:love: This is so sweet and nice girl, much better then on the pictures...minimum booking is usually 6 hours..She has one of the most beutifull faces in bussiness, big lips and her blowjob is so good, she is doing it pleasure and i really love it. Sex is great and i just dont have enough words for her how great she is...:love::love::love::love::love:
:love: as i had bad experiences with czech escorts before i was not expecting much, but when Sheila arrived i was enchated by her beauty. She looks much better that on the pictures, she is tall and naturally busty, maybe bit older that the agency claims, but her breasts are still firm and beautifull. She was very nice and i really enjoyed sex with her. This girl is a diamond and cllasy copmanion which is worthy spending time with!!!:love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
:love: love this girl, very passionate, beutifull body, the sex is amazing, her tits are propably not real cant say, but they look natural and are nicely firm and soft...luv you Nadia, regards from Panorama Hotel (alisa Marthen Dejardins):love::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:
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