Highly recommend! One of the best experiences I have ever had. I’m honestly surprised she is still on this website! Try while you still can. She is excellent!
Cold. Passive aggressive. Frigid. Not recommended. Had to send her back after 25min because it was so brutal even though I paid for 1.5hr. She looks like the pictures. The communication and everything else is super transactional.
You are an incredibly herd/heavy person. Firstly - he didn't want to solve anything with the taxi, why did I have to pay for it myself? In my profile, it is clearly stated that the client pays for the taxi. finally he called a taxi, met me, at the meeting he stank, asked a lot of personal questions, behaved very unpleasantly, I refused some additional services Due to the poor hygiene of the client, everything stank so much that I could barely restrain myself from throwing up right there. I am not at all like he described me, I have a lot of good reviews on other sites and I have regular customers who are very happy with me and incredibly admire me. But you don't even think about the fact that you are meet a girl, alive person and you think that if you pay money, then you don't have to shower and you want me to do all this with a satisfied face, when at the same time you smell as had not showered for several months
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