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Reviews from HotCoffeeColdTea

Registered: 28-06-2014
PM to HotCoffeeColdTea
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Rahibe kiyafeti ile beni karsilayan Aline bana cennetin kapilarini acti :) Cok dogal, guler yuzlu, iyi muhabbeti olan, gezmiz dolasmis gormus kulturlu bir kiz. Yatakta tam bir canavar. Guzel bir anal seanstan sonra bircok pozisyon yasadik. Squirt olayi da var; o da yeni ve guzel bir tecrube oldu benim icin. Istanbuldaki en iyilerden biri. Yakinda kiz arkadasi ile gelecek; ikisini beraber ziyaret edecegim. English: Alina has greeted me as a sexy nun with no panties and my sexy nun took me to heaven! Amazing smile, eyes sparkling with energy, long legs... She is a beautiful woman. She is well traveled and cultured and has very good conversational skills. And she likes sex! After a nice, long and rough anal session we tried many different positions. Her moans and squirting were extremely sexy; made me hornier. She is definitely at the top tier of girls in Istanbul who can keep up to any man's sexual desires. On top of that, great conversation as well. What else can I guy ask for? She has the total package. Hope to see you soon again babe, enjoy your travels!

Reviewer: HotCoffeeColdTea (4 le recensioni)
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Sandra is a beautiful, funny, charming next door beauty. She has a radiant smile that will make you feel ‘at home’ right away. She’s very nice to talk to and quite funny too :) She pampers you like a king. But when the main action starts, the sweet girl with the cheerful smile turns into a wild cat. She is a great kisser; passionate and intense which is followed by one of the best OWOs I’ve seen. She is really energetic and definitely knows what she is doing :) Her tattoo’s are very sexy and shows the wild side of her. It was great to enjoy her amazing curves and many many different positions with this insatiable sex goddess. In between the 2 rounds, we talked and she is one of these smart girls with whom you can keep enjoying your time even when you are not making love. She has a lot of positive energy and you will leave happy and energized after spending time with her. It was definitely a very memorable experience. She is friends with another exceptional beauty on this board; which wasn’t surprising. One thing I learnt in life is beautiful, high quality premium girls make friends with other beautiful elite girls :) Go see her; you won’t regret it. Finally, she stays at a very good hotel; which is a big plus in my opinion; the room & hotel adds a lot to the atmosphere of the time spent together. Thanks Sandra; hope to meet you again one day! ———————————— Romalilar, bir güzele daha yorum yazayım dedim; Sandra. Sandra tam turk erkeklerinin seveceği tarzda bir güzellik; balık etli, neseli ve çok sıcak kanlı ve yatakta da tam bir azgin kedi. Ki, ben balik eti yerine slim severim ama hosuma gitti baya kizin vücut. Dovmeler falan yaramaz cildin ama neseli kız karakterini gösteriyor. Güzel öpüşüyor; bu benim icin onemli çok da güzel OWO yapıyor; islak ve derin. Her turlu pozisyona geliyor; aktif zaten baya sevisirken. Diger yorum yazdigim kiz ile arkadas; zaten güzel kaliteli kızlar basks ouzel kaliteli kizlarla takılırlar genelde. Hotel de çok iyi; Besiktastaki klasik otellerden degil; daha iyi 5 yildizli unlu bir otel. Bence gidin tanısın; neseli ve doyurucu bir tecrübe oldu benim icin. Baya bir kiz ile görüşüyorum her hafta, genelde 5 taneden fazla. Güzel ama sevisme / muhabbet sanatını bilmeyen kizlara da OK’im ama boylelerine denk gelince tadi bir basks oluyor bu maceraların. Hadi bakalım, iyi eglenceler…

Reviewer: HotCoffeeColdTea (4 le recensioni)
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

