i glance about with wondering eyes  saddened and shaken  i raise my gaze up to the skies  seeking beyond the clouds what lies  Â i ponder my worth  to nobody there  from the moment of birth  did anyone really care  Â my gaze drifts to the sand  the cold sea nipping my feet  the shifting of the land  the depth there to greet  Â was this the way it was meant to be  lonely and alone in the sunset  welcoming the coldness of the sea  as it rises to envelope me  Â i think of the silent masses  that never gave a second thought  i watch as the time passes  my last breath in my throat was caught  Â eyes closing to the darkness below  the wetness of the sea rising  for it is my time to go  with no one realizing  Â myself i grant one last look  and then the waves cover  the sand below shook  and finally, it was over |
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