I arranged one appointment with Annabell,very easy by what's up. She it's stunning, beautiful girl,provided very relaxing environment;not rushed.She make me feel like I know her for year's. With her beautiful lips she offer me the best wet blowjob. She it's very flexible in bed. Her character it's amazing,sex with her it's something what I cannot describe in word's. She it's a devil in bed(in good way ) she it's much gorgeous in person. It's hard to find anything to add to all these great reviews,which I confirm. Overall it was great and perfect way to spend the afternoon.
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Ive just had a wonderful time with Angely.She is such a striking woman and her photos can never get across is her beautiful personality. Angely speaks good English with a sexy accent and is entirely focussed on giving her clients the best possible experience when they are with her. In mind and body she is perfectly(for guys who like girls not skinny)suited to her profession and it is a genuine pleasure to spend some quality time with her👌She its very fun and active lady who has to be treated right! Great laugh and Angely knows how to take care of her clients - you will not be disappointed!