Total disappointment. The photos do not show huge beer belly. Not welcoming attitude. Passive blowjob. Very dirty Apartment. Such ladies Make man quit Visiting escorts. Totally unacceptable, she also miscounted my cash and took extra money.
Visited the queen today for a nice deep bj and I was not disappointed. The apartment is new and clean, with camera access at the entrance. Quite area above the highway. I prepaid her a small amount to book an appointment that totally worth it. She is good in sucking dick and enjoys it while looking in your eyes. Definitely worth visiting.
Another meeting with Julia. Her tight body is always ready for action. She enjoys the process, he standing nipples are great to play with and suck on them. I am not a fan of anal, but this time I decided to give it a go, she happily agreed, since she enjoys it a lot. Her ass is tight, but stretches very nicely. She sucks dick with pleasure and she goes deep on it. 100% satisfaction! A standard of quality 👍
Another 10 out of 10 meeting with Ms Nicky. She is a sex star. Looks like a top porn star. Super clean and professional. Thank you. See you soon 😊😊😊
It is always a risk to visit ladies without reviews. So I took the risk and was not disappointed. She is sexy and the communication is good. But she is much older then on the photos, she gives decent service. She stays in nice discrete apartment with her friend and they work same time. So there was another guys in the other room, as I understood.
She stays in nice apartments, the looks are real, she has a very nice big tits and ass. She is willing to please, but I didnt get to much of energy from her, maybe she was a bit tired. Massage is not available, so time between rounds is a bit ackward.
Gentlemen, this lady is a real deal. Sexy as hell. Takes things slowly, no rush, she doesn’t speak much, but lets her body speak for herself. Clean, sexy, passionate. A real professional.
thank you 🥰❤️🔥
The girl is real. Her English is good. She has nice big ass and good tits. Decent service and good blow job, she really takes it easy and sucks deed. Apartment is clean. Real GF experience.
Another great professional to visit out island! She stays outside of tourist area in clean nice apartment. BJ skills are on top! Sex is great! Clean body and smells of nice parfum! I had a lot of fun!
If you want to fuck a real Brazilian porn star. Look no more. Hard core sex action in real life, just like in movies! Great experience. No English, but she speaks the sex language perfectly.
Μόνο ενήλικες!
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