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The Kids Call Me FT: Chapter 3: Trisha's Lunch Break


Marking a red C- on the corner of the last paper, I washed down the last of my coffee and got changed. It was Friday, and the last day of the school week.I pulled into the parking lot. My next door neighbor, and her girlfriend Janessa, were waiting for me. “Morning, ladies. What’s up?” The High School was two blocks from the Middle School, and Jamie was walking Janessa to school. “Can I talk to you about last night?” Panic churned the coffee in my gut, and my mind started running wild. “Sure you can, Jamie. Seems like something’s bugging you… what can I do to help?” A little soft soap couldn’t hurt.“I was just wondering if maybe we could talk about our deal.” Oh-oh! I couldn’t hide the concern on my face. She rushed on, “I’m not backing out, or anything.” Oh, thank God! “I was just wondering if maybe we could… like… umm…” She tossed a glance at Janessa, who said something about not worrying, and I’d be cool about it. Cool about what?“What is it Jamie?”“Oh, I don’t know. I just wanted to talk to you about… about different stuff about it, you know?”“I think so, but we don’t really have the time right now.”“I know, I know. I was wondering if it was okay to drop by after school,” she looked at Janessa, then continued, “and talk private, you know?” I wasn’t sure how the day would go, and it was Friday. “I tell you what, there’s a chance I might be here after school. You’re welcome to drop by, but I can’t promise I’ll be here. If I’m not, maybe you can scoot over to the house this weekend, and we can talk then.”“Yeah, that’s cool. Thanks, FT”. My young neighbor leaned in toward Janessa and kissed her. “See ya later, Babe. Love you.” Janessa stole a glance toward me, then replied, “Me, too. See ya.” They broke their embrace, and Jamie headed toward the High School as Janessa walked me in to the school. Janessa was flitting around, all in reference to the previous night. I half-listened as I savored the delicious memory of her sweet, young, chocolate breasts topped with the long, almond-shaped nipples. We entered the atrium of the two-year old building and Janessa’s babble came to an end. “Anyways, FT, it was kinda weird. But it was kinda cool, too. Anyways, see ya.” She scurried down the hall.I turned and walked into the office, tossing out and returning the required “Good morning”. I walked over to the cubby boxes and withdrew the daily pile of notices and whatnots. On top was a “flash red” from the principal. Whenever he wanted a teacher to see him immediately, he put his note on a bright red memo sheet. It almost never was a good thing.I read the note. “SEVERAL TROUBLING ISSUES TO DISCUSS! SCHOOL BOARD HAS REQUIRED IMMEDIATE ACTION! SEE ME!”Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck was going on? I ran through the possibilities, and each led me back to that recurring image of the sick-o teacher in handcuffs. I was knotted with panic. Everything seemed louder than usual, and I was beginning to perspire. Jamie and Janessa had seemed all right. It had to be Trisha! No, no… it could be Luanne! But why would Luanne say anything? She had seemed to be so into it last night. No, no… it had to be Trisha. I began to contemplate routes of escape.“Glad you’re here. We need to talk.” The neutered mouse voice belonged to Gordon, the overweight, balding, bow tie wearing excuse for our Principal. He had taught, once upon a time, but years of bureaucratic bullshit had warped him. “Come in.” He pirouetted around and entered his office. I had no choice but to follow. As I came to the door, I was greeted with another shock.Luanne was putting some papers on Gordon’s desk! She looked up and her eyes sparkled as a smile spread across her face. “Hi FT!” With that, she bounced out of the office. Splendid relief washed over me as I remembered that Luanne was a member of the Office Helpers. They amounted to nothing more than free help around the office. “You’d better close the door and have a seat.” Gordon arranged himself behind the desk. “Actually, I think we should start with that. Exactly what does that mean, the students referring to you as FT?” The little sucker actually looked stern. “Well, it’s something that started a couple of months ago. It was just a few students in the beginning, but now, more and more seem to be using it.” I was uncomfortable. What the fuck was going on? I had to piss. “It, ah… it stands for Favorite Teacher.” I felt embarrassed.“Well, it’s exactly that sort of thing that came to mind when the school board contacted me this morning. The chairman called me at 6 a.m.! At my home! I have to say, this whole thing is quite disturbing.” He furrowed up his fat, little brow and lapsed into silence, seemingly at a loss of how to proceed. For me, it was a torrent of scenes from my life, all racing willy-nilly over each other, and all concluding with the same image of the handcuffs snapping closed.Taking a deep breath, he continued the slow torture. “I’m sure you’re aware that there are Federal and State guidelines.” He waited for me to nod before continuing. “And the Chairman of the School Board was most explicit. We are to absolutely follow the law to the letter. Am I making myself clear on this?”It had been a good life. “Yes, sir.”Again, he lapsed into silence, his munchkin brow twitching in concentration. He seemed