She is a very lovely girl. She has very beaitiful face and lovely haircut that i like.) She said it is her first time in here and said that she loves the country. She is in a very central place in Besiktas. Her english is not perfect but we communucated very well. She was one of the great experience for me. She made me very relaxed. I will definitely visit her again in future. Hope to see you again cuty Take care and be safe..
Just georgeous!! I fell in love everything with her face, eyes, mouth, nose.. She is exactly my type of girl. I have been following her for a while but I couldn't catch up with her until now. She is a very beautiful girl. Her skin is smooth and soft. Her body is perfect! Her house is clean and safe, there is no entrance fee or anything... She made me feel comfortable and gave me the best pleasure she could give. She is active in play. Her English is weak but talking to her is another pleasure for me. She is also funny.) She made me laugh sometimes.) I am looking forward to seeing her again.. Please be kind to her Take care and be safe baby.. See you soon again..
I was looking for a girl to relax the whole week's stress. and just found friday night and meet at the day after. She is so kind and warm. Her place is very confortable and clean. I was a little bit nervous before meet but than 2 hours passed like speed of light It was a pleasure to meet her. she made me confortable and relaxed. Thank you for all. hoping to see you again. .) Take care..🌹
Kira is a well educated and intellectual beaitiful girly kitty🐱 from Russia. Her communucation is great. She is tiny, hot, sexy, what ever you think. Her BJ was great. She is taking pleasure while she is giving. it is just like GFE. I was looking for a friday night girl. i think i've chosen the best one in the city for the last night. She flew me to the moon and 2 hours past like 20 minute. Thanks for everything my kitty🐱 can't wait to see you again. Take care and be safe..
She is a baby doll. i didn't expect that much from a lady this size. She has been my little love toy while with me. She is clean. She is tiny but her body very curvy. The view of her body is magnificent. it is also another pleasure to talk with her. she is funny also. can't describe the bj it was awesome.. We agreed for 1.5 hour but we extend the time. to 2.5 hour (also is not enough for me.. .)) Please be kind to her. Take care and be safe my baby doll .) cant wait to see you again...
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you again 💋🥰
She is a lady with a little monster in her. 👾.) I cant take my eyes on her. 1 hour even 1 day will not enough with her. i wish i had a little more time with her. Hope to see you again. stay safe and take care my little monster .)
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Αυτός ο ιστότοπος περιέχει υλικό σεξουαλικού περιεχομένου, γυμνό και χρησιμοποιεί μία γλώσσα η οποία απευθύνεται σε ενήλικες. Η ιστοσελίδα προορίζεται για ενήλικες που βρίσκονται στη φυσική τους τοποθεσία -απ’ όπου εσείς αποκτάτε πρόσβαση στον ιστότοπο. Με την πρόσβασή σας στον ιστότοπο, δηλώνετε αυτομάτως ότι πληροίτε τα ηλικιακά κριτήρια και συμφωνείτε με τους Όρους και τις Προϋποθέσεις μας. Οποιαδήποτε μη εξουσιοδοτημένη χρήση αυτού του ιστοτόπου ενδέχεται να παραβιάζει την εθνική, ομοσπονδιακή ή και διεθνή νομοθεσία. Παρόλο που το Zuzana δεν αναπτύσσει, ούτε παράγει περιεχόμενο που να συνδέεται με τις διαφημίσεις μας, αυτές οφείλουν να συμμορφώνονται με τα πρότυπα ηλικίας και περιεχομένου. Το Zuzana έχει υιοθετήσει μία πολιτική μηδενικής ανοχής απέναντι στην παιδική πορνογραφία αλλά και τη διαφήμιση ή χρήση της ιστοσελίδας από πλευράς ανηλίκων.
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