She greeted me with a warm smile and DFK. After some brief conversation, she led me to the shower for a quick rinse. Once back in the room she began with a slow and teasing BBBJ, taking her time and maintaining eye contact while working her tongue in all the right ways. She mixed in some gentle BLS, building up the anticipation at a perfect pace. She was in control, knowing exactly how to switch between soft and deep strokes. Then we transitioned into 69 for a more immersive experience. She stayed engaged the entire time, making sure the chemistry remained strong. After that, she suited me up, and we started in mish, where she maintained eye contact and responded well to the rhythm. Moved to doggy, where she arched nicely and adjusted to the pace naturally. I switched back to mish for the finish, where she kept up her energy until the very end. Wrapped up with a quick cleanup and a bit of small talk before heading out. Sofia provides a structured and enjoyable experience. She knows her craft well, keeps the energy consistent, and makes sure the session stays engaging. Solid service with good technique.
I traveled to NYC for the weekend and had the pleasure of meeting the most incredible girl I’ve seen in years. Not only was she stunning and attentive, but she also had an amazing intuition for what I desired—absolute bliss, total fulfillment…
Kiss you baby, see you next time 😘
Solo per Adulti!
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