to resolve things in his mind, and his forehead stopped its contortions. “It seems that the district has not been in compliance with certain standards for accreditation. The new state law requires each specially funded school to have a full time Life Skills program. It deals with social skills and relationships, and all the preparatory things that our young wards need in order to mature properly.” “Excuse me, but I’m confused. I thought you had a problem with me.” “A problem? Well honestly, there is. You see I suggested to the Chairman that we had a solution we could implement immediately. We discussed it, and the Chairman has ordered that I proceed. I neglected, however, to discuss it with you before so freely suggesting it to the Chairman. I’m asking you to relinquish your position of Long Term Substitute.” Strange way to fire me, I thought. Looking at the office door, I wondered if Officer Friendly was on the other side, waiting. “We’d like you to consider becoming a full time member of our little family by accepting the post of Life Skills Teacher.”“What!?” I regretted the outburst. The sense of relief was confusing me, and I stumbled around, trying to regain composure. In hindsight, it must have appeared somewhat gracious and self-effacing. “I, ah… I’d be honored. You really want me to take this on?”“I do. I think you have the right rapport with the kids, and your periodic reviews have been excellent. I thought I made that clear when I pointedly inquired about the Favorite Teacher reference.” I was thunderstruck, and scrambled to regain composure.“Well, Sir…” I stood. “I’d like to take you up on the offer then.” I had to get out of there and get a grip on the emotions that were tearing around inside me. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to get to my classroom. The bell’s about to go off.”“Certainly…” He screwed up a weird little smile. “FT!” He actually chortled with conspiratorial glee, as if he was an insider on some joke. “I’d like to schedule some meetings next week to discuss melding our current Home Economics and Health classes into this new format. There’s also some required involvement at the High School. Altogether, I think it’s quite exciting.” He shook himself with an unpleasant air of primness and propriety, and dismissed me.“Careful not to be late!” Somewhere, in the daze of aftermath, I managed to stumble into the Boy’s Room and relieved my aching bladder. By the time I got to my room, I had a pretty good handle on the day. My panic was replaced by joy mingled with an odd sense of empowerment. I had just become a full-time teacher! Man, that felt good! My homeroom was in its typical ruckus of a Friday. “Morning, people. Let’s settle down!” The room began to quiet, and the kids moseyed to their seats. The school day began winding its way to lunch.Midmorning, the bell rang signaling the end of third period. The study hall was now over, and I had one more class before the break. The students bolted from their desks, swirling around me like a school of young fingerlings. As I turned toward my desk, someone brushed against the front of my trousers. My dick, like the rest of me, had recovered enough to perk its head up in interest. No doubt about it, that felt deliberate!I looked at the students funneling through the door. Beth and Virginia had their heads together, whispering and giggling. Beth did a little dancing-finger-handshake with Ginny. Ginny laughed, and stole a furtive look over her shoulder. Seeing me watching her, she blushed and ducked around the corner. It looked like the aftermath of some Suede challenge. Beth was one of the ringleaders of a little clique called the “Suedes”. Loosely organized, it was akin to a sorority, complete with its complimenting fraternity of boys. The guys couldn’t join until they were sophomores in high school, while the girls could begin their initiation in middle school. As one of the cheerleaders, Beth had parlayed her status as a 18 year-old into being one of the most popular kids in school. Rumors from the teacher’s lounge suggested that she had recently become one of the three girls that ruled the sorority. The fact that she had repeated the seventh grade didn’t seem to faze anyone.Ginny, on the other hand, was the only sixth-grader on the Cheering Squad. Her birthday fell on Halloween, and she had missed the age cut-off for school by just two weeks. It was something she resented, but it made her one of the more mature kids in the sixth grade. She was long past the training bra stage, and was experimenting with the new low-cut fashions that advertised the edgy sexuality of young teens. I made a mental note to keep an eye on those two… (it was my dick that suggested it).My fourth period class was pouring in, and with them Trisha. She walked into the room with a determined confidence that was refreshing to see. It was like watching the second day of a flower blossom opening. She was wearing a short, thin, floral skirt and a dark pink denim jacket. Her legs were bare, her feet clad in sandals. The collar of her blouse was turned up, and the top two buttons were undone. She looked stunning.As she passed in front of me, she demurely smiled. “Hi, FT! You like my new skirt?” She twirled around, and with the sun streaming through the window, I could make out the sweet curves of her ass, and the perfect edges of her legs. The material was just thin enough