ÂOne night when i get home from my girlfriend's house, my sister invited over her friend, amber. after they went to sleep, i went up stairs to their room. I layed next to amber to admire her figure. I started to massage her breasts and then her nipples. As soon as i touched her nipples they instantly became hard. I then began to rub her virgin public area. But, i soon found out that she was already wet! I started to rub her pussy until she was wet enough for me to do things with it. When i started to insert my finger she moaned LOUDLY. (and started to move alittle) I froze and thought if i were to be caught at this stage i was SCREWED! I thought the quicker i have my fun and get out of there, the better. So, i inserted 2...3....and all 4 of my fingers in her pussy within a few seconds.
I will post more if this gets good reviews. please e-mail at [email protected] thanks
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