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Summer Story


School had just ended, it was such a long day.  I didn't care though, only because it was the last day of school.  I was waiting for my ride.  But for some reason my step dad wasn't here yet.  Then it hit me, it was only 12:30 PM.  God, I forgot to tell my step dad that school was a half day today.  He probally wasn't even thinking of picking me up for another 2 hours.  Ahhhh.  It made me so mad.  How could i forget to tell him.  Well lets see, i'll call and hopefully he'll answer.  And of course there was no answer.  Where could he be?  I had no choice but to walk home.  It was only like a 20 minute walk, it couldn't hurt.  I made my way home, as I walked I thanked myself for wearing my denim skirt instead of the light fabric one I wanted to wear, because if I had the wind would be throwing up my skirt and everybody would be able to see my little pink g-string.  All I could do was laugh at myself.
I finally made home.  But there were no cars in the drive way.  Hmm. I guess they must be in the garage.  As I opened the door I noticed how quite it was.  As I walked in I couldn't see anyone.  I yelled out to see if anyone was home and there was no answer.  Oh well i guess everybody must be out.  I went to my room and turned the tv on.  There was nothing on.  I wasnt used to being home so early.  It got boring really quick.  Eventually I fell asleep.  I must of knocked out because when I woke up, I was hearing things.  I think I was hearing laughs or giggles.  I ignored it.  I started to undress taking off my skirt and white polo.  And thats when I heard the laughs again.  This time I knew I wasn't hearing things.  It was coming for outside in my backyard.  I head to my window to take a look.  I couldn't believe it.  There was my mom and step dad completly naked.  They were skinny dipping.  I guess they thought they had the house to themselves for a few more hours.  I wathced them mess around.  Each one grabbing and fondeling each other.  I couldn't believe how I was so entertained by it.  I couldn't really see anything until my step dad got out of the pool and walked to the deep end.  As he walked over I noticed what seemed to be a third leg.  It was so huge.  He got to the deep end and sat down with just his feet in the pool.  All I could do was stare at his big balls and huge cock rest on the floor.  That's when my mom swam to him in between his legs.  As she floated in front of him she put his cock in her hand.  It was amazing, she had more then half of it out of her grip and my step dad wasn't even hard yet.  I couldn't watch any more.  I was getting all hot and bothered.  I walked from the window completely undressed myself and headed for the shower.  I need something to cool me off.
In the bathroom I looked at myself in the full sized mirrow asking myself how I could be so turned on by this.  It wasn't right.  But it looked so big, so nice.  No wonder my mom married him.  But she's a full grown women and that's when I noticed how much i had developed throught out my freshmen year.  My breast had developed to a full 36C, and my ass was tighter and bigger then anyother girl in my class.  Cheerleading and swimming all year also helped keep me so fit.  Maybe my step father.  No I can't think like that.  I stepped into the shower and let the water rinse and cool me off.  As I stood under the water with my eyes closed all I could imagine was my step dads cock in my hands.  It turned me on so much that I started fingering my tight little pussy.  I started with one finger doing slow small circles.  Another picture of my step dads cock came to my mind, I put four fingers in this time.  I tryed to get as deep as I could but i knew it was no way close to what my step dad had.  Frustrated and upset I came out of the shower and went to my room.
I walked to my room and thats when I stared hearing these loud moans.  I knew it was my mom and step dad having sex in the living room.  I snuck down the stairs hoping they wouldn't squeak.  I got to the last step and poked my head around the corner into the living room.  And sure enough there was my step dad and my mom.  She was bent over the arm rest of one of the couches.  He was pounded her from behind.  With each thrust back and forth all I could do was look at his huge cock go in and out.  My mom was in such ecstacy.  I could feel my pussy get wet again.  I put in two fingers and let out a little moan.  And thats when my step dad looked over and saw me.  I got so scared and ran back up the stairs, straight into my room.  With my door closed I could still hear my moms moans.  They hadn't stopped.  But why not?  I was sure my step dad saw me.  Or did he?  Maybe he didnt't.  Oh well.  I stayed my room for the rest of the day.  Thinking about how I could get my sted dad to give me a taste of what he has to offer.  I went to sleep that night hornier then ever.  I knew I would be dreaming of him tonight. 
The night had come and gone.  I got out of bed and made my way to the living room.  I turned on the tv and began to watch some saturday morning cartoons.  My summer had just began and I was looking forward to it.  My best friend would be spending the next 2 months with me and my family.  Her mom and her dad had just been divorced and they were each heading in different directions.  So she asked if she could stay away from all that and stay close to me.  She would be coming over later today.  I watched tv and pondered at the same time how much fun this summer should be.  And thats when the phone rang.  I went to go answer it.  It was my mom and she wanted to speak with my step dad.  She told me he was still probally sleeping.  I guess they had a late night last night.  I went up to the room to go wake him up.  I knoced on his door but there was no answer.  I walked into the room and there he was on the bed out cold completely naked.  I stared for a minute forgetting my mom was waiting on the phone.  I walked over to the side of the bed and there was his monster cock.  Layed out over his stomach passed his belly button.  I stared really quick and shook him to wake him up.  I told him that mom was on the line waiting for him to come down.  I went back to the living room and my step dad followed with the sheets wrapped around him.  He was on the phone with my mom for like 2 minutes when the door bell rang.  I knew it was my best friend.  I opened the door and there she was with all her luggage.  We quickly ran up and moved her stuff to my room.  When we came back down my step dad was on the couch watching tv with just the sheets in hes lap.