hello , I took a reservation for the night and invited it to my own house. He arrived at the time we spoke. But the place where I was staying did not let him in. By procedural requirement. So we decided to go to his house. We took a taxi and drove to his house. Although he spent a lot of time, he was very polite and courteous. He made me feel like a king in his house. Absolutely this girl is awesome! amazing experience 👍
Hello guys. What is this girl like?! incredibly beautiful.. natural.. no processing.. the girl is very sweet and very caring.. my lover does not care about me like this. elya , even made coffee for me.. I can't describe the sex, it became the love of my life! It was an experience that I will never forget. Thank you for the comments..thanks to you I experienced true love and sex.
Hello. I came to Istanbul for my business trip. I wanted a beautiful young Turkish girl for the hotel where I stayed in my spare time. I talked to him. we agreed. He convinced me with special videos. Sanamm is a very beautiful young university student. Sanem is very young and his physique is amazing. The chat, massage and interest are great. services are top notch. I have never seen anything like this in America. dominant. I have a foot fetish. I think I can't leave here because of this girl. 36.5 foot size. Even her feet are perfect. no flaws. It was great experience. It's incredible how she slaps me with her feet. I hope I can take it to America. Amazing... Damn. 😱
There is no such thing, I have been seeing women for years, but this woman was very different, her behavior, her bed was perfect, she took me to the ceiling. Damn..
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thank you guys - it was great!