Difficult to write this as I never stayed as I was rather shocked when she opened the door and tried to step back and stand behind the door so you can't really see her in the subdued lighting if you are not quick enough. She is nearly 47 - almost 50! and I don't want to pay to be with someone nearly 50, her birthday is November 1977 I found it on ... line afterwards.. She has gained a significant amount of weight and should really wear a body stocking or a slip to hide her belly which has the appearance of making her look 3 months pregnant, I just couldn't and it is a long walk away from her door to get out of view. Then you have two flights of external stairs and have to walk across an open courtyard while she shouts abuse at you. Honestly do yourself a favour and don't. more
I've met her before a couple of times, she is my go to girl. She is great fun to be with, oozes class and sensuality, when she opens the door you are met by a beautiful woman with a big smile and then you notice her breasts and the are fantastic. She provides the best top service of anyone I've been with so I usually have some fun feeling her cock ... getting hard in my mouth and then she rides me like I might be her last ride, I am on fire when I leave. shower is available if you want one, I usually go home afterwards but showered yesterday as I was going out on the town. As always I had a fantastic time and then a great night out with my mates. 😍 more
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