Incredible girl, very professional And clean. She loves what she does. What can I say about her hot round ass? She is amazing. She is worth every euro. I highly recommend her. Thank you. We will meet again !
The worst experience ever. I do not recommend it. She does not respect appointments. I waited for an hour and she saw the messages and did not respond. When I accepted them, she was in a hurry and wanted it to end as quickly as possible. I do not know why. It is a bad experience. I do not recommend it.
I don't know who you are and why you lie to me I always answer who writes who comes to me I gladly accept and have a wonderful time
I saw the price, I immediately came I will say it was the worst experience ever. I have accepted many escorts, but this is the worst experience. It's not the same girl in the pictures. It's another fake girl. Don't waste your money on it. She doesn't deserve it. When I saw her, I left immediately. Go to hell, what a fake
Tá bom de você se ocupar com outras coisas. Você sabe muito bem que sou REAL. As fotos são minhas! eu sou exatamente como nas fotos.
Vary angry girl,I got the impression that she hates men!!!! She just wants money. Worst experience, I don't know why.and it smelled like rotten fish
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