that the leering sun seemed to highlight the whiteness of her panties. My dick led me back to the memory of her earnest little mouth, working so very hard to please me. “It’s lovely. Now, take your seat.”Trisha deflated a bit, but chirped “Okey-dokey.” She flounced into her seat, and class began.Realizing that my cock was starting to make a rather obscene show of itself, I opted to sit behind my desk. “Settle down, settle down. We were talking about the responsibilities that come with babysitting. I asked you to think about that, and come up with what you thought were the three most important. Who’s going to share first?” Class was underway. As the kids alternated between raising their hands and listening to each other, I watched Trisha. Sitting in the back row, off to the side, she was surveying the room. I’m fortunate, in that I seem to have a knack for getting the kids wound up and participating, and the discussion was driving itself. Trisha looked back at me and smiled, then nodded her head. Looking back across the room to double-check that no one was watching, she parted her legs a little. I flushed with excitement. She wanted to continue yesterday’s little game! She hesitated for a moment, then snapped her legs closed. She was unsure of herself, and it was no wonder. I had asked her to really do something risqué and challenging, considering that until the previous afternoon she had never truly been kissed. Of course, it hadn’t taken me long to guide her from there, to her first taste of cum. I flashed a quiet, warm, reassuring smile at her. We were just ten minutes into class, so there was plenty of time.Trisha resumed her little quest. She once again parted her legs, much wider this time. I was a little disappointed because the thin loose material of her skirt was drooping between her thighs. Trisha was continuing to survey the room. She slid her hands down to the hem of her skirt, and in a show of rearranging herself in her seat, pulled the hem back. The first flash of panty! She was grinning now, opening her legs a little further, letting me drink in the tempting sight of the white fabric snuggling between her legs. Just as quickly, she’d close them, breaking into a mischievous little grin. This twelve-year-old kid was trying to play with me! Fearing she might go too far, too fast, and wishing to draw my voyeuristic fantasy out a little longer, I stood. Realizing that my hard-on was most assuredly visible, I shoved my hands in my pockets. “Okay class. Good stuff! Now, let’s see if we’ve got it. Time for ‘Flash Quiz’!” The class erupted into a little celebration. Flash Quiz was a little device of mine where students came up to the desk, and posed questions to the class. Whoever could coax the most right answers out of the class within the time limit would win. The “prize” was extra credit on the next test. It was a simple variation of 20 Questions, but was just fun enough, and the reward just great enough, that the kids loved the game. Besides that, it worked! I grabbed the tin with their names in it and drew out a slip. “Okay, Penny. You go first.” Penny slid out of her desk and shuffled up. I glanced at Trisha, and she had a hint of a pout on her face. She was looking at her desk, and her legs were closed up tight. Penny began her first set of clues, and the class was scrambling to answer. The faster they answered, the more chances they had to become the Questioner. I was still looking at Trisha. She finally looked up from her desk, and I raised my eyebrow at her in silent question: “Well?” She smiled again, realizing that the game was still on. Penny’s turn was over, and she returned to her seat. “Let’s see who’s up next.” As I reached for the tin, Trisha parted her knees. She then looked quickly around her and slipped her hand between her legs. I could see her tiny fingers cupping herself. I made believe I didn’t notice and called out the next name. When they came forward, I leaned in toward them and whispered a few suggestions while pointing to the Cheat Sheet on my desk. It might be a game, but there were topics that this teacher wanted to cover. Besides, I was going to call on Trisha next, and I intended to whisper something to her. Might as well set the standard!As the next series of questions were asked, I kept my eyes on Trisha. She was becoming more and more bold, intent upon me giving her the special nod that would say I saw her. It would mean that I knew she wanted to continue our little contest of touching and sharing. Her hand was under her skirt, and whenever she thought the coast was clear, she would open her legs and rub her hand over her sweet, little panty-clad mound. Her frustration with me “not noticing” was visible. As the latest Questioner returned to their desk, Trisha made the boldest move yet. She slid back in her chair, stared directly at me, and rubbed her young snatch. As she was rubbing, the panty cloth was caught in her fingers, and little glimpses of translucent pubic hair winked at me. Her eyes were almost pleading.