really nice, very kind, extremely warm lady she is. first meeting it was, but she was so warm and wellcoming that I weirdly felt like I've known her forever.
Coffee break here, and I just wanted to throw a review. Nope, I am not the perect guy, and I don't like to write reviews. And I'll not be telling we did this, she did that... Anyways.. I personally rarely make calls, and I only book the ladies I know "well enough". For me, mutual good vibes, and feeling mutually comfortable really matters. although I had been extremely exhausted, I just wanted to meet her while she was still around. And I am really glad I did. it was the first meeting, but it took little time to feel comfortable with her. very nice, very kind, very charming, and extremely cool lady she is. I mean, really cool. No need to tell anything about her beauty. Personally, I am really, really glad to meet her.
Thank you dear, it was nice to meet you too. Kisses 😘
I don't really remmember how many times I've booked Kristina. I don't remmember how many hours we spent together. I've lost count long time ago. I don't want to talk about aduterty things... that's how I am... Anyways. I am 10000% sure noone here knows her better then I do. So, after telling that, what I can tell about her is, one of the nicest persons, one strongest characters I've ever met. Your patience, your kindness, your smile, your charm... You already know how I respect and admire you sweet Kristina. I'll keep the promise that I promssied old Austie man, and you know what that is.
Having troubled times nowadays. So just decided to some madness (which I've never done before). I cannot even remmember clearly how I find her here, made the call ans find her just before my door. Okay, I was expecting the photographs here were real. but as I saw MORE just before me, I was stunned with her charming,warm smile and I could finally ask her "This is not happening, and you're not real, right?" A very very beatiful, nice, kind, tender, patient, charming, heart melting... no no, all those words are useless. "a dame to kill for" woman she is! already told you tens of times Kristina but once more, you'll be remmembered forever! All would be a trauma if that wasn't you. Billion thanks!
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a mind blowing Lady she is!