After a long day of work and finally arriving home I walk in to see my little princess sitting on the couch in nothing but her pink see through teddy, pink thigh high fish nets and nothing else. She smiles as I walk in the door and says “How was work Daddy? I thought I would surprise you with a cute little outfit”. I smile and respond “Daddy really likes the outfit princess, and I see you aren’t wearing panties. You are catching on to what Daddy likes.” She stands up, does a little turn and giggles as she says “Does Daddy approve my outfit?” As I look her all over I shake my head and give her a big hug and kiss her on the forehead. She leads me to a big reclining chair, sits me down and straddles my lap. She smiles and whispers “Now relax Daddy and let me take care of you”. She starts to work her way down my body. Once she gets to my pants she undoes them and pulls them and my boxer all the way off. She smiles as she sees my cock and she looks up at me for approval. I nod for her to go ahead, she pulls my cock into her mouth with her tongue. She starts to get my cock nice and sloppy, because she knows that’s how daddy likes it. Every time she takes my cock deep in her throat she just lets her spit run down my cock onto my balls.
Solo per Adulti!
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