It all began when my little sister and I were at my uncle’s house playing in the lake in the back of his house. She was only 18 and I was 18 at the time. She already had a gorgeous body and was wearing a small bikini. Her blond hair seemed to cover most of her upper chest and it would seem she wasn’t even wearing a bikini. At the end of the evening when my uncle and aunt went back inside we jumped on a blow up raft and drifted to a small boat house. The wind was beginning to pick up so we would hang in the water in the middle of the boat house to get cover from the wind. We were boar sitting on the raft facing each other with one leg hanging on each side of the raft into the water. Because the raft was weaker in the middle we started slowly moving closer to each other while we were talking.
Solo per Adulti!
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