“Trisha. Your turn.” Had I reached for the tin? I saw a slip of paper in my hand, and I returned it to the tin. It wouldn’t matter. At the sound of her name, Trisha had shot up straight in her chair, aghast that I had called on her. “Come on, Trish. Take your place behind the desk.” Resigned, she stood, smoothing her skirt, and walked up to the desk. As she came around beside me, I turned my chair slightly, parting my legs. My hard-on was obvious, but obscured to the rest of the class. Trisha saw it and smiled. I leaned forward in the guise of whispering some suggestions. As I did, I slipped my hand behind the back of her knee. With the desk blocking us, the class would never see a thing. As she leaned down to hear me whisper, I slid my hand up the back of her leg and squeezed her inner thigh. “So, you thought you’d try and tease me,” I whispered. “Well, two can play that game! Now ask your questions.” As I said this, I slipped my hand firmly against her butt, my fingers rubbing the silk cloth and winnowing into the hidden folds between her legs. Trisha was trying her damnedest to play Flash Quiz as I relentlessly rubbed her twelve-year-old crotch. I leaned up to give her a suggestion for a question, and as I did, I slid my finger under the edge of her panties. I was greeted by moist warmth that was intoxicating. Wriggling my fingers firmly, I inserted my middle finger. Trisha audibly caught her breath and I realized that I was pushing things too far. I warned myself to ease up and slowly backed the finger out. Again, lust overshadowed common sense, and I slid the tip of my finger two inches higher to slither around the puckered iris of her ass. A quick push and my finger entered her anus. I followed that assault with two more quick thrusts.Trisha was now choking on her words, and I feared the class would catch me “in the act”. Panic again controlled me and I withdrew my offending digit. I immediately sat back in my chair, and assumed the pose of “listening teacher”. Trisha was embarrassed, perhaps excited, and definitely scared. Worse, she was floundering… I could see it on her sweet young face. Poor thing! It’s your fault! It was time to do something about my self-absorbed, lust-driven abuse! In the split-second that it took to chastise myself for getting out of control and ignoring her plight, I hopped on my ego driven white horse and tried to ride to the rescue.“Nice job, Trish. You can return to your seat. Okay, everybody, that’s it for today. Time to pass out your homework papers. Class, you surprised me! You did a nice job. Penny, would you do the honors?” I pushed the papers forward on my desk, and Penny grabbed them and began to hand them out. As she was performing that task, I looked at Trisha who was obviously bewildered. She looked at me, and I brought my damp, scented finger to my nose and curled my fingers around my chin. I smiled at her and she brightened a bit. I really had pushed things and I needed to reassure her. The solution was simple. I nodded at her, mouthing the words “You did a good job!” My inner voice told me that I didn’t say I was sorry.Trisha beamed. The period ended, and I was literally saved by the bell. The class filed from the room, kids digging for lunch money or grabbing paper bagged sandwiches. They noisily headed toward the cafeteria. Trisha stopped at my desk. She bored her iridescent blue eyes into me, and quivered, “That kinda scared me, FT.”I selected my warm, fuzzy voice. “I know it did. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but I have to tell you, you did a good job handling it.” Did I mean it, or was it just my guilty conscience mixed with a healthy dose of fear?She smiled, then became more serious. “But I’m feeling kinda funny down there. It’s like scary and tingly and, and… it’s wet.” The little waif was discovering the pleasant confusion of her pubescence. “That’s pretty normal. Look, Sweetheart, aren’t you supposed to be going to lunch?”“Yeah, but can’t I stay here?”Throughout the school were pockets of kids that were hanging with their teachers. Some were clubs, taking advantage of the lunch break. Others, like Trish, had sought their teacher’s permission to stay in the classroom for the period, doing homework, or any other number of things. I doubted that this reason was one shared by any one else.“I don’t see why not.”“Cool.” It was delivered in that irritating, two-syllable fashion. She returned her books to her desk and slid into her seat. It was the automated response of a Pavlovian puppy. “I still feel kinda weird. It’s all wet and sticky feeling.” I was sitting safely behind my desk. Time to be gentle. “I understand that. Like I said, it’s totally normal.” Lowering my voice, I chose my words carefully. “Remember yesterday when you asked about the pre-cum on the tip of my penis?” So teacher-like! Trish nodded with an expression that I chose to interpret as warm, pleasant recall. “Well, just like my penis produced fluids to help with eventual lovemaking, your body does the same thing. Your vagina starts to feel moist and wet. The combination of those two fluids, the man and the woman’s, facilitates intercourse.”Trisha was looking a little perplexed. I needed to be a little less the teacher, and a little more the friend. “It makes it easier for the man to slide his penis into the woman.”Her face broke out in understanding. “Oh.” She lapsed into silence, and I didn’t disturb it. I was still doing the good cop/bad cop with myself. There was so much else that had already transpired that I was content for the momentary reprieve. As I fiddled with the papers on my desk, I watched her. She seemed lost in her own little world. As the seconds turned into minutes, she began to unconsciously bounce her legs back and forth. With the