I'm getting older and with age my priorities have started to change. I decided to try something a bit different, the erotic massage as opposed to the usual full service, with the emphasis on "eye candy" the kind of girl that when you see walking down the street, your head naturally turns to watch her (and you try not stare - especially when your with your wife). Yarden was good choice, not only can she hold an intelligent conversation, great to look at, her use of her hands and other parts are gentle when needed and firm when the moment calls for it.
money well spent, she answered to the email very quickly and setting up a time to meet was easy. I admit to being a bit shy with beautiful women, but she brought me out of it by suggesting a few options and before I could even answer she was already there. :). The hour went quickly and she left me with a wet kiss and my smile has yet to leave my face when I remember the visit.
Lenni is the whole package, very sexy. Slim, tall with killer eyes and smile. Her english very good so communication was easy. I'm a bit older, so things go a bit slower, Yet Lenni was very attentive, patient and success was inevitable with her skills
Solo per Adulti!
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