After meeting the girl I found her really attractive and beautiful. Skills are also quite good. exactly as I expected. I will come back next time. Thank you
The girl is really more beautiful than the girls in my country. The girl is younger and gentler. Skills are also better. I will be back. Thank you. I love you
I feel quite satisfied with the girl's service. She is gentle. Beautiful. For the amount of money I spent, I found it suitable. Suitable for coming back next time
As you can see from the photos, Charlize is a truly beautiful woman (even more gorgeous in person... like wow and her blue eyes are just captivating, I don't know how many times I got lost in them) but she's also intelligent, witty, funny, caring, sensual, down to Earth, sexy and very passionate. My time with Charlize was a true GFE and it felt lik ... e we were the only two people in the world and I really loved the connection we had in more ways than one. She's also a great kisser! Thanks for an amazing time you awesome woman and I can't wait for next time with this Angel! more
Good look. Amazing body. Model body (tall and lean) with boobs. Must follow her way of doing it-Use her condom only not the one you brought, and you must shower in the hotel even if you have done it at home 30 minutes ago before rushing over. Strong Slavic character that is straight forward and blunt. Will criticize you if you cannot understand ... her accent. Will criticize you if you are bad in sex. She is not the submissive girl here to please you. She is a classy princess trapped in a whore house and this is just a sex business for her. She is not into small talk and building connections. She is helpful and willing to offer advise to inexperienced clients on how to Improve if you initiate to ask her. A good person with kind heart that is masked under a cold and expressionless face. A real world “GFE” that can hurt a man’s ego if you are not thick-skinned. For thick skinned customers looking for honesty and self-improvemt, Maya is the right girl for you at a great discount given how beautiful she is. Girls with her look can charge three times more. But make sure you are mentally resilient and tough to accept her challenge. more
Naomi knows little English but communication is easily possible. She is sweet and polite and really wants to make you happy. There was no need for her pics to be Photoshoped as she's really hot and has an amazing smooth skin. Will definitely see her again.
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