returned to her car. No message from Simon must mean that the day was over. But she was wrong. On the floorboard sat a hotel key and a note- "Stop by the hardware store, pick up 4 feet of rope, go by the liquor store and buy a bottle of wine. When you are through, meet me at the Courtyard Hotel on Texas Avenue- room 419." Michele did as she was told. She went to the hardware store, and purchased the rope. She realized that the sales clerk probably knew what it was for.... given her sexy cocktail dress, and her flush face and all. At this point, she didn't care who knew, or suspected what. She simply wanted sex, and she wanted it now. I sat in the lounge of the hotel and watched her hurry through the lobby with her rope and a bottle of wine. I sat and enjoyed my drink as I knew what would happen next. When Michele got to the room, she quickly realized that I was not there. However, on the desk was my open laptop with a slide presentation ready to go. All she had to do was hit "enter" I knew she would. What she saw on the slideshow was herself. I had taken pictures of her all day, leaving work, wearing her new outfit, walking the streets, being hit on by strange men, and yes- even getting a massage. I knew that this would be too much for her to handle. Seeing herself on film, watching herself run all over town looking for sex was too much. She began to play with her breasts, and to stroke her thighs fighting the urge to go against Simon's orders. She tried to stop, but just couldn't. Right on queue- I, Simon entered the room just as she began rubbing her hot hole. She tried to hide what she was doing, but couldn't. It was too late. She had been caught. I made small talk with her, and temporarily ignored her action. I poured a glass of wine for the two of us. We talked about her day, and how excited I had made her. Eventually, she asked me why I asked her to purchase the rope. I told her that she would find out soon enough. I then began to kiss her, and fondle her breasts. She immediately reached for my cock. She wanted to pleasure me. I let her. I pushed her down on her knees and had her give me oral pleasure until I came down her throat. She was hot- she wanted more. I had her lie on the bed and told her that I would please her. I teased her, and tied her up spread eagle on the bed. I bgean kissing her neck, her arms, her belly, and her breasts. When she was about to finally come, after hours and hours of wait I got up. I backed away, and reminded her that she failed to follow Simon's orders. She pleasured herself without permission, and for that she would have to pay. I left her alone, tied spread eagle on the bed with no way to pleasure herself. She was left to think about sex, and wait for Simon to return. I had gone back to the hotel lounge for another hour of cocktails. Meanwhile she lay in the room, aching for sex, but unable to have it- all because she failed to what Simon said. I eventually returned and gave her the release she desired, but that is another story.... right, Michele?