increasing tempo of her jiggling legs, I was afforded continuing flashes of white panties and the sweet expanse of her inner thighs.I wasn’t the only one to notice. My dick seemed to be cheering her on, throbbing little yes’s in encouragement. I began to intently stare at my initiate, and was succumbing to the temptation. Her legs slowed, and remained open. The view of her satin covered quim was unobstructed, and I replayed my recent assault on the tender flesh beneath. The hem of her skirt was receding, backing out of the scene, and a small hand entered. It searched out the damp wrinkles of fabric and began to massage the virginal fruit that hid there.The realization that Trish was staring at me pulled me into the moment. My ears flushed. “You caught me.”She smiled, rubbing a little more concertedly. Want took over again, and I quickly reached a truce with myself. “Do you know what you’re doing?” She stopped, still the Pavlovian puppy. “Whaddayamean?”“You were rubbing yourself.”“Yeah. Isn’t that what you said yesterday? Wear a skirt and rub my bug?”“I did, but I was wondering if you knew what that rubbing was the beginning of.” I got no response. “Well, can I ask something kind of embarrassing?” She thought for a moment before nodding yes. “Have you ever masturbated?”“Whaddayamean?”“Have you ever kept rubbing yourself just because it felt good?” “I don’t think so.” She paused, a guilty look spreading across her face. “Well, maybe. I… I don’t know.”“Well, if not, it really is something you should discover one of these days.”“Can’t you show me now?” Typical teenager! “I can’t show you. It’s something you have to discover for yourself, because its something you do for yourself.”“Well, how can I discover it, if I don’t know what it is?” Another typical teenage argument! Or, just perhaps, I was being played a bit. I didn’t know if it was wishful thinking, or an accurate observation, because I had to admit I was getting little lost in my battle with myself. “Unfortunately, there’s a time and place for everything. I don’t know if lunch time here at school is the best place for this.” She was beginning to furrow her brow. Ignoring the possible objection, I continued. “Look, Sweetheart… if we are to continue with our special time, then we need to be careful. School isn’t the best place for us to enjoy our time together.” She was beginning to frown. “You’re young, and I’m afraid people wouldn’t understand.”She frowned. “I’m not kid.” Then, she quickly brightened. “Know what, FT? I’m turning thirteen in two weeks! That means I’ll be a real teenager, and not a little kid.” A birthday… now that offered possibilities! “I’m glad to hear that. And maybe… just maybe… if you’re good, and keep your grades up, and keep doing as I ask, then perhaps we can do something special to celebrate.” She exploded into excited grins and began to babble about various possibilities. I interrupted, being as warm and firm as I could. “But… we need to be careful, and keep our private time together quiet. It’s just between you and me.”“Okay, FT.” I didn’t care if it was resignation, or not, just as long as she agreed. “For example, I told you to wear a skirt and to rub yourself if you wanted us to continue exploring each other like we did yesterday. I did that because I want this to be your choice… something you want to do.”“Yeah, and I did. I mean, I do. You know what I mean.”“I do. But that doesn’t mean we can do it today.” The morning’s conversation with Jamie popped into my mind. “I have some things I have to do right after school.” Trisha was crestfallen.“But I thought…”“I know you did, and I’m sorry that I didn’t make it clearer. Just like I’m sorry about what I did to you in class. It wasn’t really fair, because I didn’t warn you. I didn’t play by the rules, and we need to be careful about that.”She was resigning herself to it, but it was obvious she wasn’t happy. “Most of all, we need to be really careful about doing anything here at school. That should be one of the most important rules. The first, of course, is that this is always between just you and me. The second is that you never have to do anything you don’t want.”“Yeah. Okay. I understand.” She clearly was disappointed.My evil little mind saw opportunity. “I tell you what. I know you wore that skirt just for me, and I know you expected that we’d do something special today. But like I said, we need to wait for a better time for me to give you the kisses that I promised.” There was a flicker of pout. I leaned forward, conspiratorially, “But, if we’re careful and quick about it, we might be able to play a little bit right now.”She broke into a grin, but before she said anything, I continued. “I want to show you how happy you made me by wearing the skirt just for me.” I stood, quickly glancing around the room. The cooking area in the corner was out of sight of the door and windows. Perfect! Trisha was looking at me expectantly. I walked to the corner and leaned against the table. “Come here.”She slid out of the seat, and I was convinced she floated toward me. The sun again picked up her slender, twelve-year-old body, and my cock obscenely responded. She came up to me and I slid my hands around her, pulling her close. My hands sought her buttocks, kneading the tight muscle beneath the thin cloth. The feeling of the light weave of her skirt sliding over the silky smoothness of her underwear was