Η συνάντηση έγινε στο χώρο της. Το σώμα είναι πολύ καλό και σφιχτό. Προσωπάρα για πολύ πίπα μιλάμε. Είπαμε δύο τρεις κουβέντες και ξεκινήσαμε αμέσως. Την έβαλα στα γόνατα και έπιασε δουλειά. Μετά κάναμε σεξ για αρκετή ώρα και σε διάφορες στάσεις. Έχει εμπειρία και ξέρει να στήνεται. Με τελείωσε με πίπα όπου έχυσα στις βυζάρες της. Πολύ καλά αγγλικά και social. Έχει χιούμορ και είναι πολύ χαλαρή. Δεύτερος γύρος μόνο στα τέσσερα και χαστούκια στην κωλάρα της. Οπότε όσοι πιστοί προσέλθετε άμεσα
My wonderful thanks for last night. Matilda is an angel! She is beautiful and attentive, very kind and attentive, with a bubbly personality. She has wide smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm and genuine warmth. Sweet personality, fantastic all natural body. Beautiful natural breasts and delicious round behind. Her style is sensual and she like nice sexy lingerie. She made all my problems go away. I will definitely visit her again!
Oh my god! Sofia is top class. A beautiful woman, smart and really sexy ! She spend her time to satisfy you AND her ! :) Great French kisses all the time and super hot massage but also wonderful cuddling and caressing. Excellent English and just total fun to be with. I really wanna see her again ... and again ! Lot of kisses Sofia.
Very pleasing to taste and smell... Nastya is a beautiful, elegant and sophisticated high class escort with true charm and class. Her patient and persistent love-making will bring you to a level of ecstasy above and then beyond your wildest dreams into a realm of pure bliss you have never experienced before. She will transport you higher and higher and then even higher to a place that you never knew existed,and beyond what you can possibly imagine. Thank you
I recently visited this wonderful woman. Less i can say that i was amazed! Clean, neat and passionate. I choose her for her curves and i was absolutely right! Her boobs are cosmic! What about sex, it just left me speechless. She’s a lioness in bed. She made me cum non stop. I will definitely visit her again and will strongly recommend her to others
Very elegant and nice dressed , pretty and smelled wonderful. She got undressed and went for a shower. So hot! After that I saw her and her wet amazing tight body coming to me. Sex was amazing! I felt like a different man with very active and erotic girl indeed! We had a smalltalk for a couple minutes. Definitely I would like to see her again..wink
Δεν θα πω πολλά... ΜΟΥΝΑΡΟΣ! Σούπερ καύλα η Μίσα.. όμορφη με σούπερ κωλάρα και φυσική σε όλα της! Είναι έμπειρη και κάνει καταπληκτικά την δουλειά της. Ακόμα δεν πιστεύω πόσο καλό σεξ έκανα μαζί της, είχαμε χημεία, μου πήρε όλη την ένταση αμέσως και με χαλάρωσε. Τσιμπούκι καλό και στησίματα που τα βλέπεις και χύνεις.. Ευχαριστώ μωρό μου, ήσουν φοβερή, να είσαι καλά!
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