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Warmth of a Sister


  It was mid january and cold as hell. My family was in the middle of a move and we're kinda in between places. Earlier that day we moved the bedrooms to the new apartment so the whole family shared some cots and the couch we had and were leaving. My family is not small, 6 people. My mom got her own cot, my dad got a sleeping bag, by 2 brothers each got their own cot and since I was the youngest I shared the couch with my sis. She was a cutie with red hair and big green eyes, and a slight chub that made her have this voluptious look set on her 5 foot frame. I was about 18 and she was 18 The house's heat sucked and we relied on space heaters all winter, that was a big reason we were moving. The single space heater we had was adequate untill later that night it got too windy for it to keep up and the temperature dropped.  The whole family had long since passed out and I lay awake enjoing the relative solitude watching nick at night. My sister started shivering till she finally woke up and suggested stacking our covers and laying together sharing warmth. That seemed to work she passed right out again. Now I dunno why, but noone in my family ever dressed very warmly, even in this icebox of a house my sister was in her panties and a night shirt, half way between her waist and knees. I always wore just boxers and sometimes sox(for warmth you see). Now being 18 a sudden breeze coulda gotten me hard, so you could imaging my pain laying behind my sister watching nick at night through her bed-head hair. Also mary-Tyler-Moore had quite an ass. Anyway, the damn cheap boxers let my dick stick out the hole in the front, (whats that hole for anyway? who uses it!) I figured the best idea would be to put it back before she woke up, but she was up agains me pretty good. SO I tried to maneuver it against her leg to get it in,which made things worse. My dick just started pointing more up until it was resting in the crack where her ass meets her thighs. I froze and watched her face... no sign of waking. I Started to try again when all of a sudden I blew my load all over her ass. I was horrified and just froze. I thought my dick should  go down now, but it didnt really. I started to get a really evil idea at this point, if she could sleep through that then what else... My dick was at full attention and pressing mightily against the ass of her panties now soaked with my cum. I slowly tried to slide my hand between us and she started to stir. I froze solid and waited. When she stopped moving again her top leg was kinda dangeling off the couch giving me much better access. Now I wasn't naive enough to think she was still a virgin at 18 in NY, so I figured thered be no harm done and I can play it off as a wet dream gone wrong. SO wasting no more time I used my thumb and pulled the crotch of her wet panties to the side and  angled the head of my dick to her hole and started to push. I felt a lot of resistance. I didnt wanna just shove at the risk of waking her, so I snuck a peak and saw my dick pressed into her cheeks. Now I may be a virgin but ive seen enough porn at this point to know her pussy was not there. I readjusted my angle and found the welcoming wetness of her pussy and pushed. I felt her lips snap around the head of my prick and would've creamed right there if I hadnt blown my wad 18 minutes earlier. Almost instantly I didnt care if she woke up, so i shoved with all my might. Her eyes snaped open and she took a deep gasp to screech. I wrapped my hand over her mouth before she had a chance to get it out. I fucked her with abandon. I took quick powerful thrusts and pounded her as hard as I could manage. Each thrust I heard a muffled cry from under my hand but I didnt care, I was no longer a virgin and I was loving my first time. After about 5 minutes my sister stopped struggling and just lay there quietly sobbing. I never let up I kept pounding the shit out of her. I risked taking my hand of her mouth and she didnt scream, I think she might have zoned out or whatever, I took this chance to wrap my hand around her large plump tit. I Squeezed as hard as I could till I heard her groan but she never made more of a sound. I was lost I didnt care if anyone woke up, I could only feel her pussy, hear the sloppy wet sounds of our sex, and I so wanted to cum inside her. I knew she wasnt a virgin and if she got pregnant my parents would assume it was one of her boyfriends' fault. I felt my orgasm build and I fucked harder, she was starting to slide off the couch now. I grabbed her chubby waste and pulled her to meet each of my thrusts. I started whispering into her ear how good a slut she grew up to be and how much her boyfriends must lover her fleshy ass. I came so hard i had to bite her ear to keep from yelling out. I pumped gallons of cum into her belly for what seemed to be hours. When I finally finished I let her go and she slid onto the floor. After a second she jumped up and ran into the bathroom to cry. As my head cleared and the reality of what I done started to come to me I looked down at my satisfied cock, and in the light of the tv I saw streaks of cum and blood. I was in all kinds of trouble...