Carolina is intelligent, multifaceted, has a great sense of humor and is very down-to-earth. TL;DR: Would absolutely love to see Carolina again the next time I'm in Prague. (And I am working on that.) On our scheduled meeting, I was pretty nervous, apparently pacing around enough to annoy the denizen of the room downstairs. It was thus some relief when she called to let me know she arrived a little early. Headed downstairs, and there was Carolina, smartly dressed for a walk about town. Though her web site photos are accurate, they do not adequately capture her beautiful smile and the kindness of her eyes. She exudes cheerfulness, and that helped melt the nervousness. We hugged, then spent the next few hours walking through quieter neighborhoods of Prague, getting to know each other. Walking worked up an appetite, so we agreed to get a bite to eat before heading back to my place. The restaurant she recommended was a nice break from the extremely meat-heavy, traditional Czech cuisine that I had consumed the day before. Back at my place, we sat on the couch and eased into more cuddling and kissing, then shower, then more kissing and slow exploration ensued! We eventually proceeded into the bedroom. Clothes slid off, and mutual pleasuring was had. This was the experience I'd been hoping for, a balanced combination of social time with light flirtation that naturally evolved into a more intimate evening.
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