I was on a foreign tour. I satyed in a hotel at wellington, nz. There i saw a indian actress Priety Zinta. I was excited to see her. I took an autograph praised her looks and acting skills had a few chat and then went away.
I was having bath in my room but mistakenly i had left my room door open. Then enters preity zinta. I came out of the room with just a towel and that too not rounded up around my waist but had it on back of neck. suddenly i saw she was staring at me. I got shocked and tried to covered my private part. She then turned around. I saw my dick going up. SO i came near her grabbed her from back and put her on bed. She was trying to resist but cooled down by seeing my erected dick.
Then after sometime i pulled her close to me. Now i went down and started liking her pussy alongwith i was also finger fucking her which mad her moan heavily. I leaked her pussy and kept my hands on her boobs pressing it for another 18 min or so. I again inserted my finger in her pussy.
now i inserted my dick in her pussy She moaned heaving making noise Ahhhhhhh ooooo aaaa aaaa aahahh ahahah hmmmm. Now i satrted my movement at a faster speed and slapping her boobs. I became wild she was now moaning and scareming at highest level. Than i removed my dick from her pussy and inserted in her ass. ahhhhhhhhh oooooooooo omg omg aaaah its taering me off. I told hope you are enjoying . she told yeas fuck my ass. now i started fucking her in her ass. Like a doggy style.
After few mnutes i came in her ass and then we laid back on bed enjoying this moment.
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