Finally he came to check up on her. First he removed the dildo's and then slowly let her drop to the floor.. as she was lying there, he removed the clothespins. Removing them hurt even more than placing them, but in this state of mind she could bear it better. He softly carressed her tortured cunt and placed careful kisses on her nipples. She felt totally hot as he started pushing his finger in and out of her wet cunt. She started rocking her body forward onto his hand, to make his finger go in even deeper. This was the sign for him she was ready to get fucked. He carried her to the bed and placed her on her stomach. Then he forced his hard cock inside from behind. Her cunt and nipples felt more sensitive than ever before, because of all the torture. He fucked her hard and let her scream. Her body started shaking as she reached her orgasm. And at that moment she decided: she would buy more of these thongs first thing tomorrow morning!
Solo per Adulti!
Questo sito contiene nudo, contenuti sessuali espliciti e linguaggio adulto. Possono accedervi solo coloro che sono maggiorenni nel luogo fisico in cui si trovano. Accedendo a questo sito, ci confermi che sei maggiorenne e che accetti i nostri Termini e Condizioni. Qualunque uso non autorizzato di questo sito può violare una legge statale, federale o straniera. Mentre Zuzana non crea né produce alcuno dei contenuti presentati nelle nostra inserzioni pubblicitarie, tutte le nostre inserzioni pubblicitarie debbono rispettare i nostri standard in fatto di età e contenuti.
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