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my mum married when she was eighteen and had me when she was nineteen and now i am a mature 18 year old boy. my dad left my mum just after she had had me. today was my 14th birthday and my mum hadn't got me a present. I knew she hadn't got me a present so when she came into my room to wake me up i started jerking off. Mum was a aware of this so she gave me a cuddle.
" i haven't got you a present so how about i give you a kid?" mum said
" what do you mean?" i asked.
"get naked" she said and i will show you. i striped right down and my mum was amazed at my now fully hard 9" cock so she striped down as well. It had been about 2 weeks since mum had had her peroid so she was very fertile. Mum told me to lay on my back so i did and then she laid on top of me. i inserted my prick into her cunt and she started riding me like a cowgirl would a horse. she kept saying i love you make me a mum again. i had ejaculated about 6 times inside of her. i now slowed and she got off and kissed me before she had a shower. we continued these orgies for many days.
A week later mum took a pregnancy test and tested positive to twins.

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   so nine months later we had two girls. and then another 2 years after that we had a boy.