Hello hello! After reading countless reviews regarding how good Pride Agency is, I decided to give it a try and met Maggi and oh god... what a meeting that was. First of all, I honestly think she looks WAAY better in real life. I think they photoshopped the pictures a little too much for no reason. The best word to describe her would be "fun". She is so much fun. You can actually see that she is there with you to have a good time. But don't think that would mean she is not sexy or hot. She is incredibly hot. The way she dances, the way she moves... It feels like she has the cheat codes for the male mind and she is using them for your benefit to drive you crazy haha (in a good way). After like 5 minutes she arrived, she started to take care of me. To make a small note, I always had issues of reaching climax. I have hard time focusing so it usually takes a lot of time for me to reach to the finish line (lol) but she didn't mind! I am still in awe and shock but she literally took care of me for 2,5 hours! She massaged me, gave me blowjob, we had sex, she danced for me... I mean she did everything. It was amazing. Some people in the comments said she look older in real life but I have to disagree. I think she looks younger in real life. At least that was my experience. So to sum up; if you are looking for someone to spends some time with but have hesitations, your search is over... Just contact Pride and they will hook you up :) Now I know why people left so many good comments. They are fast, reliable and professional. I'd definitely suggest Maggi and will definitely see her again!
Sevgili romalılar, Türkçe bilen böyle bir hazine bulmuşken yorum yazmamak olmazdı. Maria gerçekten işini hakkıyla yapan, sizin mutluluğunuzu önemseyen ve gerçekten çok da eğlenceli bir insan. Sekse gelecek olursak yaşamadan bilemezsiniz... Anca yaşayan bilir ne kastettiğimi :) Resimler kesinlikle gerçek, fizik gerçek. Tek söyleyeceğim , saygılı olun, dürüst olun kibar olun, cenneti bulun. Başka bir şey de demiyorum :))) Maria her şey için teşekkürler. Mutlaka tekrar görüşeceğiz.
Canim teşşekür ederim ama senin yerin ayri biliyorsun en sadik müşterim olarak :)
Μόνο ενήλικες!
Αυτός ο ιστότοπος περιέχει υλικό σεξουαλικού περιεχομένου, γυμνό και χρησιμοποιεί μία γλώσσα η οποία απευθύνεται σε ενήλικες. Η ιστοσελίδα προορίζεται για ενήλικες που βρίσκονται στη φυσική τους τοποθεσία -απ’ όπου εσείς αποκτάτε πρόσβαση στον ιστότοπο. Με την πρόσβασή σας στον ιστότοπο, δηλώνετε αυτομάτως ότι πληροίτε τα ηλικιακά κριτήρια και συμφωνείτε με τους Όρους και τις Προϋποθέσεις μας. Οποιαδήποτε μη εξουσιοδοτημένη χρήση αυτού του ιστοτόπου ενδέχεται να παραβιάζει την εθνική, ομοσπονδιακή ή και διεθνή νομοθεσία. Παρόλο που το Zuzana δεν αναπτύσσει, ούτε παράγει περιεχόμενο που να συνδέεται με τις διαφημίσεις μας, αυτές οφείλουν να συμμορφώνονται με τα πρότυπα ηλικίας και περιεχομένου. Το Zuzana έχει υιοθετήσει μία πολιτική μηδενικής ανοχής απέναντι στην παιδική πορνογραφία αλλά και τη διαφήμιση ή χρήση της ιστοσελίδας από πλευράς ανηλίκων.
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I don't have an issue with this Agency and I trust that they have real photos but I think they need to have an open mind. I was interested in Maya but the agency told me that she is not available and I am okay with that. They sent me a bunch of other options and I didn't like them. When I told this to the agency, they told me that my number is blacklisted... I mean, I understand there are bunch of people who are wasting your time on a daily basis (I have a friend who is doing this exact same job so trust me, I know) but do I have to make a reservation even if I didn't like the options? Do you think it is logical? I don't really mind to be honest, I am a regular so it is their loss but you should think this through in my opinion... Özetle arkadaşlar, yolladıkları seçenekleri beğenmezseniz numaranızı blokluyorlar :) Kendileri bilir elbette lakin bunun ne kadar mantıklı olup olmadığını sizin takdirinize bırakıyorum.
Mereba sizinle baya sohbet etmisdik, ayrica benim zamanim paradan daha kiymetli, Ben musterilerme saygi duyuyurum ve karsiligni talep edyorum, almiyancida zaman kayp etmekten engellemek daha kolay oluyor, Ayrica ben hakliydim bunu kabul etdigniz icin tessekur ederim with love Pink Harem