Âyou two stop stop what you are doing. stay after class.
let me show how its really done.
the teacher rips off her shrit and unclips her 36D bra. she makes luis suck on her left nipple telling him to be carefull of her piercing.while she makes nina suck on the right one.but luis has an idea of his own he takes his hand and slowly brings it down to her pussy and starts to rub. he notices she is really wet and sticks a finger in her pussy. dont stop at one put in more.not wanting nina to miss out he starts to play with her too. now nina the selfish person she is thows luis on the table and makes him eat her out. the teacher not wanting to be left out start to suck on luis's 10inch cock. as nina comes in luis's mouth he licks all of her sweet juice he comes in hisÂteachers mouth. now the two girls swich places and nina starts to suck on luis's cock while he eats out his teacher.he can barely last at the touch of his friend mouth on the head of his penis. but some how he makes it untill his teacher cums all over his face. now it luis turn to have his fun. he turns his teacher over and give it to her up the ass. oh yea i love it hard yells the teacher.
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