exquisite, and fueled the heat in my groin. I ground my pelvis into her, fingers playing with the edge of her panties under her skirt. She seemed to meld into me. Then again, I wasn’t particularly “listening” to her. I wanted release, and I was planning to have it! I began to slide my hand under her jacket, seeking out the small mound of flesh underneath when the cautioning voice within began to speak. I loosened my grip a bit realizing the classroom door was open. “I’m so glad you wore that for me today. You look beautiful, and…” I took her hand and brought it to my crotch, rubbing the hard-on that was shouting from my pants. “You’ve made me excited.”I took her hand away. “But, like I said, we need to be careful here.” I walked to door and closed it, flicking the light off at the same time. During the day, it was a signal among the teachers that we were no longer in the room, and had stepped outside. For many, it was to grab a smoke, or to get a moment’s peace and quiet. It would give us 5 or 6 minutes of potentially uninterrupted time. Although it was not part of the “signal”, I pressed the lock at the same time.My cock was aching. “We really don’t have much time.” I unbuckled my pants. “But I really do want to show you how happy you’ve made me.” My dick was bouncing from side to side as I walked back to her. Her eyes were glued to the five-inch shaft of flesh that was waving at her. To encourage her, I slid my hand over the length, stroking it back and forth. “I want to show you how proud I am of you. How happy I am that you decided to wear this skirt for me.” My left hand was still stroking my cock. With my right, I reached out and took hold of the hem of her skirt and lifted it, giving me full view of her satiny, silk panties. I released my dick and pressed my fingers against the pubis hidden behind the veil of cloth. “I want to show you how wonderful you made me feel when you rubbed yourself here.” I began massaging her, my fingers running in small, hard circles. She lifted her eyes from her crotch, and the blue of them seemed to glow.My hand continued to work between her legs. My other slid up onto her breast, and I squeezed it gently, kneading the tender, pubescent mound. “Thank you, Trisha. Do you know how happy you’ve made me?” Undoing the third button, I slipped my hand inside her blouse and traced my fingers over the seamless cloth of her bra. “There’s nothing I want more than to show you how special you are to me.” My hand left her crotch and found her hand. I guided the tiny fingers to the bare flesh of my dick. Her hand encircled me, and I reflexively caught my breath.She smiled, and tightened her grip. My hand returned to the damp panties that winnowed between her legs. “I only know one way to show you. Would you let me cum for you?”“Come for me?” I couldn’t help but chuckle… silly homonyms! “No, no. Cum for you… like I did yesterday when you had my penis in your mouth.”“Oh. Okay.” She let go of my prick and began to kneel. I was overjoyed that she seemed so eager to again suck my cock. She brought my glistening knob to her lips, and began to lick the thick coating of pre-cum. The feeling was electric, and my gonads spasmed. I longed for the fullness and warmth of her mouth. I wanted to twine my fingers in her hair and drive the length of me into her throat.Still new to this act, her technique was lacking. I was also aware of the ticking of the clock on the wall, and knew that we had but minutes before the students who had finished their lunch began wandering the halls. Despite the delicious ministrations of her tongue, there just wasn’t time. I stopped her, pulling my dick away from the delightful promise of her mouth. “We don’t have enough time.” I helped her to her feet, slipping my hands under the flimsy hem of her skirt and over her tight, panty-clad butt. “Besides, I want to do something for you to show you my pleasure.” I stressed “for you”. My fingers were boring into the cloth that covered the sweet valley between the cheeks of her ass. As earnestly as I could, I asked, “Will you let me cum for you?”I looked her squarely in the eyes, and she nodded. I lifted her chin, and gently kissed her, sliding my tongue along the supple line of her lips, slightly parting them. Her tongue tentatively brushed mine, and I responded by driving mine deeply into her mouth. I moaned, and as we broke our kiss, she smiled.I turned her around, firmly guiding her hips back until my naked cock came in contact with her butt. I began to rub my swollen prick against her, my fingers working feverishly up to the waistband of her panties. I nuzzled my lips against her ear, and whispered. “You don’t have to do anything. Let me do the work. Let me cum for you.”