I am a sissy.
I am a sissy boy who has cross dressed most of my life on and off.It started when I was around age 18 or 12. I found a pair og my sisters silky panties and tried them on. I was hooked from then on, wearing her clothes when ever I got the chance. After I was out of school and was dating I quit for a few years. Then I got married and after 3 years I started wearing my wife's clothing. She was okay with it when it was only panties and even bought them just for me. I started to dress with more and more of her clothing and we would go out of town just so I could dress in drag.I wanted her to enjoy her self as I did dressed in drag, so to compromise she wanted to sleep with other men. Not really likening the thought of it we talked about it until I told her it was only fair to her. She did this for about a year and we divorced. I still cross dressed on my own until I found a girl that accepted me for who I was. However she was a cock slut which she told me straight out. If I could handle her sleeping around then she was fine with me cross dressing.
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