I have the luxury of seeing lots of girls. Many of them turn out to be great ladies; but sometimes you encounter a truly exceptional woman. Milana is one of those rare unicorns. There are some very beautiful women on this site; but she is really exceptionally classy, sexy and attractive. I was mesmerized from the first moment she greeted me with that amazingly sincere and warm smile of hers; I rarely get mesmerized after seeing so many women; so I was very happy. She had a great dress on; very classy girl. She has pretty good english and is a smart woman; we had a very enjoyable conversation. She is not one of those girls who has only invested in her looks; she has the brains to match her looks. If I get a chance I will actually take her out for a nice dinner. I usually like blondes; but she has amazing, strong black hair; I spared a few minutes to just play with her long black hair. And she has very exotic eyes. Her beautiful face is very expressive. In the bed department… well she was just amazing and rules that department as well! Exceptional body; perfect contours on her body. Her hip, ass, breasts, shoulders… all great; very sexy girl. I loved the color of her skin and her legs. She is very active, energetic and passionate. Some girls are only sensual & romantic; some girls are only high rhythm, sexy but not sensual; she is both. She is a great kisser; romantic at first and passionate & wilder later on. We explored many different positions in high tempo and it was a great enjoyable session for both of us; she is very active in bed. This is the girl you wish you run into some day to have a serious long term relationship with. She is the complete package. Milana is a truly exquisite gem. …… Sayin Romalilar, elimden su kadar yıldır bir ton kız gecti. Bence bu sitede baya güzel hatunlar var; yorumlara dikkat ederek giderseniz uzulmuyor insan. Milana bi ayri güzel geldi ama bana. Kız çok klas hatun; ayni zamanda çok da güzel ve seksi. Super bir gulusu var; çok sıcak. Ama akilli cilveli de birşey; çok da iyi muhabbeti var. Sırf güzel vücudu olan kızlar bayıyor artık beni; boyle akilli kızlara denk gelince çok güzel oluyor hersey. Sarisinci olmama ragmen bu esmer güzel büyüledi beni. Super bir vücuda; super surat; muhteşem gülüşü ve egzotik gözleriyle 10/10 hatun. Çok da iyi sevişiyor. Kivrimlari tam kivaminda; kalçası, beli, göğüsleri, omuzları, sırtı… hepsi çok yerinde. Çok güzel bir cildi var. Tatlı muhabbetli hatun dedik ama sevinirken baya enerjik, istekli ve azdirici. Çok iyi öpüşüyor ve kendi de egleniyor. Yüksek ritimde bir çok pozisyon denedik; baya aktif bir kiz. Valla çok kız görmeme ve standartlarımın iyice yükselmesine ragmen, bu kizi çok etkileyici buldum. Insanin alıp evinin taci yapası geliyor; bu kızla bir omur geçirilir; sadece vur-kac’lik bir kiz degil.

Reviewer: HotCoffeeColdTea (4 le recensioni)
Beauty: 10.0 / 10
Feelings: 10.0 / 10
Communicative: 10.0 / 10

Turkiyede ve yurt disinda birçok kadın ile beraber oldum; artık bir yerden sonra hersey tekrar moduna giriyor ve monotonlaşıyor. Fakat, artık çok nadiren de olsa, bir mücevhere denk geliyorsun ve degerini vermeyi öğreniyorsun. Nikole boyle nadir mücevherlerden. 3 kere gorustum; daha da gorusmeyi dusunuyorum. Bi kere çok doğal bir guzelligi var. Burun.. cene.. genel yüz ifadesi.. Muhteşem mavi gozleri var ve alev alev kizil saçları. Holywood aktrisi olacak kalibrasyonda. Cok zarif ama seksi giyinmeyi biliyor; her gittiğimde topuklu ayakkabısı, ic camasiri, kıyafeti hepsi hem çok seksi, hem de çok klas. Göze hitap ettigi gibi, aklınıza da iyi hitap edebilen biri. Bakislari, mimikleri ve haraketleri mana dolu. Güzel alam sIkici kızlardan degil; sürekli ufak ufak espiriler, kucuk cilveler yapıyor. Asil aksiyondaki yetenekleri de gayet iyi, tam bir GFE. Zaman bitip ayrildiginizda ayaginizi sureyerek gittiginiz, aklinizi odada bırakıp ciktiginiz o çok nadir kızlardan. Bazı kızlar sirin oluyorlar; bazıları seksi; bazıları zarif/elegant. Bu özelliklerin birini bulsayniz bile mutlu olunur ama Nikole bir sekilde bunların hepsini birden bulundurabilen o nadir cevherlerden. I have had the luxury of being with many women across many ethnicities over the years. So much so that, after a while, things become repetitive and with each girl you think “been there, done that…”. But every once in a while, you come across a gem. Nikole is such a gem. I have seen her 3 times in a week and I plan to see her again. She has a very natural and unique beauty. Her nose…chin…every part of her face… just exquisite. She has very captivating, deep blue eyes and red hair that is on fire. She could easily have become a hollywood actress. She also knows how to dress sexy and elegant at the same time; breath-taking high heels and stockings. It is impossible for your heart to not skip a beat. This is the kind of girl who you immediately notice even if she is surrounded by a crows of beautiful girls. But beyond being a stunning beauty, she is also a very smart girl. And that is extremely rare. Her facial expressions, little jokes and sexual flirtations are mind-giggling. And as for the main action; she has a great body and the perfect breasts. She is also very skilled in bed and is a very sexual person; a true GFE. Some girls are cute; some are very sexy; some are elegant and some are smart. Very few girls have a few of these at the same time but Nikole is a very rare unique gem because she has all of these qualities. I can’t wait to meet this angel again and let her take me to heaven.

Reviewer: HotCoffeeColdTea (4 le recensioni)