“Kay…”It was all the encouragement I needed. I began to dry-pump against her buttocks, and my fingers finally found the elastic enclosing her waist. I bend her slightly forward, rudely shoving the underwear down out of my way. As the cloth stretched down across her ass, my cock touched her rounded, forbidden flesh for the first time. I was veritably drunk with want. My fingers worked the thin layer of hair that surrounded the tender lips of her pussy as my other hand charged up across her belly and under the confines of her small bra. I roughly took her small nub of a nipple between my thumb and forefinger, rolling and twisting it. I felt her wince. “Oh, Trish… I want you so much.” I was getting rather forceful, and needed to remind myself not to hurt her. I eased off her tit just a bit, and began working two of my fingers into her young twat. I drove them deeply into the moistness while I roughly rode against her ass. I looked down, mesmerized by the sight of my swollen member slipping back and forth along the crack of her ass. Just below, her panties were crudely bunched around her thighs. I croaked into her ear again. “Can I cum for you?”She murmured something, and I took it for assent. I crossed my fingers inside her young pussy and began to drive my “finger-cock” into her, flexing my muscles so that my thumb could work the hooded button at the edge of her tunnel. I could feel my load building within my loins, and knew that I was but seconds away from climax.“I’m going to cum, Trish.” I was still humping against her full bore. Pulling my fingers from her crotch, I quickly spread the cheeks of her ass apart and the head of my cock began to rub against the dark, puckered ring of her anus. My hips were gyrating against the twin mountains of her butt, and each time I pulled back, my turgid member would dive down into that sweet, hot crevasse. My dick was encased in a thick layer of juices, and each successive stroke was coating her ass with my sticky fluid. Again and again, I lunged into wet, steamy heat of that valley. As the first surge of cum began to work its way through my cock, I grabbed a buttock with each hand and pried them obscenely apart. With my thumbs, I pressed the head of my dick against the brown-tinged entrance of her anus. I wanted tear through the gate… to feel her sphincter first tighten in resistance, then surrender to the inevitable assault. But I couldn’t do it. At least, not then. Introduction to the anal pleasures had to wait for a more gentle time. Besides, the last thing I wanted to do was to physically hurt her. I was now close to eruption. My fingers and cockhead were rapidly smearing the thick coating of pre-cum against those brown, puckered lips. No longer able to hold back, I croaked, “This is just for you… argggghhhh.”As my groan passed my lips, the first tidal wave exploded from my dick. Confronted by the barricade of her tight, little anus, my cum rose back up against the head of my cock, forced there by the second and third waves. My body convulsed… once… twice… my breath was out of control. As the lesser, rippling tides of semen spewed from me, I kept plunging my cockhead into the cradled pool of cum, pressing it firmly against her tiny butt. Trish was a rag doll in my hands.As I slowly eased off from my gyrations, the thick puddle of cum began to ooze down between her legs. Thick, long strands reached down from beneath her buttocks, momentarily suspended in air. In slow motion, they wavered and then plunged into the abyss between her virgin loins and the hammock of her panties below, pooling there. Using my hand and hips to guide her, I straightened her up, cradling her soon-to-be-teen body against me. I was panting. Just over two minutes had passed, but the intensity of it was overwhelming. I stood there, holding her gently, my mind searching for a way to extract myself. While neither of us had disrobed, our clothes were in total disarray, and the clock was still ticking.I lightly turned her around to face me. Slipping my forefinger under her chin, I brought her lips to mine, and quickly kissed her. Drawing back, I purposely looked down at my gently throbbing cock. Seeing Trisha eyes follow mine, I reached down and grabbed the base, sliding my hand forward, wringing the slippery skin and capturing most of the juices remaining there. I unfurled my hand in front of her, the fingers and palm coated in cum. She seemed to be smiling.“That was for you, Sweetheart.” I licked my palm, using my tongue to clean between my fingers. Trisha was transfixed, drinking in every calculated move of mine. Seeing this, I reached down into the panties that stretched between her legs. Scooping up most of the goo onto my fingers, I brought my hand back up between us. “All of this, was for you… because of how happy and excited you made me.”I started to bring my fingers back up to my mouth, and then stopped. I raised my eyebrow, asking silently “Do want it?” I reinforced my query by just slightly inclining my hand toward her. She was puzzled at first. In seconds, she went from puzzlement to recognition… recognition to compliance.She curled her fingers around my outstretched hand and brought it to her lips. She stared at the handful of cum, and then looked at me. Taking a deep breath, she hesitantly extended her tongue and dipped it into the puddle. She closed her eyes, tasting my fluid before swallowing the serving. She opened her eyes, and smiled. “Yeah… it’s salty.” With that, she began to slurp the remaining residue from my hand.My hand tingled, in unison with my cock, as her little snake tongue darted through the milky pool. “And, it was all because of you! I needed to cum for you because you had earned it. It was the only way to show you my happiness.” I reached out and caressed her cheek with the back of my fingers. “Thank you.” I stared at her face for a moment, then withdrew, quickly pulling up my underwear and rearranging my clothes. Trisha seemed a little quiet, but still had the vestiges of a smile on her face. I looked up at the clock, and back at her. “You better fix yourself