15 year Elizabeth Wilkerson, out of breath from running, leaned up against the tree. As she caught her breath, she could see 30 year old Ricky Baker walking towards her. He was half drunk from an afternoon of drinking andÂ
As Ricky approached her,
The early evening air was cool, making her pink nipples erect in no time. She then raised the skirt of her dress until her tiny white bikini panties were in full view.
As soon as Ricky reached her, he immediately began to suck and bit her young tits. His right hand traveled down her body to her panties. With one swift motion, Ricky ripped
"Shut up you little cock tease." Rick sneered as he undid his cut off jeans. In no time at all,
Ricky had Elizabeth pinned up against the tree, forcing her legs apart with his knees, rubbing his hard dick up and down her slit, making her clit hard.
She was still out of breath when he lowered her to the ground and rammed his erect cock into her tight wet cunt. Ricky road her hard and fast.
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