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First Time


I was nervous, and had never even gotten laid before. I had jacked off a lot, but I thought aboutreal women when I shot my load.  But Dani surelooked and seemed like a real woman, andshe had brought me back to her place.  When shestarted kissing me, I didn't even have tothink about it - I slipped my tongue in her warm mouth!It was heaven!  She started sucking on my tongueand I felt my dick getting even harder.She started squeezing my butt and I started feelinghers back.  It was firm and round andvery exciting.  Very womanly and warm. I searched the inside of her mouth with my tongueas I felt her buttocks with my hands.As I held Dani, I could feel her perfect breasts pushingagainst me.  After a while, I wantedto feel them in my hands.  I started to pulloff her blouse, but I had never done that beforeand I was clumsy.  She pulled it off for me asmy face burned with embarrassment.When I saw her gorgeous tits, I forgot all about beingembarrassed, though.  Theywere big and round and looked as good as any magazinemodel's.  I cupped one ineach hand and gently squeezed.  Then capturedmy mouth and filled it with hertongue.I let her tongue wander as I squeezed her boobs andexperimented by tweakingthe nipples.  They hardened with excitement,which excited me.  I squeezed one,and she moaned.  Then the other.  She rubbedagainst me.  I could feel her hardcock under her skirt, and that just excited me evenmore.  I leaned down andflicked one nipple with my tongue - she wriggled andmoaned even more.  I begansucking on her nipples, first softly, then harderand harder as she made all sortsof sexy sounds, wriggling against my erection.Then I kissed her again, my confidence growing withmy horniness and with Dani'sobvious excitement.  Her mouth was sweet andhot, and I began to wonder how it wouldfeel if she gave me a blowjob.  My cock felttrapped in my pants, but just then, thisbeautiful porn star reached down, unzipped my pantsand took out my dick.She made a purring sound and slid down to take me inher mouth.  I guess youlearn a lot making porno movies - I never even fantasizedanything could feel thisgood.  Dani didn't tease, she sucked me all theway into her mouth, all the wayto the root.  I kept my hands on those beautifulshemale titties while she suckedmy cock like a perfect machine.  In and out,all the way down to the balls she went.I watched her beautiful face as she took my cock,squeezing her boobs.  What aturn-on!  My cock disappearing between thosesculpted, famous lips.Finally my need to see her naked overcame my last shyness. "I'd like to seeall of you" I murmured, pulling her to her feet.Dani looked at me flirtateously and pulled off herskirt.  She had some sexylittle thing on for underwear, which she took off. I watched this private striptease with my hand on my cock, rubbing and strokingas she exposed everyinch of that hot body.Her legs were slender and very firm.  Her boobswere big, round and full.  Herwaist was tiny and her butt was sooo found and hard. She was like every man'sdream girl...  and her cock was small but perfect,maybe 5 inches long, and hardas hell!  I'm not sure why, but looking at thatgirlcock on that perfect body mademe even harder.  I wanted to touch it. I pulled her back down and stroked her cockas I stroked my own.  I looked at her gorgeousface as I teased her weiner.I had never done the "normal" circle jerk thing withmy buddies - never seenanother cock hard.  Didn't really care. But somehow, on this ultra chick body,Dani's cock made me so excited..."Do you want to fuck me?" she murmured mischeivously.How could I not want to fuck, my first fuck, this beautifulwilling woman?She lay down on her back and put her legs on my shoulders. She found somelube and got my dick nice and slippery, rubbing iton and making me ready.Then she pointed it toward her anus and I pushed forwardgently.As I slid into that tight, hot hole, she stroked herpenis.  I pushed all the wayinto her ass, and it felt better than I dreamed itcould.  I began pulling out a little,then slamming my cock back in.  I didn't wantto hurt her, but she loved it!She moved on my cock as she jacked off her own. I started going a little faster,out and in, pounding her tiny asshole.  The harderI fucked her, the more sheseemed to like it.I was ready to cum - so ready - and began really jammingher butt, slappingmy balls against her as I ass-fucked her.  Ireached down and began squeezingher tits, hard, and she moaned and begged me "Harder"so I did.  I wanted herto really feel everything I was doing to her.She moaned and her hand moved very fast on her shemalecock.  And I began shootingmy load, filling her tight asshole with my hot jizz. I felt spasm after spasm of my orgasm.She began to cum, as well, spewing thick whitish liquidas I filled her rectum with everypent-up drop of cum that I had.Afterward, she washed me gently, and sent me on myway, but I visited her a fewmore times, always watched her videos, and I've beena Chick-With-Dick manever since!