up, then scoot down to the cafeteria for your lunch. If anyone wonders why you’re just getting there, you can tell them you had something to do for me first.” I smiled. It was the truth!I could tell that she didn’t want to leave, but I had to get her out of there. I slumped onto the stool and pulled her closer to me. Kissing her quickly on the cheek, I reached down and slid her cum-stained panties up along her legs. I cradled the wet satin in my fingers, warming it just slightly before pressing it against her young cunt. My fingers gently massaged her as I set her up once more. “Do you feel this.” I worked my fingers against her. “This is what’s left of my cum. While you’re walking around, you can feel the stickiness of it against your bug.” I smiled at her, but she didn’t know that it was contrived. “This way, it’ll sort of be a reminder of how very happy you made me. Okay?” I squeezed her little pubic mound, fingering the goo-drenched panties and tender flesh beneath. Trisha stood mute, and I could tell her mind was working. She began to brighten, and broke into a broad smile. “I really made you happy?”“You did!” I slid my fingers a little higher along the sopping, white underwear until they were pressed against her asshole. I knelt before her. Thrusting my fingers firmly up into her panty covered butt I guided her crotch to my face. I took the cum-soaked cloth into my lips and nibbled against the sweet pussy underneath. Through the acrid smell of my own drying cum I caught wafts of her loin scent. I felt her little hips pressing against my face. My cock bobbed its head in satisfaction, and I released my hold on her. Looking back up at her, I said as softly as I could, “Thank you!”Backing away, I grinned and rubbed the wet panties against her one more time. “And this way, I can remind you all afternoon that you are very, very special to me.” I reinforced the statement with another seductively warm smile. Trisha beamed.“I think that’s kinda nice.”“So do I, Sweetheart. So do I.” I tapped her on her butt. “You had better get a move on.” I stood, leaving her to tuck her blouse in, and smooth down her skirt. I could tell the damp, cum-stained panties were a little uncomfortable, but Trish was being a trooper about it. I turned on the light and opened the door to classroom. I had returned to my desk when Trisha was ready to leave. “Trisha?” She turned, and I smiled before continuing. “Thank you again for letting me cum for you.” Her face broke into that smile that her neon blue eyes seemed to deliver directly into my nuts. “And don’t forget, you really are special to me. I hope those sticky panties will remind you, and make you smile once or twice.” Trisha actually blushed, her soft young lips sporting an expression that seemed to border on adoration. “If I don’t happen to see you again today, you have a super weekend, okay?” Trisha smiled, nodded and with a perky wave, was gone.I slowly exhaled, letting the tempo of my rutting heat regain some semblance of normalcy. I relaxed. As my heartbeat returned to a steadier cadence, I glanced to the clock… twelve minutes until the next class. I shuffled the papers on my desk, and was looking over the lesson plan when I realized that Virginia was in this next sixth-grade class. My mind began to wrestle with the memory of Ginny and Beth, and the strange little scene from this morning. I was positive that the brush against my dick had been intentional. In light of Ginny’s expression before she had disappeared around the corner, I was pretty sure that she had been the one that had bumped her hand into my crotch. If that was the case, then it had been Beth that had put her up to it. It had to be a challenge! Beth, as the leader of the “Suedes” had most likely dared Ginny to prove herself. I could almost hear it: “Betcha don’t dare to touch FT’s thing!”The mounting noise outside in the hall was the harbinger of the next class getting ready to start. I walked to the door, and took my post. I watched the kids scurrying back and forth. Through the horde, I caught sight of Ginny walking up the hall. She was animated, jabbering with Beth. She was wearing her typical costume of low riding black slacks that dipped tantalizingly close to her young twat. They stretched tight around her, and the expanse of the firm young flesh of her waist beckoned me. My winded, little cock stirred in my trousers. Where the hell was this cock-strength coming from? When she saw me watching her, she turned red. Stopping dead in the hall, Virginia grabbed Beth’s arm, and began whispering. From their body language, it seemed that Beth was reassuring her, saying something akin to “Just make believe that you didn’t do anything.” They began to part. Beth looked directly at me, then smiled and waved. She turned and went into her own room. She really was a brazen little tart!Ginny looked after her, and then back to me. She flushed again, lowered her eyes and quickly scooted up the hall and into my room, never once looking at me. I could swear I heard opportunity knocking once again. Not being shy, I decided to answer the door. “Okay, class. Time has come for us to talk about peer pressure and what to do about it.” I pulled the door closed behind me and looked directly at Ginny. “If a friend dares you to do something, and you get caught doing it, what’s the right thing to do?”Hands shot in the air and I smiled. Virginia wilted.