part 4 of how I made my mother in law my bitch.
It wasn't long before my mother in law was calling my wife to see if it was ok if I went over to their house to fix something. It was funny because the only thing that needed fixing was her.With my wife having no clue she was more then happy to offer my services. This time it was the drier was acting up lalalala.
I get there just before noon and she asks me to check out the drier When I was in there I noticed a pile of cloths waiting for the wash. There were 4 different pair of panties all used all stained all thongs.. I had bent down to pick up a pair to smell them when my mother in law walked in and caught me..
She looked at me and said. You are a pervert aren't you?I told her damn right and asked which daughter they belong to. She saidshe thought they were her daughter Tina's.I said here put these on and threw them to her.. She said excuse me?I said put them on now. She said I don't think so and told me I better leave.I walked over to her and said I don't think so bitch. You better do as your told or I will ruin you and your family. I will go tell your daughter Yea I fucked your mother and I will describe everything.Even the birthmark on your inner thigh. She will leave me and disown you I don't give a fuck she doesnt put out anyway.
Now strip and put these panties on now..
She was crying when she did but she started to take her pants off and lowered her panties. She was looking at me begging me to not make her do it but I said would you hurry up we don't have all day.
That's it mother you know what to do open pull out my cock and suck it like you mean it.. She was still crying when she took my cock out. I was already hard so she started sucking it right away.. I told her to look at me when she is sucking my cock and to rub her pussy with her free hand.. I told her I wanted it wet for when i fucked her in Tina's panties.. Now your going to be my bitch you got it?Your going to fuck me when I want where I want and if your busy tuff you get out. You got it? She looked up at me and nodded yes.. When I was getting close I told her to stand up and turn around. When she did I bent her over the washing machine. Reaching between her legs I spread her wider.When I felt inside her daughters panties I realized she was soaked.. I pulled her hair back and said your loving this aren't you.. Your cunt is soaked you little slut. Well your going to be my slut from now on. My wife wont fuck so you will do it for her. I let go of her hair and bent her over again I told her to spread her ass and she did without hesitation.. Before I put my cock into her pussy I bent over and picked up another pair of panties.
With all the talk about fucking my sister in laws I grabbed her by the hips and thrust hard into my mother in law till I exploded inside of her.. When I pulled out I pulled her daughters thong up over her hips again and told her to leave them on to catch my cum. And your going to walk around in them till I leave.
Soon after we were done herdaughter Tina came home from work.. Her mom looked at her and turned away knowing she was wearing her panties.I told them both I would be back tomorrow or the day after with parts for the drier and to have a nice day. I walked up to her mom and put my hand between her legs I could feel the wet heat andI said I love you mom see you soon and left.
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