I was eighteen young tight and very horny. I was with a guy we will call Bentley. He was sexy muscular and had a huge dick! Until him my pussy had been a virgin. But thats another story. Well it all began when we were fucking one night and he was licking my pussy. Ohh my god it felt soo good. I could feel an orgasm building up when out of no where I felt his finger on the rim of my asshole. This made me uncomfortable and excited all at the sametime. As he continued to lick my pussy I tried to ignore the finger slowly entering my brown hole. When his finger was all the way I felt tingling all over my body. I didnt know what I was feeling. Suddenly I felt the cum squirting from my body. AfterwordsÂwe fucked for hours the best sex I had ever had in my life. .
  ÂA few days past and Bentley started asking me how it felt with his finger in my asshole. I was young and kinda embarrased so I really didnt want to talk to him about it.
 ÂAnother few days past and we were messing around one night and he was fucking me doggy style and again I was just fixing to come when he stuck his finger in my ass hole again. It felt so good having a huge cock in my pussy and a finger in my ass it was long till I was squirting all over his dick again. Then he asked if he could put his huge cock in my ass.
ÂI looked at him and begged him to fuck me I wanted it so bad.
 Then I had a great idea it had always been a fantasy of mine to be fucked by two men at once. I made him stop and turned and asked him I could ask his friend in the living room to join us.
ÂHe jumped up and headed towards the bedroom, you could see the relief on his face when Bentley gave him the go ahead.
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