I had the chance to visit Erica after a long and tiring day. Initially I was planning to stay for 2 hours at most but she turned it into 3 hours. She tries to understand your wishes and please you accordingly. She really cares about the personal care of herself and her guests. I can say that she is more attractive than the ones in the pictures. We had a really nice conversation between the shoots. She is a funny girl and if you treat her right, you can experience heaven on earth. When it came to sex, she was brutal. Our energies matched and I've never experienced anything like it. You really lose track of time. If you ask me if I would go to her again, my answer would be: ABSOLUTELY.
She was very friendly and smiling at every moment of our meeting. She could speak English well, so we were able to have an active conversation without any language barrier. One hundred percent GFE, she knows what she's doing and strives to make the other person happy. Not to mention the nice conversations we had while resting. She has a natural beauty that is unforgettable.
She came to my apartment. We started with a nice conversation. She was a very petite girl. From the first moments of the meeting, she was very active. I easily communicated with her. Her blowjobs was breath-taking, especially the second blowjob was like sucking my life out of me. Her energy was high and made me energetic too. We spend 1.5 hours together and she was such a delight. Thanks for her services.
It was very delightful to spend time with her. She treat me like she was my girlfriend. She was very understanding and passionate. She can speak english good. I would like to express my gratitude to her.
Solo per Adulti!
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